Sunday With the Soldiers

Our dear friend, J.P.C., sends us the following incident: ― “On May 9th I came in contact with a number of young soldiers who were shortly being sent to the Front, when I declared I had something good to give away. They flocked around me, and eagerly took the Gospels, etc., as I offered them. One of them ran away a few yards and began to jump and shout, ‘Yes, Jesus loves me.’ Thinking he was mocking, I sought him out of the company, and asked him, ‘Were you joking, or did you mean it?’
He showed me the words on the tract I had given him and said, ‘When I saw the words, “God loves you,” I at once thought of my Sunday School and the hymn with the refrain, “Yes, Jesus loves me,” and I was delighted and jumped about for joy.’
“I then addressed a few words to them all, and intreated them to accept Jesus as their Saviour. I told them that then they would be safe on the Rock of Ages, and although we may not meet again on earth, we shall in heaven. These words were received with a hearty approval.
“If any reader of this true incident is engaged in Sunday School work, take courage and go on strenuously teaching the children that God loves them, and is no better pleased than when that love finds a response in their hearts.”