Sunshine and Shade

 •  5 min. read  •  grade level: 8
THE recent solar eclipse was caused by the moon coming between us and the sun in such a way that its shadow fell on this part of the earth. It nearly succeeded in cutting off our supply of light and heat for the time being.
When it is remembered that the suns diameter is more than 400 times that of the moon it seems at first sight very strange that so small a body should be alibi to produces, so profound an effect.
This is due to the moon’s comparative nearness: were it still nearer, the darkness would have been more intense, and its duration would have been longer; were it much further away the effects would have been far less.
This is so true that a very small object such as a tree, or a wall, is sufficient to cut off the light from the one who allows it to come in between him and the sun.
Happily these obstacles do not affect any but those who allow them to do so.
All who do not exclude themselves from the sun's presence and power benefit by it.
Such May rejoice that the folly of others does not prevent their enjoyment of the bounteous provision of God.
Now, just as the sun in the heavens sheds forth with unstinted beneficence its cheering warmth and pleasing light, so Jesus the Son of God freely and gladly offers His light and love, salvation and eternal happiness without partiality or favor to all.
The light of the glory of God, and the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ shone out for the first time amidst the darkness of the world, when Jesus was born outside the city that should have rejoiced in His coming.
Again, amidst all the hatred and rejection to which He was subjected in His course of goodness here, the light of heaven shone forth.
But most of all, when in perfect obedience to His Father's will, He stooped to the shameful death of the cross, the refulgence of divine love burst forth. Nothing could exclude this light from a world of darkness! Its beneficent rays shine forth for all!
None are too abandoned to be outside its bounds, none too forsaken to be beyond its embrace.
This being so, how is it that there are those who do not partake of this unparalleled good?
It must be that this great outshining is shut off from their eyes by something they allow to intercept the light.
If this be so with you, dear reader, may the Lord in His unfathomable mercy open your eyes to see it.
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Mrs. A. was a fond mother and an excellent wife. She fulfilled all her duties in a most exemplary manner. All who knew her regarded her as a model housewife.
On one occasion when asked to go to a gospel meeting to hear the sweet story of the Savior's love, she replied, "I never go to such places, I worship God in my kitchen by bringing up my family, and attending to my husband. I am as good, nay, a great deal better than many a church or chapel go-er.”
What a paltry excuse she put her kitchen wall between her and the light of the love of God—the welfare of her family before that of her immortal soul.
But in your case it may be quite a different matter.
Is it a little self-gratification, a sweet morsel, the satisfaction of a proper and natural fancy, the realization of some pet ambition?
Let not such shut you out from the sunshine of the grace of Christ.
Do not imperil your soul for such trifles. Does the acquisition of money engross you? Do you find satisfaction and peace of mind in its possession? If so, remember that you cannot settle the demands of a holy God on a cash basis. Such absorbing interests may prove to be the eclipse of all your eternal happiness.
Will you not come out of their shadow into the true light of day?
Let earth with its business, pleasures and cares, lust and its allurements, nay, the home and its sacred duties, no longer hinder your reception of God's great salvation.
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There is however another aspect of the truth that you must not be allowed to forget.
Today you may willfully exclude the light; tomorrow the light itself may be withdrawn.
This sinful world is a place reserved for judgment. All its charms will fail, its bright prospects will become dim, its promises never be fulfilled. It is a snare and a cheat. If you do not leave it, you will most assuredly be dragged into the vortex of judgment to which it is doomed, and to which it is fast hastening.
When that takes place (there will be no second warning given) there will be nothing left to you but to await the moment when He, who in tender compassion became the Light of the world, will again shine forth!
But the second display will he "in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of His power" (2 Thess. 1:8, 98In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: 9Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power; (2 Thessalonians 1:8‑9)).
That will be a day of woe and sadness for all who experience that terrible outburst of divine wrath; for such, having had the opportunity to share His love, and, having declined the offer, must now know His righteous anger.
Nay! call it not a day! It is a night of darkness and judgment—a night without a ray of that light and love and grace, which for them, has shone in vain.
“But ere the trumpet shake,
The mansions of the dead
Hark! from the gospel's cheering sound,
What joyful tidings spread.”
Would that you might listen to its sweet and gracious message, and receive through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ the blessing it conveys. "Today if ye will hear His voice, harden not your Ii its" (Heb. 4:77Again, he limiteth a certain day, saying in David, To day, after so long a time; as it is said, To day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts. (Hebrews 4:7)). "Behold, now is the accepted time; Behold, now is the day of salvation" (2 Cor. 6:22(For he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succored thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.) (2 Corinthians 6:2)).