A FEW months ago I was suddenly accosted in the train by a gentleman, a perfect stranger, who asked me the following question—Who is responsible for the state of things in the world today—God, man, or the devil? A conversation ensued which lasted till we reached our destination and it subsequently called to my mind three questions to which I desire to draw your attention.
We were both agreed as to the unsatisfactory state of things in the world today. Look where you will there is unrest, dissatisfaction and discontent all round. Now there is one sentence in God's Word which partly answers my friend's question and plainly shows that God is not responsible for the state of things. "For God is not the author of confusion" (1 Cor. 14:3333For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. (1 Corinthians 14:33)). The Prince of Peace, the Lord Jesus Christ has been rejected by this world, man refused to listen or to have anything to do with Him, and the result is confusion of every kind imaginable. The devil is now utilizing all his resources to use man in stirring up strife in God's universe.
Arising out of all this chaotic condition of things we find persons wondering where to turn and saying, To whom can we look' or in the words of John 6:6868Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life. (John 6:68):—
Is it of any use turning to this or that man whom we think is the ideal? I know numbers of individuals who have been disappointed in the very one they trusted. Even in things temporal we have all been disappointed in one way or another by those whom we considered as friends. How then can we rely on men so far as spiritual things are concerned?
My dear reader, the Lord Jesus Christ, God's beloved Son, is the only One to whom you can go for eternal blessing. I cannot do anything for you as regards securing your eternal welfare. I can but point you to Him whom to know is life eternal. In short, the God whom you have sinned against is the One to whom you must go, and the only One. This brings me to my second question,
You and I may well ask this question, 'How can I go'? Seeing that we everyone have sinned against God, if we get into His presence will He not condemn us righteously? Yes, if it were not for one thing— the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ—God must of necessity do so. Jesus has borne all the judgment due to our sins on the cross of Calvary, dying that you might go free. If you approach God in any other manner than through the work of Christ, you must bear the judgment due to you on account of your sins. You may be a very exemplary person but nothing apart from the precious blood of Christ will avail you for eternity.
And now I come to my third question, one which Satan is putting, in one form or another, to many, yea, very many, at the present time, especially if they have been so far aroused as to see their need of being saved and made fit for the presence of God.
Satan says, why should you settle just now a matter that only concerns eternity—why today My friend, you know in matters of this life that there is no time like the present, and surely this must even more apply to matters of the highest and eternal importance?
If you read the incident as recorded in 2 Kings 4 you will find that the poor woman who had lost her son was not to be put off with her husband's excuses, and said in effect that she must attend to the matter at once, then and there. Yet you, my friend, are constantly postponing this question of your eternal salvation.
Two excuses so often put forward are—(1) that we may as well wait till we feel more fit for heaven, or a change for the better has come over us, instead of taking God just at His word, remembering that Christ said, "Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out." (John 6:3737All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out. (John 6:37)); (2) that Sunday is the day to think of matters concerning the soul and the future and not week days, but alas I Sunday conies and the question is shelved till another Sunday, and so the time creeps on. How many have lost their soul because they trifled with it once too often? God says,
Possibly, you have often read in the Gospel Messenger' the story of God's love in far more touching and appealing notes than mine, and yet you dismiss the matter from your mind as one in which you are not at the moment interested, although it may be a suitable matter for reflection on your dying bed? How do you know that you will have one? Today is your opportunity—take it. Let not this another appeal go by unheeded, but come now.
Then you will be able to sing joyfully:—
“Through Christ's name I am forgiven—
Oh! how He loves.
Backward shall my foes be driven—
Oh! how He loves.
Best of blessings He'll provide me,
Naught but good shall e'er betide me,
Safe to glory He will guide me,
Oh! how He loves.”