There are various suppers mentioned in Scripture. Usually it was the main meal of the day and was eaten when labors were ended and they were about ready to rest. However, there are other suppers that are referred to, some good and some not so good.
1. What is eaten at the supper of the great God? Revelation 19:___
2. In Luke 14 a man made a great supper and invited many. Who responded to the invitation? Luke 14:___
3. After having eaten the supper of the Passover, what new thing did the Lord introduce as a memorial of His shed blood? Luke 22:___
4. What did Martha, Lazarus and Mary do that showed their affection for the Lord Jesus? John 12:___
5. When the Corinthians came together into one place to eat their supper, were they doing it in an orderly way? 1 Corinthians 11:___