Two friends were talking on religious topics. They discussed the question of punishment for sin in a future life.
They settled to their own satisfaction that there was none.
They decided that hell was a myth.
They argued that God was a God of love, and could not consign His creatures to eternal punishment.
The conversation dropped. A Christian who had been a silent listener to the discussion said, "Suppose it's true after all?"
The words seemed to cut the air and fall on the ears of the other two with crushing force. The power of God seemed behind them, as it ever is behind the truth. Solemn silence reigned for many minutes. God had spoken.
Suppose it's true after all that God must punish sin? How would you stand before Him? What could you say to Him? How would you fare before the Judge?
Suppose it's true after all that hell is a reality. A skeptic sneeringly asked, "Where is Hell?" The ready and true answer came: "At the end of a Christ-rejecting life!" Let me ask you, what lies at the end of the path you are now treading?
Suppose it's true after all that the Lord Jesus is the only Savior, and His death the only means by which you can be fitted for God's presence. What if you neglect Him? "There is none other name under heaven... whereby we MUST be saved." Acts 4:1212Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. (Acts 4:12).
Suppose it's true after all that the much-despised blood of Jesus is the only thing that can cleanse you from your sins. Has it cleansed you, or are you still in your sins, going on at a frightful pace to a lost eternity? "Ye shall die in your sins: for if ye believe not that I am He, ye shall die in your sins." John 8:2424I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins. (John 8:24).
Ah, suppose it's true after all. If it were all untrue, the believer has the best of it in this world, and is no worse off in the next. But if it is true after all, how terrible will be your doom if you die in your sins!
Suppose It Is True After All!
-And it is!-
It Stood the Test
There used to be a battered old safe standing in the window of a store on Broadway, in New York City, which bore the sign: "It stood the test—the contents were all saved."
It had been in one of the hottest fires New York ever saw, but the old safe had carried its treasure safely through it all.
Is there someone who has just tasted in some little measure the Savior's love, and fears that "it will not last"?
Oh, look back at Calvary's cross! It stood the test. That love which stood the hottest fire of judgment, that love which many waters could not quench, that love will never fail.
It was tested, tried and true!