That Day

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 11
WHO can with tongue or pen portray
The horrors of that dreadful day
When Christ our Saviour died;
When He, the holy Son of God
Was stricken by the Almighty's rod
For sins, but not His own.
Forsaken by His God, that we
From sin's dread sentence might be free,
And fully brought to God.
That awful cup for us He drained,
And sin's just judgment there sustained,
To set His people free.
Upon that cross He bowed His head,
For us was numbered with the dead—
Low in the grave He lay.
But from that silent tomb He rose,
The Conqueror of all our foes—
The mighty One to save.
He's now on high, His work complete,
At God's right hand He took His seat,
High on the Father's throne.
And from that place He'll come again,
To call His church with Him to reign,
O'er all the earth ere long.
Redeemed creation then will see
The One who died upon the tree,
And own Him Lord of all.
In songs of everlasting praise,
Will heaven and earth their voices raise,
And make His glories known.
Then, while we wait to hear Him say,
"Arise My love, and come away,"—
Let us recall that hour,
When on the cruel cross He died,
And for our sins was crucified—
Blest Substitute from God.