God never separates justification from faith; we cannot have justification without having our souls brought into living connection with God by the exercise of individual faith. The first result of this faith will be peace with God; second, we have access into the grace, that present divine favor wherein we stand; and third, rejoice in hope of the glory of God.
All the past connected with the old man, all our sins and offenses put away, a new place being given before God, instead of the judgment we deserved, and there is perfect peace. Second, present personal introduction into the full favor of God; but we have not got all yet in possession, therefore we rejoice in hope. Christ has borne all that deserved judgment and entirely left our sins behind as regards the believer, who can never come into judgment before God for them, although of course there will be the Father's chastening for sin, but it is impossible that judgment can be the portion of those whose sins Christ has wholly borne away, entering, and placing them in virtue of it, in a new place of righteousness before God. The judgment of my sins has all been settled between the All-seeing God and His spotless Son; therefore we have not merely a hope but settled peace.