A woman visiting a military hospital one afternoon came to a bed where a soldier seemed to be asleep. Not wanting to wake him, she selected at random a bunch of violets with a text attached:
Passing on from bed to bed, she was startled by hearing a voice cry out loudly, “I will, Lord! I will!”
Hurrying back to the bed of the supposed sleeper, she found him fully awake and absorbed with the words written on the slip of paper. Holding out the bunch of violets, he said, “‘Myson,’ that is my name!”
On looking at the paper she discovered that she had accidentally joined the word “my” with “son,” and in the wonderful providence of God it had been given to a man whose surname was MYSON. He regarded it as a direct call from God to him: “MY SON, give Me thine heart,” and he responded to it then and there.
Was this chance, think you? The likelihood of such a thing happening, calculated mathematically, according to the laws of probability, is so infinitely small that one accepts it without hesitation as the direct intervention of God. How true are the words:
“God moves in a mysterious way, His wonders to perform!”