In a rough Australian village where only natives now dwell a chalked writing may be seen upon the door of one of the huts. It is in English and the words are:
An inquirer asked who the actual writer had been. No one could tell, but it was learned from those gathered around that the house had once been the dwelling of a Christian missionary. When he was leaving this area, he had chalked this parting exhortation on the door of his home: "Get Right With God.”
It may be that you draw nigh to God with your mouth, that you confess to be His, but your heart is far from Him.
Oh, get right with Him. "Acquaint now thyself with Him, and be at peace: and thereby good shall come unto thee."
Job 22:2121Acquaint now thyself with him, and be at peace: thereby good shall come unto thee. (Job 22:21).
The way is open. Christ is the way. He has died. His precious blood can cleanse you from all sin. GET RIGHT WITH GOD.