It was striking to observe the alteration in faithful old Collins, on the change of masters where he worked. His former master was remarkably mean in the management of his estate, and the old servant had grown gloomy and down-hearted under the influence of his master's ways. He felt the discredit of them as if they were his own.
Old Collins worked for him in the thankless spirit of drudgery, ashamed of himself and of his master as well.
In course of time the estate was bought by another, a master who proved to be a complete contrast to the former proprietor. Immediately there was a change in old Collins. His face brightened; his movements became so light and blithesome that people said, "Old Collins has grown young again.” Never did he tire of praising his new master.
Every day he had some good or great thing to mention concerning him, and he took special delight in getting employment for all trusty hands of the village on his master's premises. Old Collins, in short, was a new man, for as one field after another was purchased, and one project after another was set on foot, the old man basked in the reflected glory of the wealth, and generosity, and new possessions of his good master.
As I watched this poor man's happiness, I thought of the change of masters every converted soul has known. Dear Christian reader, you and I could not have served under 'a worse master, nor in a more degrading service, than we did as servants of sin in our unconverted days. But who can compare with our new Lord and Savior, who has bought the estate, and 'us with it, to be His happy bond-slaves for evermore? The meanest of drudges before, how are we exalted in belonging to the Lord Christ! His glory and goodness fill the highest heaven, and His dominion will soon be manifested over all things in heaven and on earth.