The Church

Address—G. Hayhoe
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I'm now found of every blessing in my heart to sing Thy grace streams of mercy, never ceasing all for ceaseless songs of praise #5 in the attendance.
Maybe I'm dangerous and therefore.
Hills precious a while.
They never say ever there.
Where thy spare?
Cry my mind.
I would pray together.
I'd like to turn to some scriptures this evening in connection with the truth of the Church, and the first mention of it in the Bible is in Matthew chapter 16, so perhaps we could start there.
Matthew Chapter 16.
When Jesus came into the coast of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying.
Whom do men say that I, the son of man, AM? And they said, some say.
That thou art John the Baptist, some Elias, and others Jeremias, are one of the prophets, he saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am? And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona, for flesh and blood hath not revealed unto thee but my Father, which is in heaven. And I say also unto thee, that thou art Peter.
And upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it, and will give unto thee the keys of the Kingdom of heaven. And whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
Well, the Gospel of Matthew has often been spoken of as dispensation on, and that means before us the fact that God has dealt with man through the period since man has been placed on the earth in different ways. That is, he was placed in innocence in the garden, then he was placed under government, he was placed under law, and God was testing man in different ways.
The first was to show that there was nothing good in man. In the flesh, tells us in Isaiah what more could have been done in my vineyard that I have not done in it. Wherefore when I looked that it should bring forth grapes, brought it forth wild grapes. That is, God gave to man everything that was possible for his good and blessing made the earth all beautiful, and it's time for him to enjoy it, says When he created this world, he was rejoicing in the habitable parts of his earth, and his delights were with the sons of men. But we find that no matter how man was tested.
We see that he always departed, turned away from God, and at last when the Lord Jesus came into the world.
He presented himself to the nation of Israel as their Messiah. That's what we get specially in the Gospel of Matthew.
And when they rejected him, for we find him rejected.
And they couldn't deny his wonderful works that he was doing.
They attributed them to the power of Satan.
And that's why when we come to the 13th chapter of Matthew the Lord.
Goes outside the house and it tells us that he stood, sat by the seaside, and he told a similitudes of the Kingdom of heaven. Now the Kingdom of heaven is not heaven. The Kingdom of heaven is the part of this world where the rule of the heavens is owned. When it is a general expression, it's Christendom. It's a part of the world where the rule of the heavens is owned. And so the Lord told what would happen through the history of this time.
That's why I say it's transitional. That is, there was a change now, and the Lord was rejected. He told us there was going to be something new, something different. But when he comes to this chapter, we see he announces something that never had been before. Now. That is the formation of the church and the church now, that is before God dealt with Israel as a nation. God has made promises to Israel as a nation.
And all this stir we see in the Middle East is only because God is going to yet fulfill the promises he made to the nation of Israel. He promised them that land of Canaan, what's known as Israel, and a lot more than is now Israel, and he's going to bring them into blessing. Jerusalem is going to be the center of blessing in the millennial earth.
But in the mean time, Israel are set aside, as the prophet tells us he has called them, not my people. They rejected their Messiah, they rejected their delivery. And now there is what we might call a parenthesis in the ways of God and Israel being set aside. The Lord now in this chapter is announcing something that he was going to do not I am building, but I will build my church.
Now that is what there was going to be something new and God shows us in His word what the church is. And I just read these verses so we would see that the Lord Jesus when he was here announced this and then he said.
Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And that is, it was on the rock of Peter's confession.
And that is, the Church is built upon the foundation of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I won't turn to all the scriptures, but in One Corinthians 3 it says.
Other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.
And then we find in Peter's epistle that he speaks of ye also, as living stones are built up a spiritual house. In the Old Testament there was a physical temple, a place where the Lord put his name. But in Christianity, it says, believers are builded together for inhabitation of God through the Spirit, a holy temple unto the Lord. And so we see that this building.
Was not a building to be made like the temple was of stones cut out of the quarries and put in the particular place in that temple. But the church was going to be a spiritual building. Perhaps we could turn the first Peter, and we see this because the Lord said this to Peter, First Peter Chapter 2.
There's 4 tomb coming as unto a living stone disallowed indeed of man but chosen of God and precious he also as living stones are built up a spiritual house and holy priesthood to OfferUp spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God by Jesus Christ. So we can see it's a it's a spiritual house and as I mentioned in Ephesians it says.
We're building together for inhabitation of God through the Spirit. So every believer in this room is a living stone in this building, which the Lord says I will build my church. The church is looked at in two different ways in the Bible, looked at as a spiritual building and every believer a living stone, and it's looked at also as the body of Christ. I say this because.
With many people in their minds, because of common usage in the world, as they think of the church as a physical building, they say, oh, that building is a church. Well, it's never looked at in that way. And even I might say that in the epistle that speaks of the church that is in my house, we've never looked at in the Bible. The church is not, it's not a physical building of real stones. It is a spiritual building. And every believer is a living stone.
And then when it's looked at, you might say a church organization, when it's looked at that way, the head of the body is a church. And so the church when it's looked at in that way, it speaks of it as a spiritual body. That is Christ is the head. There's an Ephesians chapter one that God has made the Lord Jesus to be head over all things to the church, which is his body.
The fullness of him, that filleth All in all. So if it's looked at as a building, not a physical building built with stones, with real stones, but living stones, if it's looked at as something that exists here in this world, it's not an organization. If I could put it this way, it's an Organism. My body isn't an organization, it's an Organism. And if it's properly going on in health.
It's directed by the head. The head directs. When I move my hands with my head, that directs. And that's the way God has given us in tight the church as it is here upon earth, a spiritual building composed of living stones. And and then also when it's looked at as the body of Christ, it's to follow the directions of the head. For Christ is head over all things to the church, which is his body.
Mother verse says, and he is the head of the body, the church. Isn't it true that people sometimes say to you, well, who's the head of your church? Well ahead of the church because there's only one true church in Christianity and it's composed of all believers. So the Lord makes the announcement of this and says that there's going to be authority there to maintain that which is for God's glory. It says, you know, that the church is the pillar.
And grounds of the truth, that is to be what the Scripture calls the Church.
It is to stand for the whole truth of God, looked on as that which upholds and stands for the whole truth of God. That's the responsibility of the Church here in this world. Now if we turn over to the 18th chapter.
Away from the 18th verse, verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind, the nurse shall be bound in heaven.
And whatsoever ye shall loose on earth, shall be loosed in heaven. Again I say unto you, that.
If two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father, which is in heaven. Or were two or three are gathered together in thy name, there am I in the midst of them.
If he were to go back to the Old Testament that you would find that when God did establish a center in Israel and that center was at Jerusalem, then God said that matters that were decided at that place in Jerusalem, they were to accept with His authority because His name was there. And so He shows that when Israel are set aside and when Jerusalem as an earthly center is about to be set aside.
That God is establishing something new, but I think it's very beautiful to see that he establishes his presence there, authority there, answered prayer there, and that they maintained the whole truth of God, so that there to the sacrifices were offered. And to as we gather, we have the privilege of remembering the Lord Jesus and his death, so as it were the Lord was.
Saying these things belong to Israel.
Now Israel is about to be set aside. God is establishing something new.
And those blessings which were given to Israel in connection with their center.
Are established now on a new basis because everything is founded upon the work of the Lord Jesus. It isn't something that man could do, Man could construct a building, but it's all going to stand upon the authority of the Lord Jesus and all through what he has done. That's why I said in the 16th of Matthew, the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And so here we see them that this new center which God was establishing was no longer to be a city but a person.
A person so we read in Hebrews. Let us go forth therefore unto him.
Without the Count during His reproach. And so when they went up to Jerusalem, as I say, there was a physical city. Where God had placed His name. There was.
That temple which was built according to directions from God. Sacrifices were offered according to what God had appointed. There was authority there because the Lord's name was there, But now he's about to set this aside, and he establishes that a person is the center where two or three are gathered together in my name.
Midst of them, I think it's very beautiful that he brings in prayer. We've been reading this first thing in our brother's home. We've been reading how when Solomon built the temple that Solomon made the request that prayer that was made in or toward that place, that God would have a special regard toward that. And now in the New Testament, the Lord mentioned that he said my house shall be called.
Of all nations a House of prayer, and now isn't very blessed that when he establishes.
Christianity, we find that he mentions this fact for two of you shall agree on earth is touching that anything that they shall ask you may pray in your closet and that's very important, has a very blessed place in scripture. But there's a special blessing connected with assembly, prayer we'll notice later, but I just mentioned it here that in the second of Acts it says they continued steadfastly in the apostles doctrine and fellowship.
And breaking of bread and in prayer.
So the Lord then had established the fact that there was going to be something new that hadn't existed before.
And that is the church. And it was going to be spiritual, a spiritual building, and he was the living stone on which it was to be built. And then he shows that it was not an earthly center. You read in Hebrews chapter 13. Here Have we no continuing city? A great system might be building, they say. Well, the center of our system is in such and such a city. Not in Christianity. Not in Christianity. It's a person.
To whom we gather It's good, brethren, to have our thoughts formed not according to the ideas that we constantly hear that men have, but on the word of God, because the Word of God lives and abides forever.
Now the Lord told the disciples to carry in Jerusalem until they were induced if you turn to the first chapter of Acts.
And the.
Fourth verse and being assembled together with them. This is the Lord Jesus after his resurrection.
Talking to the disciples.
Commanded them that they should not depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the Father.
Which saith he he have heard of me?
In that eighth verse but she shall receive power. After that the Holy Ghost has come upon you, and you shall be witnesses unto me, both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.
But then the second chapter. And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as a fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance. And there were dwelling at Jerusalem, Jews, devout men out of every nation under heaven.
Now when this was noised abroad, the multitude came together and were confounded, because that every man heard them speak in his own language and in the end of this same chapter, the 41St verse.
Then they that gladly received His Word were baptized, and the same day they were added unto them about 3000 souls.
And they continued steadfastly in the apostles doctrine, and in fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers.
The last verse praising God and having favor with all the people and the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.
Well, the Lord told them to tarry in Jerusalem until they were endued with power from on high, until the Spirit of God came, because he had said, I will build my church. But it hadn't yet been begun. It could not be begun until the work of Christ was completed. And so the Lord Jesus, because it says, Christ loved the church and gave himself for it, and so.
On the cross the Lord Jesus died, bore our sins in his own body on the tree.
And it's through that work that he accomplished that the church could be formed, and so they were told to wait in Jerusalem. I might also say that if we can see how clearly the first day of the week is the Christians day, because the Lord Jesus rose from the dead on the first day of the week, he's the beginning of new creation. And then we find that he appeared to his own the first day of the week.
First day of the week he appeared again. The day of Pentecost was on the first day of the week. Read about it in the 23rd of Leviticus. You'll see that they were told they were to keep that feast of Pentecost. It says tomorrow after the 7th Sabbath, that is after the Lord Jesus had been crucified, they were to count 7 Sabbaths complete. And tomorrow after the 7th Sabbath. I think we all know the Sabbath is Saturday.
And the Lord Jesus rose on the first day of the week. The day of Pentecost, if I can call it the church's birthday, was on the first day of the week. And it tells us in the 20th of Acts they came together to break bread on the first day of the week. They were delayed by their collection on the first day of the week. And the Spirit of God calls it the Lord's Day in Revelation. So it's good for us to see that.
First day of the week is the.
Day. And so here we find that they were all it says they were.
With one accord in one place, I like an illustration another brother has used, he said, Supposing I had 120 beads on this table and you count them and says yes, there's 120. And I took a string and I put that through those 120 beads and I held it up and I said to you, what have I got now?
Always say a necklace, a necklace. There were 120 separate beads. But when they were all joined together, it became a necklace. And that's what the Spirit of God tells us in First Corinthians 12. It says previous to the day of Pentecost, it says he shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence. And then it tells us in First Corinthians 12, by 1 Spirit, we are all baptized into one.
The formation of the Church of God was 120 individuals indwelled by the Spirit of God, baptized by 1 Spirit into one body. And so those were individuals in one sense, but they now form part of what the Lord had promised the Church of God on earth. The baptism of the Spirit of God, I might say, is never in the scripture looked at in an individual sense. It's always spoken of in a collective sense.
We're indwelled by the Spirit as individuals, but the baptism of the Holy Spirit in Scripture is.
The formation of the body of Christ here upon earth. Then in the end of this chapter it tells us that they continued steadfastly in the apostles doctrine and fellowship, and that is they now, or shall I say a company on earth forming the Church of God, which had never been on earth before as such. And it says in the end of the chapter the Lord added to the Church daily, such as should be saved.
Don't we often hear the expression well at a certain time that person joined the church?
How do people say, well, join or go to the Church of your choice? You never find anything like that in the scriptures rather than.
The Lord Jesus said he had not chosen me, but I have chosen you. Did those people choose to become part of a certain church in the day of Pentecost? No. The Spirit of God came down, and by the indwelling of the Spirit of God was formed on earth what hadn't existed before the Church of God on earth. And they were all members of that one body baptized by 1 spirit into one body, if I wanted to make that larger.
Necklace. I could open up and add five more beads and then I have still one necklace, but I've added something to it. I've added five more beads, but I haven't changed the fact that there's one necklace and that's why it tells us at the end of this chapter the Lord not man. I didn't join the church, but the Lord added me to his church. He added me to his church by the indwelling of the Spirit of God by 1 Spirit.
We're all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be blonde or free. And if it all made so, it previous to this time.
There was one nation that was particularly blessed of God. That was the nation of Israel.
And if the Gentile wish to get the blessing of God, he had to become part of that Jewish nation as a translate. He had to accept circumcision, and he had to be united to and associated with that nation. A proselyte was a Gentile who had given up his Gentile position and had accepted that God had one nation on earth that were his people, and he became a Jew as a proselyte.
But now we find here in the day of Pentecost.
That as we have in Ephesians, the middle wall is broken down. God is about to begin something that was not just going to be composed of one nation. And that's why he gave the gift of tongues. And as I deeply, very important in Saul is a difficulty that many people have about the gift of tongues, because.
When the Lord sent out the disciples to preach, he said, go not into the way of the Gentiles.
Neither And then do any cities of the Gentiles under ye not that go ye rather to the lost sheep of the House of Israel. He didn't need to have tongues, They were sent to the nation of Israel. But after the Lord rose from the dead, he said that repentance and remission of sin should be preached in all nations. He said, go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature. What more effective way could he show what he was doing and when?
The Church of God was formed on earth which was to be composed of Jews and Gentiles.
Being baptized by 1 Spirit into one body to breakdown, that shall I say that hindrance, the fact that they all spoke different languages. And so he gave this as a sign as to what he was doing. He was going to bring Jew and Gentile the Lord Jesus said, other sheep I have which are not of this, fold them also I must bring, and there shall be one full one flight and one shepherd.
And this was what was taking place. Tongues were never given as a sign to an individual that he had the Holy Spirit. It's often taken up that way. But they were always giving us a sign to others. They were giving us a sign to others that God was doing something. So in the House of Cornelius, when the John Cowles were brought in, we see tongues again mentioned there because God wanted to show that this wasn't a Jewish church.
It was going to be composed and is composed of believers from every nation. I preach the gospel out in Japan. I preach the gospel in China and save becomes part of the Church of God. Now God didn't give any promise that the sign of tongues would continue, but he introduced it into this on the day of Pentecost and showed this. And it's only mentioned a few times in the Bible to show what God was doing.
He was now beginning something, as I say. And another thing I want to notice is there's two things in this second of Acts. It says that the Spirit came and sat upon each of them, but it says he also filled the house where they were sitting.
And so the Spirit of God indwells your body as a believer and says after that she believed you were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the dirt purchased possession. As an individual you're sealed of the Holy Spirit of promise, and each one the Spirit of God sat upon them. The reason it says cloven tongues as a fire is to show that.
When the Spirit of God came upon the Lord Jesus, he came in the form of a dodge. But when he came upon the Mother Day of Pentecost, he didn't come in the form of death. He came in cloven tongues as a fire. Why was that? Well, the fire speaks of judgment. As we know. When the Spirit came upon the Lord Jesus at his baptism, there was nothing but perfection. He could rest upon that blessed, perfect Holy Son of God.
And it was the emblem of peace. He came upon him like a dog. But when I received the spirit of God, now I have within me something that requires self judgment.
The flesh lusteth against the Spirit and the spirit against the flesh, and these are country, the one to the other. So when the Spirit of God came to indwell my body, there's the old nature there, and the old nature calls one way the Spirit of God helps me to overcome, but I don't yield to that old nature. It isn't blessed How perfect the word of God is came upon the believers as a cloth in tongues, as a fire.
And I might mention, if you were to go back to the 23rd chapter of Leviticus, you would find there that it tells us in connection with the day of Pentecost, that they were to bring out of their habitation to wave loaves. Bacon with lamb, bacon with lemon, you say? I thought leaven was a type of sin. Yes, I'm in the Church of God, my wondrous grace, but I still have that old nature. Why does it say vacant?
Because we're not to let it act. You know all that baking stops the action of the East in your bread and leaven is just yeast and salt, and the Spirit of God comes in. We're to reckon ourselves dead indeed unto sin, but alive, and to God. How beautiful the Spirit of God brings before us all these wonderful pictures to show us, because it tells us in Ephesians he's abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence, having made known unto us the mystery of his will.
I know how. Who is it? It is for us to see that God reveals to us what he is doing? I know the expressions that are used. We need to test them by the word of God. Did anybody here join the church? Not a person, the Lord added to the church daily. Sometimes when I meet another Christian, he might say to you, well, what church do you belong to? Well, I can say to him there's only one If you're saved, you're part of it. And I'm saved and I'm part of it.
You don't join us. You're part of it now. There's, as we'll see, there's a way of giving expression to this truth, but that isn't how you become part of it. The Lord added to the Church daily. Such as should be saved. Let us be clear, then, that when we're saved, never tell anybody to join the Church, because the Lord has already added him to the Church. But he ought to seek out a fellowship of those who are walking according to truth, just the same as here. On the day of Pentecost, they were all with one accord in one place.
That is God desire that those who were there would recognize that there was a oneness being formed. And so then we find that this company had been formed. At this time they were only Jews and Jewish proselytes. I won't go into it, but if you were to turn to the 10th chapter of Acts, you would find that a company of gentiles were brought in. Because when?
Church of God began by they were all Jews and Jewish proselytes. But it was the mind of God that Gentiles should be brought into so that there's a company, not an individual but a company of Gentiles. And Peter said the Holy Spirit came on them as on us at the beginning. And so the Gentiles were added to the church, fulfilling what the Lord Jesus said.
When he said other sheep I have which are not of this whole, then also I must bring and there shall be two flops 1 Flock 1 Shepherd. So we find in Ephesians that it says I don't return to it in Ephesians 1.
The 22nd verse.
And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be head over all things to the church, which is his body, the fullness of him that filleth All in all. Then in the second second chapter.
And the 14 verse. For he is our peace, who hath made both one and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us, having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances for the making of himself, in himself of twain. 1 Newman soul making peace, and that he might reconcile both.
Under God, in one body, by the cross, having slain the empathy thereby.
The 21St verse in whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord.
In whom ye also are builded together for inhabitation of God through the spirit? Well how healthy this is then And it says I say again that verse says they continued steadfastly, and the apostles doctrine and fellowship. And in breaking of bread and in prayers says the apostles doctrine and fellowship. Notice it doesn't put fellowship first, it says the apostles doctrine and fellowship.
True fellowship is founded on maintaining the apostles doctrine because God has given us His truth and the church is never spoken of as a teacher. The church is the pillar and ground of the truth. The church is taught, the church is committed a certain deposit to keep. But it never says in the Bible that the church teaches because the word of God is what establishes the truth and true fellowship. Again I say.
Because the word fellowship means common thoughts. How could I have common thoughts with a Christian who thought he could be saved and lost? Because the Word of God teaches that every believer in the Lord Jesus Christ is eternal, secure, and I couldn't have common thoughts with him because he's setting aside the worth of praise. He's saying that the work of Christ was not enough. I have to do my part to keep saved. So the Church has founded upon the truth.
And you can't have true fellowship if you don't stand for the apostles doctrine. People say oh that's brethren truth. There's no six thing in the Bible. It's the truth of God and that's the truth of God. If we stand for it, praise the Lord for that that we do stand for it, but it's not our truth, it's God's truth. It's God's truth. And that's the true ground of fellowship. And so before it mentions.
The breaking of bread. It mentions the apostles doctrine and fellowship. And then breaking of bread because we're going to see how the breaking of bread is the expression of that oneness. And so the apostles doctrine and fellowship and then breaking the bread and then prayers. Because if we have learned these precious things from the word of God, then we need to be very dependent. We need the daily sail Lamb of God still keep us.
To my peers of science Because if just because we have learned some truth doesn't mean that we can't let it slip away. We need to ask the Lord to keep us. And the prayer meeting is the turning to the Lord for requests, certainly. But prayer is the expression of of dependence and confidence. Dependence upon the Lord and confidence that He is able to come in and help us.
Now let's turn over to 1St Corinthians 10. And there we'll see something that.
God had established First Corinthians 10, and that's what scripture calls the Lords table.
Beginning of the 15th verse.
I speak as to wise men. Judge ye what I say. The couple blessing which we bless, Is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Christ? For we, being many, are one bread and one body. For we are all partakers of that one bread. Yield Israel after the flesh, aren't they would cheat of the sacrifice as partakers of the altar?
But say I then that the idol is anything.
Hear that which is offered in sacrifice to idols, is anything what I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice the devils, and not to God. And I would not that she should have fellowship with devils. He cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of devils. He cannot be partaker of the Lord's table and of the table of devils.
Now there were three things that existed, for no division had come in the Church of God at this time.
There were three things that existed in Corinth. There was the Jewish worship, there was the heathen worship, and there was the Lord's Table. There was the Lord's Table. The enemy hadn't yet succeeded in bringing in division, but what He's establishing here is what the Lord's Table is, and I think that's important for us to realize, and that the act of partaking is the expression of fellowship. I think that's good for us to bear in mind.
The act of partaking is the expression of fellowship. As I said before, I couldn't have fellowship. They continued steadfastly in the apostles, doctrine and fellowship and in breaking the bread. So you want to find those who are meeting according to God's word, who are upholding the truth of God. For the truth of God is the pillar and ground of the truth. If I went into the Jewish worship and I protected the sacrifices, I'm having fellowship.
What God has set aside, He says there's no more sacrifice for sin. There's no more. God isn't accepting any sacrifices. They were offering no sacrifices still, And Paul wrote to them and Hebrews to tell them, well, there's one sacrifice and they don't go back to the old. If I were to go and have part in Jewish worship, I would be having fellowship with that which fails to acknowledge that the one sacrifice of Christ was enough and if a heathen.
Saved. And he said, well, my master wants me to go into that idols temple. He said, when do you mean it or not? You're having fellowship with an idol if you go in there and partake. And so he's establishing this truth and it's very important brethren, there is the fact that we're taking is the expression of fellowship, and this is what he is showing here. And if you have discovered from the word of God what the Lord's table really is, then wouldn't you like to have fellowship with that which expresses this blessed and wondrous truth that there is?
One body.
And I want you to know this too. In this chapter the loaf on the table is given to us not as a symbol of the physical body of Christ, but it says we being many are one bread, one body. We being many are one bread, one body. And in the next chapter you'll see that the Lopez another significance because it has two thoughts. It's a picture of the one body of Christ. That's why when we come together.
We just place one loaf on the table. Doesn't matter whether it's 500 people, just one load, because the Lords table is the expression of this fact that by one spirit would all baptize into one body and the one Lord and I might just say it. Some people say, well why is it wrong? Well, because on the day of Pentecost it tells us they were to bring out of their habitation two wave loads. The reason it's two there is because God was showing them that you and Gentile were to be. That was when they kept the feast of Judaism and christening.
Judaism. Pardon me now. That is, God was showing them that he was going to bring Gentiles in as well as Jews. You say? Well why does it say they were to be bacon with leaven? Why say again, I think I mentioned before, because when I said at the Lord's table, I still have the old nature within me, but I am also a member of the body of Christ. How precious is the word of God?
And so at the Lord's table, we're expressing the truth of the one body. I couldn't call anything scripturally the Lord's table that didn't express the truth of the one body, the one body. Man has succeeded in making a lot of divisions and different names and so on. But the Lord's table is the expression of the one body of Christ. What a privilege to find that God in his wondrous grace has preserved a testimony.
That there should be people on earth who would still value the truth that they can meet not as part of a human organization, but as members of the body of Christ.
I couldn't spiritually. I say again, call it the Lord's table if it did not express that, because that's what the Lord's table is, and that's where we are to spiritually have fellowship.
Now there's something very interesting about this 10th chapter, and that is that the cup comes first in the 10th chapter, going to read in a few moments the allowance chapter. But the cup comes first in the 10th chapter, and the loaf is given to us as a symbol of the one body of Christ composed of believers in the 11Th chapter. The loaf is a symbol of the body of Christ given in death, and the cup which comes second in the 11Th chapter is.
The remembrance of the Lord Jesus shed blood for us.
You say, why does the cup come first? Perhaps I can put it this way, brethren.
As I think of an unworthy person like me coming to the Lord's table, the Lord's table for the Lordship of Christ is owned. I might well ask what title do I have to be there if I were invited to the.
We'll say the president's table. I would want to be sure that I got a clear invitation before I would dare to go, and I expect to sit down in the White House.
In the presence of the President, I would be willing to be very sure that I had a title to be there rather than what's our title to be at the Lords table. Anything in ourselves. No precious blood of Christ, Precious blood of Christ. Isn't that lovely that when we talk about the Lords table, or when I should say the scripture talks about it, it starts with the cup 1St and that's why we read in Hebrews chapter 10, having therefore brethren boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus.
They sang a little hymn, sometimes by a precious name is always showed.
Confiding in my word and full assurance Now we know. Confiding in my word.
So with the precious vote of Christ is what gives us a title. The holiest. We enter in perfect peace with calm to whom we found our center in Jesus I was born, so when I come there, I come there knowing that I'm perfectly fitted with holy wholeness to be there through the precious blood of Christ.
And then the second thing is the Lord. I come there not just as a forgiven Sinner, but as a member of the Body of Christ. If I went to the White House to be with the President, I wouldn't feel particularly near to him. I would feel, well, perhaps he's invited me there for a special occasion. But isn't it wonderful rather than that when we take our place at the Lord's table or in the nearest possible place?
We are there as members of his body, for it says by 1 Spirit of all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free, and have been all made to drink into one Spirit.
I believe that as Christians, we never really will enjoy our place at the Lord's table until we think and lay hold of those two things. That you have a perfect title to be there through His Precious Blood, and that we are not there merely as forgiven sinners taught in a place of nearness as members of the Body of Christ.
The first year is an illustration and I think of Rahab, the harlots, you know, and she was, she had placed her faith in the God of Israel. She had put a scarlet line in her window. And when the judgment fell on Jerry called, she was safe. She didn't come under the judgment because that scarlet line is a picture of the blood of Christ. And that's what sheltered her. But, you know, the story doesn't stop there.
If you were to read, you would find that this.
This woman, Rehab, is actually brought into the royal line and she married a man named Salomon and she is no longer looked at as one who was outside of all the promises of Israel, but actually brought into the royal line.
Now let me say like this closing after he has married her, she sits down at his table and she looks up across the table and she says to him wonderful to be a forgiving heart.
I think he would look across and say, Oh well, you're forgiven. But I don't look on you that way. I love you. You're the person of my choice rather than a wonderful that you and I can sit down at his table and he looks across the table, if I might say. And he says, how are all fair, my love? There is no spot in thee wouldn't you know, really enjoy the Lord's table until you see what is really represented there. What a wonderful place.
It's true, we are forgiven. But far more women, I said. There is a member of the body of Christ. And then when you see that, then separation is easy to understand. Would you dare to think that she'd say, I want to go back to my old friends again? Oh, she'd say I'm in the royal line. I'm loved by the man who is in the royal line. I have no interest in that. Separation isn't a formal thing Driving. It's a hard thing. It's the heart. If you won't see that, what the Lord's table is.
Why? It's not because you think you're any better than anybody else, but you rejoice. He's brought us into favor in the whole. And so separation is founded and that which brings us into the enjoyment of what the Lords table is. Perfect title through the blood. Sitting there as a member of the body of Christ, we say, I still have the old nature in the ***. The loaf was taken with leaven. The loaf is baking with leaven. Don't let the old man act, but he's still there.
We're to judge the old man, but he's still there.
Now in the 11Th chapter.
We find there's a few things brought in here someone has.
Said, and I think it's a nice thought too that there are three ***** that come in between these two chapters. First is separation, the 2nd is submission pictured in the sisters head covering, and the third one is sobriety. That is a very important for us and that is we've learned what the Lord's table is, their submission, there is separation, and then we also.
Are in submission. Just as we own the headship of Christ, so the sister owns the headship of the man is ordered of God. And then it wasn't their own supper. We don't come to the Lord's supper just as if it was our own supper, He said, You can, you can have your own supper. That's very nice. But when you come to the Lord's supper, it's to remember him and his death. There's a sobriety, there's a solemnity about it.
I haven't got time to read all, but I I think I will.
Just read from the 23rd verse, for I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you.
That the Lord Jesus, the same night in which you was betrayed, took bread. When he had given thanks, He'd break it and said, take He. This is my body which is broken for you. This do in remembrance of me. After the same manner also he took the cup when he heads up, saying, This cup is the New Testament in my blood. This Dewey is off. Does she drink it in remembrance of me? As often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, he do show the Lord's death till he comes.
Wherefore, whosoever shall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup.
And the 31St verse. For if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged. But when we are judged, we are chastened of the Lord, that we should not be condemned with the world. Her For my beloved, when you come together to eat, carry one for another. Any man hunger, let him eat at home, that she come not together unto condemnation. And the rest will I set an order when I come.
I should have read the 20th verse, because I just wanted to show here when you come together, therefore into one place. This is not to eat the Lord's Supper for an eating. Everyone taketh before other His home supper. That is. He says you might come together and have a time of fellowship and I'll eat your own supper. But he said, when you come to remember the Lord, it's the Lord's suffer. It's not our own supper. The Lord's Supper is the remembrance of the Lord.
And his death. And so the loaf here in this chapter is the symbol of the.
Physical body of Christ, that is, He bore our sins in his own body on the tree.
There the Lord Jesus was hanging on the cross, and God poured out upon him as a man. There he bore through wrath and judgment of God for my sins, and exhausted it. Every stroke of divine judgment fell upon him, and he exhausted it.
And then when he had borne all that judgment, but then he said it is finished, and he bowed his head and gave up the ghost, and the soldier with a spear pierced his side. And so when we're breaking bread, when we're actually remembering the Lord, why we break bread, we break the Lord 1St and then we drink to the cup. And brother and I might say there's an important reason for this too. And that is that in all the sacrifices of Judaism, the blood of the animal was always shed before the sacrifice.
No animal ever felt the flames. It wasn't placed alive on the altar.
It was dead before it was placed on the altar because there was only one that could bear the fire of God's judgment. It says in Lamentations from the law, he sent fire and it entered into my bones. The Lord Jesus bore the fire of God's judgment for our sins. And so it's important, as I say, the blood of the animal looked on to something that was the following The blood was shed before it was put on the altar.
Of the Lord Jesus for the judgment 1St and His blood was shed after he had borne all the judgment. His blood and his blood only speaks of a finished work.
That's why as we break bread in remembrance of His death, we always break the bread 1St. And so the law from the 11Th chapter is a symbol of his physical body in which He bore our sins and the blood the cop speaks to us of his precious blood that cleanses us from all his sin. Now you might wonder about being verses about eating and drinking unworthily. Perhaps I can borrow an illustration.
That my mother brother used. You might have heard it, but I think it suits the IT suits the situation. Helps me to understand that exposing I was invited, we'll say to the president's home.
And the White House. And I look at my clothes and I think, well, I wonder if he'll be pleased with the clothes I have on. But he sends me a suit of clothes and he says, well, when you come, this is suit of clothes I want you to wear. And I don't have any doubt that I'm accepted because I've got the very suited clothes he provided. And brethren, you and I are made the righteousness of God. In Christ we have the love of righteousness who provided it our own works.
Jesus provided it. But supposing while I'm on the way to the White House.
I have a fall when I get into Vermont.
And I say, well, he'll accept the he'll accept me because I had the city of clothes that he told me to wear. And I have a letter from the president saying he wanted me to be there on a special occasion. So I don't bother to clean up my clothes. I I think, well, I've got the clothes on. So I go there and I present the letter, I think the person at the door would say.
You think that's very acceptable, that you would come in that way? Well, say I got to the fold, but he said that's giving me that cleaned up. And Bradley, God has given us a perfect acceptance before him, but you and I can.
All something in our lives unjudged. You probably say that you could have got cleaned up, could have got. You didn't have to have a difference to the clothes. I'm not asking to get a different suit of clothes, but you could have got pained out and rather than if you and I are walking carelessly.
And that's why it says if we would judge ourselves we should not be judged. He's not going to talk to me at the door about my dirty clothes if I got them cleaned up before and you and I were going to come to the Lords table. If there's something allowed in our lives that is not pleasing to the Lord, it says if we would judge ourselves we should not be judged. But when we are judged we are adjacent of the Lord that we should not be condemned With the Lord. A believer will never come under the righteous judgment of God for sin.
A Brasher is a government of God.