The Communion of Saints

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 4
O BRETHREN, scattered far and near,
Through every land, of every tongue;
To whom the name of Christ is dear,
Whose harps to sing His praise are strung;
While journeying to our Father's home,
“The new commandment" let us mind;
And till our Lord and Master come,
Let love our hearts in union bind.
Children of God, elect, beloved,
Who, with one spirit, "Abba" cry,-
Far from our midst be strife removed,
Let all but love within us die:
One-minded let us onward press,
One-hearted, worship, serve, and fight;
One army in the wilderness,
One household in the realms of light.
United in the Savior's name,
United in our living Head,
Our Lord, our Life, our Hope the same;
One cup we drink, we eat one bread:
We wait for that bright, glorious day,
When, all love's mighty mystery done,
The King of glory shall display,
That He and all His saints are one.