"What is the value of this estate?" the question was asked by one man of another with whom he was driving. They had just passed a fine mansion surrounded by rich, fertile fields.
"I don't know what it is valued at; but I do know what it cost its late owner, now deceased."
"How much?"
"His soul."
A solemn pause followed. And well it might: he to whom the words were spoken had himself all his good things in this life.
His friend added, "Mr. (the former owner) was at one time an apparently religious man, but worldly success was his soul's ruin. On his deathbed he himself said so."
Beloved, whatever of earthly possession or blessing the Lord may allow you to have in this scene, I beseech you to hold it lightly.
Receive it as from Himself and use it for His glory. HAVE IT, dear ones, but NEVER LET IT HAVE YOU!
"For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?"