The Cross of Christ

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 8
The more we study the cross, the more we shall see that every question of good and evil was brought to an issue, and the immutable basis laid for perfect blessing according to what God is in righteousness and grace and majesty too, yea for the new heavens and new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness: we come by the blessed testimony that it meets all our wants; but in contemplating it at peace, we see man in absolute sin, hating and rejecting God in grace and goodness; we see Satan's full power, and all the world else in his power against Christ; we see Man in absolute goodness, loving the Father and obedient, glorifying God in the very place of sin, where it was needed, and at all cost; we see God as now here in perfect love to the sinner. Innocence was conditional blessing. This is completed in perfectness, and its value can never change. It is everlasting righteousness. Hence the blessing of the new heavens and new earth is immutable. There has been an innocent Eden. There is a sinful world. There shall be, besides the reign of righteousness, new heavens and a new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness. J.N.D.