The Cross

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 8
See how in the cross the whole question of good and evil was brought to an issue in every way. First it was the complete display of man's enmity against God—the contemptuous rejection of God come in love (for this love He had hatred); and in every detail, disciples, priests, Pilate, all bring out the evil that is in man Then, Satan's power is fully manifested, and that over men in their passions, and in one sense in death, at least in the sorrows of Christ's soul. Next, we see the perfect man as nowhere else: perfect love to the Father; perfect absolute obedience, and this in the very place of sin and the cup it had filled, and in human weakness, Satan's power (though above both in looking to God), and the forsaking of God. And then God Himself in perfect righteousness against sin, and in sovereign perfect infinite love to the sinner—His majesty and truth both made good. Such is the cross. In the history of eternity it stands alone. Man in God's glory is its blessed result. J. N. D.