The Diary of a Soul

By the Editor
I THINK it is right for me to say how thankful I am to God for the very many encouraging letters I have received lately about the “Message from God.” It is a great encouragement to me to know that this monthly paper is being used by God to help many souls.
Many were especially interested in the article in October “Message from God” called “The Missing Ones.” I insert two letters about this: —
Letter One
Dr. Heyman Wreford.
Dear Sir, — Would you kindly send me 100 copies of this month’s number (October, 1922) of “A Message from God,” for distribution. I think it is the most suitable for that of any number that has come into my hands, and I wish I could afford to have a great many more. The piece entitled “The Missing Ones” ought to be widely read... With kind regards and best wishes for success in your good work.
L. C.
Letter Two
To Dr. Wreford. October, 1922.
Dear Sir, — We have found the parcel of books so very useful, and feel such confidence in distributing them, that I am asking you if you will please send us a 5s. parcel of a similar kind. We would especially like a few copies of October “A Message from God,” if you have them to spare, and “The Scarred Hand.” I am sending my copy of “A Message from God” to a wayward brother of mine today, with earnest prayer that God may bless it to him. That piece, “The Missing Ones,” is very striking. Oh, that God may bless your work very richly, and give you good health to pursue it, is our prayer! Please accept the other 5s. as a small contribution to your glorious work for Him.
Yours in our soon coming Lord.
The coming of the Lord is a subject of overwhelming importance. The great fact and reality that at any moment every Christian may be taken from the world to heaven, and that those left behind will be left for judgment, should make every reader ask himself or herself the question,
“Am I ready for Christ’s coming?”
The only alternative to Leaven is hell. I am not afraid to speak about hell, because it is God’s truth.
I am putting a very solemn article about Hell in this number, and may God use it to arouse many.
I ask your prayers for strength to’ continue my work for Him, and, above all, for His continued blessing on what we are seeking to do for Him.
Yours for Christ’s sake,
Heyman Wreford.