“I have just been to the funeral of a very dear friend,” said I to a merry-looking man, whilst waiting for the train; and when a friend departs it is no small comfort to know that that friend has gone ‘to be with Christ which is far better’ (Phil. 1:2323For I am in a strait betwixt two, having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ; which is far better: (Philippians 1:23)) than to remain below in this world of sin and sorrow.”
“I should think,” said he, “there are very few who die that are certain on that point. At least, not many would like to chance it, if it were put to them today. I mean if the question were put: ‘Are you so sure of heaven that you do not mind dying today?’”
“I fear,” I replied, “even amongst those who profess to be Christians too few would stand that test. But it was very different with my friend who has just departed. She had only been ill a few days, and on the day before her death, knowing there was no human possibility of recovering, she calmly said, ‘I would not exchange places, with the Queen.’ Not the shadow of a doubt passed over her happy soul. She rested not on anything she had done, but on the finished work of Christ Jesus, the Son of God. Precious Jesus, His blood and righteousness never fail in the hour of death. Nothing can be so certain as that which Christ has said, ‘Whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life’” (John 3:1616For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)).
“Well,” said he, “it is a happy thing when a person has such confidence; but I fear there are very few who have the happiness to enjoy it. Man is so given to sin—he has such strong inclinations to sin—”
“Very true,” I replied. “But however great and many our sins may have been, God is the ‘God of all grace,’ and that grace is seen in the cross, surpassing all our sins. Who can tell the value of the blood of Jesus as God sees it? I may say with Paul, I am the ‘chief of sinners,’ I have not one particle of worthiness. But yet, if we are all killed before we reach home, I have no fear or question whatever about my salvation. It was secured by the death of Jesus. I am a sinner, but He was the sinner’s Substitute. My sins called for judgment. He bore the judgment in my stead. I trust in Him as my Saviour. I dare not doubt the value of His death.”
“Ah!” said he, “it seems to me a poor thing to hang one’s salvation on.”
“What is? Is Christ a poor thing to trust in? Is God’s Word a poor thing to trust in?”
“Oh, no; I mean it is a poor thing to hang on faith. To think that if you have faith you will be saved, let you sin and do as you like.”
“Ah my dear sir, the man that has real faith in Christ does not want to sin. He hates sin, and delights in holiness, and longs for it; and he is the only one that is delivered from the power of sin. But now, do you try from this day forward in your way never to sin again.”
“I have tried,” said he, “many a time; but still I sin in thought, word, and deed. But you bring a new view of the matter before my mind; you say that to believe in Christ is the only way both to be saved and to give up sinning.”
“Exactly so. When you receive Christ as your Saviour, and love Him as such, it will be your delight to please Him. You will try to do so all the day long.”
Reader, what as to your dying hour? You cannot help the thought crossing your mind at times. Can you? Your dying hour may be very near—yes, very near? Are you prepared for that hour?