The Dying Kiss for His Mother

A soldier, home from the war, told the following in a meeting. He said his brother came home one day and said he had enlisted. He went down to the recruiting officer and put his name next to his brother’s; there was no name between them; he said they had never been separated one day in their lives, and he said he did not mean to have his brother go into the army without him, and they were in a number of battles together. In one terrible battle his brother was mortally wounded. He knelt by his side, put a knapsack under his head, and made him as comfortable as he could, bent over and kissed him and was leaving him. The dying man said, “Charlie, come back here; let me kiss you upon your lips.”
He went back, and his brother kissed him on the lips and said “There, take that home to my dear mother, and tell her I died praying for her.”
Then he heard him say, “This is glorious.” And he asked him, “My dear brother, what is glorious?”
He answered, “O it is glorious to die looking up. I see Christ in heaven,” and in a few moments he was there.
It is glorious to die looking up. But if we die looking up, we have got to live looking up. We have got to live trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ. In this dark day of confusion and infidelity, when it is all around us, let us hold on to the glorious old Bible, God’s Book, and to the blessed teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ. There is none like it.