Oh, the wonderful love of the Father's heart
That would send His beloved Son
To this world of hatred, and sin, and strife,
To redeem guilty sinners undone.
It was fathomless love, unspeakable,
That so moved the Father's heart
That His only begotten Son He sent
To take the poor sinner's part.
For we were afar off, straying, lost;
But in mercy God sent His Son.
Has this marvelous gift of the Father's love
Your heart and affections won?
And Jesus so willingly left the throne,
So willingly went to the cross;
For though He was rich, for our sakes became poor,
To redeem our poor souls from loss.
It was love, matchless love, held Him on the cross,
Till for sin He did fully atone;
The nails could never have held Him there,
But 'twas love, wondrous love, alone.
Yes, Jesus was willing to take our place,
He was willing to bear our sin;
This holy, spotless Lamb of God
Paid our debt, our poor hearts to win.
The way back to God is open now
For all who receive His Son,
For all who accept Him as Savior now,
And acknowledge the work He has done.
Through ages to come in the Father's house
He will riches of grace impart;
But we never will fathom or comprehend
The love of the Father's heart.