The Friend That Never Changes

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 7
We are often frustrated and disappointed as we see the constant change in this world. People hardly know what to do because jobs are uncertain, friends are uncertain, banks fail, weather patterns change it just seems that we are constantly reminded of changes. But isn’t it very precious that we can be occupied with a Friend who is altogether lovely? There is nothing that we would ever want to alter about this Friend, because He is perfect in everything in love, in grace and in faithfulness.
That is what is pictured in the meal offering when it speaks about fine flour. When we think of natural friends, we usually think of one virtue that stands out that person is very generous or very thoughtful one thing in which they excel. But we have a Friend who equally excels in everything-love, grace and even in correction if it is needed. He knows exactly what we need and ministers that correction to us.
When we see this world so constantly in the process of change, how precious it is to read in Hebrews 1, “But Thou art the same, and Thy years shall not fail.” Whether we are a child, a young person or an adult, we can have this same Friend. He understands your childhood. Even in the millennial Jerusalem we read of the streets of that city being full of boys and girls playing. We don’t always understand what goes through a child’s mind, but isn’t it lovely to know that the Lord Jesus understands even a child?
As we grow older we change we have new desires and we want certain things. Isn’t it blessed to know that this Friend is One who understands? He watched your body and mine before they ever entered into this scene (Psa. 139:1616Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them. (Psalm 139:16)). You don’t have any other friend like the Lord Jesus who knows all your physical and emotional makeup and who understands you perfectly. But He is not One who changes like earthly friends do. “I am the Lord, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.” We are changing all the time. But this Friend, our blessed Lord Jesus Christ, loves us just the same.
G. Hayhoe (from a 1985 talk)