The Glorious Proclamation.

HARK! the glorious proclamation,
Sounding from the throne above!
Rich, eternal, free salvation,
Fruit of God’s unbounded love.
‘Tis to sinners, rebels, traitors,
God His banner has unfurl’d,
To opposers, foes, and haters,
To the lost throughout the world.
Who can tell the priceless treasure
God possess’d in Christ His Son?
Yet He gave, with love’s full measure,
Him for us, His only One.
Sinless He, for sin He suffer’d,
All its awful judgment bore;
As the willing Victim, offer’d
Up Himself. Could love do more?
Great the work by Christ completed!
Sin forever put away;
Satan vanquished, death defeated;
Opened wide the realms of day!
See the Victor, crown’d with glory,
Seated on the throne of God!
Shout aloud the joyful story
Of redemption through His blood.
Now that sin’s gigantic mountain
Is engulf’d by loves great force,
Freely flows sweet mercy’s fountain,
God Himself its blessed source.
Oh, how earnest, pure, and pressing
Is the love of God to man!
Who can sound its depth of blessing?
Who its length and breadth can span?