The Lord Himself Shall Come.

THOUGH the path be dark and lonely,
Jesus comes our hearts to cheer;
And we know full soon He’ll take us
Far from all that grieves us here.
Many mansions are awaiting
All His chosen ones below;
And a place He is preparing
Far from every hurtful foe.
Even now we have Him with us
‘Mid assembling twos and threes;
And though weak and failing oftimes,
Faith His presence always sees.
Yet we long for that bright morning
When we shall together rise, ―
See Him face to face in glory,
Meet Him yonder in the skies.
‘Tis this hope that makes our journey,
Through this Christ-rejecting land,
Seem a short one from the glory
Of the other golden strand.
Over there our Jesus waiteth,
All our hopes are centered there;
Very soon He’ll come and take us
Where His glories we shall share.