
Listen from:
Gospel—G.H. Hayhoe
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Shall we ask the Lord's blessing and prayer?
Could you turn with me tonight to job the 9th chapter, Jobs, Chapter 9?
Then Job answered and said, I know it is so of a truth.
But how should man be just with God? If he contend with him, he cannot answer him. One of 1000.
He is wise in heart, and mighty in strength, who hath hardened himself against him, and have prospered, which removeth the mountains, and they know not which overturneth them in his anger, which taketh the earth out of her place, and the pillars thereof stumble.
Which command of the sun riseth not, and sealeth up the stars?
Which alone spreadeth out the heavens.
And Fred us upon the waves of the sea, which make us archerists, Orion and Platies, and the chambers of the South.
Which do us great things, time finding out Gray and wonders without number.
Love by me and I see him not. He passeth on also, and I perceive him not. Behold, he taketh away. Who can hinder him? Who can? Who will? Say unto him what to us? Thou if God will not withdraw his anger, the proud helpers who stoop under him, how much last shall I answer him, and choose out my words to reason with him?
Whom I were righteous, yet would I not answer, but I would make supplication to my judge.
If I had called, and he had answered me, yet would I not believe that he had hearkened unto my voice?
But he breaketh me with a Tempest, and multiplieth my wound. Without cause. He will not suffer me to take my breath. But Phyllis me with bitterness. If I speak of strength, he is strong. And if of judgment, who will set me a time to please? If I justify myself, my own heart shall condemn me. If I say I am perfect, it shall also prove me perverse.
Why we're perfect? Yet would I not know my soul? I would despise my life. There is one thing, therefore I said it. He just He destroys the perfect and the wicked. If the scourge slay suddenly, he will laugh at the trial of the innocent. The earth is given over into the hand of the wicked who covered up the face of the judges thereof. If not where? And who is he?
Now my days are swifted in the pulse. They flee away. They see no good.
They were passed away as the ship. They are passed away as a swift ship, as the eagle that haste us to the prey. If I say I will forget my complaint, I will leave off my heaviness and comfort myself. I am afraid of all my sorrows. I know that thou wilt not hold me innocent. If I be wicked, why then labor I in vain, if I wash myself with no water and make my hands never so clean?
Plunge me into the in the ditch, and mine own clothes shall abhor me.
For me is not a man, as I am, that I should answer him, and we should come together in judgment. Neither is there any days man betwixt us that might lay his hand upon us both. Let him take his rod away from me, and let not his seer terrify me. Then will I would I speak, and not fear him. But it is not so with me and just one passage in First Tennessee.
Chapter 2. First Timothy, Chapter 2.
And verse 5.
For there is one God and one mediator between God and men.
The man, Christ Jesus, who gave himself a ransom for all to be testified in due time.
Well, the book of Job is full of deep interest to us.
And I think it is vastly interesting because it shows us God's interest in the individual. We're living in days when people are grouped together. We're living in days when individuality is perhaps being lost. What I want to tell you, dear friends, that you are an individual before God, that he has given your life and breath at all things, and that you have to do with Him.
And above all things, the most glad and joyous message that God.
Loves you, that is looking down upon you sitting in this street in this room tonight.
And he knows all your history. He knows everything you have said and done, thought He knows every sickness in your life. He knows what your friends have said about you. He knows everything. And yet, knowing all that, He loves you. And He not only wants to pardon your sins.
But he wants to have you as a companion there in that bright glory.
He wants to bless you far beyond your highest thoughts or expectations, and at great cost to himself. He has devised means that this might be so. And so I would beg of you tonight not to be indifferent and careless, as I seek to present to you that precious failure, but the two would realize that it's a message for you. When the Lord Jesus was on trial before Pontius Pilate, his wife sent a message to him and said.
Have around. Nothing to do with that, just man.
For I have suffered many things in a dream this day because of him, and perhaps that's the thought that's in your mind.
Because you have been troubled at times about your spiritual state before God.
You are perhaps taking that same attitude and you say I don't want to have anything to do with these things. Every time I think about them, they bother me, a dear friend. I want to warn you that is impossible to escape having to do with God.
He advised The pilot's wife gave to him was very truly and yet very many people that thinks the very same. They don't want to have anything to do with Jesus. They want to live their lives as they wish and they don't want to feel their responsibility to answer to God and to God's beloved Son. But I want to tell you tonight that this is an absolute impossibility to escape your responsibility to God.
It's not something that is optional. Optional. What is something that is obligatory?
It is the responsibility that rests upon you. You're going to look into the eyes.
Of the Lord Jesus, who is the judge for it tells us in Acts chapter 17.
That God is appointed today in the which He will judge the world in righteousness.
By that man whom he hath ordained, For as he hath given assurance unto all men.
When he hath raised him from the dead, it also says in that passage, God now command us all men everywhere to repent. I say again, this is not something that is optional, you may say. Well, if you're interested in religious things, that's all right.
No, I'm going to bother you, but I'm not interested in those things. But friend, you must be interested. You're going to meet God someday. The day has been set, the judge has been chosen, and God commands you to repent. Why did he command you to repent?
Is it because he wants to judge you? Because he wants to bless you? It's because he wants to save you. That's why he commands you to repent. Because it's still the day of his grace. It's still the time when he is offering salvation, full and free, to whosoever will. And he's offering it to you tonight. He wants you to enjoy peace with God. He wants you to know that your sins are forgiven.
And that you're ready when the supreme moment comes, when you leave this world, not to come to the end of your existence, but to begin an existence in another place where your eternal destiny will be fixed. And it's our desire that that destiny should be to be with Christ in glory and not with the loss in hell. God only tells us of two places. He tells us in His words, who shall go away into everlasting punishment.
But the righteous Hindu life eternal, there are only two places. And your bone for one of those two places tonight.
If you're bound for judgment, if you're still going on without Christ, it's not too late to turn. It's not too late to be played. God has held the door of grace open till another Lord, till another Saturday evening that you might have this opportunity and wouldn't it be a grand thing hit this night. This Saturday night was the birthday of your soul when you receive the Lord Jesus into your heart.
Has your own personal failure.
Well, I say again, God has an interest in you as an individual. Just think of this book, 42 Chapters long, and it's all about one man and about a sickness that he had in his life. What safety said about him, what God said about him, what his friend said about him and what they said to him, and how Job felt when he lost his money, when he lost his family, when he lost his health.
And when his friends talked against him, all this is faithfully recorded.
And perhaps you've had some similar instances in your life. Perhaps you've had some great sorrow.
Perhaps you've seen the things that you live for crash before your very eyes.
And everything seemed to come to nothing. And you said, what's the use? And you didn't know that behind that thing, that there was a loving God who was looking down upon your life and that that crash went with, robbed you of something that was near and dear to you. That that terrible sickness. That Doctor Who told you that you had a serious condition. That this was no accident that came in your life any more than it was in the life of jobs.
And God blesses aside the curtain and lets us stray that he is working behind the scenes, and that he was interested in this man, and that he was so interested that he took 42 Chapters out of his word in the whole book to tell us his dealings with this individual. All, dear friend, I say he loves you. Tonight he is concerned about you, that big sorrow, that great disappointment, that trouble that has come.
Is with a purpose.
As it tells us in the 32nd, 33rd chapter of this same book.
Low all these things work of God oftentimes with man to withdraw man's and his purpose to hide pride from man. And it goes on to say that he might be delivered from going down to the pit because God has found the ransom. And so I say tonight.
I trust that this will speak to your heart because you may be in the very same position that we find Job here tonight, and perhaps full thoughts of Job has expressed in this chapter, our thoughts that are very common to many of us. Perhaps these very things have risen in your mind and you have raised the same questions of Job raised and you felt they have been unanswered. But I say God has an answer.
Job had one supreme list. He said, oh, there were a days, man, there was only someone that could put his hand upon God and put his hand upon me. He said all my questions would be answered in him. Oh, I want to tell you that. That's the one who I have the privilege of announcing tonight that blessed Saviors, the one we've been talking about in our Bible readings today.
God, eternal Son, who came down that he might be a Dave man, a mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus.
Well, our chapter begins by telling us about God's answer. His friends had said some things that.
Hurt Job somewhat. They had said that God deal dealt with sin and that was true. And you'll notice what Job says in this second verse, he says. I know it is so of a truth, he said. I know God deals with sin, but how?
Your man be just switch off. How can a man whose conscience tells and the word of God tells is a Sinner? How can he be just with God if God knows everything and sees everything? If God is of your eyes into the whole evil and cannot look upon iniquity, and the Bible says he is. If this is so, how can you and I who are sinners?
Be just with God.
Well, this is surely a very important question. How should man be just with God? How can I afford guilty Sinner stand up here before you and tell you that I'm just with God all. The only answer is that God himself has provided the ransom God himself has provided the Savior and blessed be His name. And that lovely verse in first John one and Seven says.
The blood of Jesus Christ his Son, cleanse of us from all sins, Acts 13 Verse 38 says, Be it known unto you, therefore, men and brethren, that through this man his preached unto you the forgiveness of sins.
And by him all believes are justified from all things, from the which he could not be justified by the law of Moses.
Yes, God gives the answer to the question that Job are how could a man be just with God the blood cleanses from sin and believing on the Lord Jesus. All who believe are justified come from something because if God left anything we couldn't settle it because we cannot put away our own sins.
It is impossible for any of us to put away sin in the presence of a thrice holy God, because the word of God says none to by any means redeem his brother, her gift to God, a ransom for him. It says not by works of righteousness, which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us. Your best friend can't do it for you. You can't buy your own work for the way sin. So the answer must come from God.
But to know we're slow to accept God's answer, isn't it strange that we'll try everything else before we'll humble ourselves to accept the provision that God has made? And this chapter shows us, believe me how the mind of Job here, and I suppose it's common, as I said this to most of us that we that we try to.
Shall I say we try to work things out by our own wisdom.
Don't notice here it says if you will contend with him, he cannot answer him one of the thousands, he says. There are many things that I just can't understand. It is not true.
Aren't there many things that about God and about God's ways that are quite beyond us? And God will pleased to ask us an array of questions that he could ask us 1000 questions and we couldn't answer one of them.
God knows so much more than we do.
The way people speak today, they would have a God who was one bit beyond their own minds, who is nothing beyond their own ability to understand and explain. But you know, God could raise 1000 questions that you or I could not answer. He is beyond our minds. He is infinite. He is eternal. It isn't the eternity of matter. It's the eternal God.
It's the one who created all things by the word of His power. And it says in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Yes, it's the one who made all things. And truly the one who would bring before you tonight is 1.
Who is far greater than you are I, And yet I say she has an interest in US.
The fact that he's asked 1000 questions and we couldn't answer one of them, but he made these stars.
Archerists, Orion and Platies, and the chambers of the South. Who put the sun in it? To put the sun in his place? Who did all these great things? And then to think that he should be interested in us? Little him says. And could thou be delighted with creatures such as we, who, when we saw these clothing, and nailed it to a tree, unfathomable wonder and mystery divine.
The boys should seek and Thunder, says Sinner. I am thine.
If he is interested in you.
Says he is wise and harsh and mighty in strength. Who hath armed himself against him and has prospered all. There are many people who harden themselves against God all. It's sad. We need it every day because people can't understand God's ways, because he does something that they can understand. They harden themselves against God.
Oh, I just keep you, dear friend, general, educated or uneducated, whoever you may be. I do speak you and I don't harden yourself against God, who's your creator. He has given you life and breath and all things. All you say I can do as I like. Yes, fall. In fact, if you want to go to a lost eternity, God may allow you to go to that awful place, but He doesn't want you to.
He wants to save you. Who wants to bless you? And I beseech you don't harden yourself against him. If there's been some great sorrow in your life, as there was in Jobs, and I think Jobs probably was greater than any that any of us in this room of experience, why, in one day he lost all his wealth and his ten children all in one day, all his positions and the whole cannabis children in one day.
Yes, he did, And he didn't harden himself against God. He said The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away. Blessed to be the name of the law. Oh, how wonderful. Yes, that was faith that glorified God and your friend, even if you can't understand, or I can't understand, or I beseech you, if God has brought some great sorrow into your life.
Don't pardon yourself against God you won't prosper. I don't mean that you may not have a good bank account and that you may not have a nice home and a nice car, but I'm Speaking of the things that really count. You may prosper in this world. The rich man in the 16th of Luke who lifted up his eyes in hell. He'd been a prosperous man in this world and it was said to him in hell.
Now in my lifetime receded by good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things, but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented. And beside all this between US and you there is a group dull 6.
Yes, if you harden your heart against God, you may prosper in this world. You may have the best job in Montreal. You may help, You may live without much sickness. You may get along. But remember.
After death, the judgment. After death the judgment, who has pardoned himself against him and has prospered, and I plead with you tonight.
Do not look at things just as they appear in time, because the things that are seen are temporal, but the things that are not seen are eternal.
Which removeth the mountains, and they know not which overturneth famine is anger.
Then the tenth verse, virtuous great wonders past finding out, yay and wonders without number. Oh, what a mighty God with whom we have to do. One who has such great power, who not only made all things, but sustained all things, as it was said to Belshazzar the night of his great ball, when he invited so many guests and was having a merry time.
That was said to him.
The God in whose hand thy glass is, and whose are all thy ways, hast thou not glorified? Garrity was having a good time, as this world turned fame. But that night the decree went forth, that that night his soul would be required of him, and it was told him, God hath numbered thy Kingdom, and finished it, and it failed in that night.
His bell shazed of the King's flame. Yes, he had a good time while he was slain that night, he hardened his heart against God, the very God who gave him life and breath. And so I said to my God is the one who's giving you that breath that you're drawing tonight. That's the thing. I wish I'd die. Some people think that to commit suicide or to die at the end of all his troubles.
But it's not so. Was it the end of that man's probably the 16th of Luke when he died? No. It was the beginning. A far worse trouble than he ever knew here upon earth. And I want to warn you, my friend, how did you die? On your sins? Your friends may say nice things over your casket, but after death comes the judgment and all the nice words that may be said.
Will not change the fact if you die without Christ as your Savior. So the first thing that's brought before us here was God's great power, His great power. And you have to do with Him that one who made all things and He's given you your life.
Now we come to something else from the 11Th verse on, it says.
By me and I see him not. He passes on also, but I perceive him not. Behold, he taketh away. Who can hinder him? Who will say unto him, What doest thou? Yes, he said, And God not only created the universe, but he said, He passes by, and we don't see him.
When one of those communists went up into face some time ago, he made the comment I didn't see God in faith but he forgot this verse. It says LO. He goes by me and I see him not. He passes on also and I perceive him not. But man was flying around his face in his capsule and saying that he didn't see God.
God was looking at him, and he passed him by as he flew through space. Yes, He saw him there, and he passed him by. And God is passing you by tonight. He sees you. And the cry went forth long ago. When God the Son was here upon this earth, Jesus of Nazareth passes by. He didn't pass by unseen at that time.
Who came down that he might be seen by mortal eyes?
He came to look down upon us in our troubling sorrow. He came to die for you and I, That one who is invisible became a man in the person of his son, and went through this world and died. And as we were reading today, it tells us in John One no man has seen God at any time.
The only begotten son which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him that one has come down.
And then it says He taketh away. Who can hinder him? Who will stand to him? What doest thou? That is, God has a right to do as he pleases. And it's not for us to say why are you doing this? We haven't the right to question his ways. We may learn by them, but not to question them. It says, if God will not withdraw his anger.
The proud helpers do stoop under him.
And sometimes men, when God begins to deal with them.
They become rebellious. But it says that if God doesn't withdraw his anger, the proud helpers or the margin says the helpers of tribe stoop under him. Men have many helpers of their pride. Perhaps you have something that helps your pride such a good look, such of a good mind. Perhaps you have many possessions. These things help your pride and make you think that you're somebody in this world, somebody very important.
Well, God can take away those things. He can take away your good lips. He can take away that keen mind that you have. He can take away our wealth. He can take away anything that we have. And if God doesn't withdraw his wrath, he brings down those helpers of pride and all. How many a man has been brought down, down, down till he's come to the feet of the Savior and then willing to acknowledge.
And he was a Sinner. Oh, God doesn't want to ask you use these means upon man who wants to bring us to see us ourselves, to humble ourselves before him, as your job did in the end of the book, and say early 10, and abhor myself in dust and ashes, he took his true place before God.
So he goes on here and says in the 14th verse, how much less shall I answer him and choose up my words to reason with him? That is, in the first party recognize God's great power and creation. And then next he recognized that God could do as he pleased and that there was no use telling God that we didn't want to take this or take that.
We hear people say, well, I'm not going to take that, but when God begins to be old friends.
There is no saying that to God. You can't say that to God, because if God doesn't withdraw his wrath, the helpers of pride stoop under him, and you and I can't reason with him. We can't come to him and question his way. He can come as sinners. And indeed he does invite us to reason if we want to reason about those things that he has brought before us as necessary for our souls.
He gives us this lovely invitation in Isaiah 1 and 18 Come now, and let us reason together, say of the Lord. So your sins be a scarlet. They shall be a quite a small while. They be rad like Crimson. They shall be as well your reasoning with God and questioning his ways. Why he may not answer you. He may not give up an account of choice in another place. Try to self try it against him.
Please give us not a pound of any of these matters. But if you want to raise the question of your sins and how you can have your sins put away. He asked you to come. He asked you to come. He says come. I want to talk to this over with you. I want you to have your sins put away. I want you to be white as snow. Oh, what a savior he is. He wants to be your savior tonight. He wants to bless you, my friend, young or old, He wants to bless you.
And he wants to make you fight as snow and presence.
Well, now we find a third thing brought before us, and they 20th verse. If I justify myself, mine own mouth shall condemn me. If I say I am perfect, it shall also prove me perverse. Yes, when man becomes awakened, then the first tendency is to justify himself.
How often do you find that when we begin to talk to people either say that they're not concerned or they begin to justify themselves, They begin to tell us what good living people they are. And it tells us here, if I justify myself, my own mouth shall condemn me. And you know very well if you try to contend that you are, that you're perfect and that you haven't any sins.
Your own mouth, your own heart condemns you. You have a conscience. You know God has taken care in the fall. That man received a conscience. And every responsible being before God knows that he is a Sinner. He knows it on 2 Counts. He knows it because God says it in his word, and he knows it because his constant tells him people that haven't seen the Bible.
Know that they're sinners.
Because they have a constant photo of tribe, if you like, in the dark places of the earth.
Who never saw a Bible and they have a conscience that certain things are wrong.
Man does know that he is a Sinner and he has a religion away of trying to justify himself before God. But it says here, if I justify myself my own, my own mouth shall condemn me. If I say I am perfect, it shall also prove me perverse. There's no use trying to make out that you're not a Sinner, you're a Sinner. I'm a Sinner.
God says all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
What are you that is me, all these person in this room tonight? There's no escape from this verdict. When Job and did speak of his own righteousness, why the Lord said to him, Wilt thou condemn me that thou mayest be righteous? And if you say that you're righteous and that you don't need salvation?
You're you're condemning God's verdict. You're as good as looking in the very face of God and saying why you reverted to both me is untrue.
God says you're a Sinner, He says I am a Sinner. He says there is none that do us good. No, not one. Well, it's a good thing to see the progress that is taking place, even the orders reasoning going on. He recognizes that he needs to be just before God. He recognizes that God as power and creation. He recognizes the God as a right to do as he pleases.
And then his conscience begins to be awakened, and he says if I justify myself.
My own mouth shall condemn all. I hope that you'll feel condemned in the presence of God tonight. Or you say you like to see me miserable, do you? The Bible says her joy in the presence of the angels of God. Although one Sinner that resenders notice, it doesn't say there's joy over 1 Sinner that gets saved. Why does it say there's joy over 1 sinners of Lieutenant? Here's a Sinner on earth miserable. He can't sleep.
His sins are bothering him.
God rejoicing. Why? All because until there has been a sense of guilty for God.
Man doesn't turn to Christ. He goes on his own careless way. And I thank God tonight with your sins are troubling me. I hope they are. I hope there's a boy or girl here tonight. And a man or a woman that's not saved that your sins will trouble you. Because if they don't trouble you in time they'll trouble you in eternity. And it's too late to have them forgiven. If they trouble you now the salvation for you.
But if they trouble you in a lost eternity, there's more blood. There's no salvation, There's no pardon.
In that place of eternal judgment.
Well then he begins to argue again in the 22nd verse.
There is one thing, therefore I said it he destroy us the perfect in the wickedness. If the scourge slay suddenly, he will laugh at the trial of the innocent earth is given into the hand of the wicked hope. We often hear people pleasing like this. When their sins begin to bother them, then they say, well, there's no justice in the earth. People do wrong and they prosper and they do right and they suffer. And he said, I don't understand.
If God is righteous and God is holy, then why are these things existent in the earth? Why is it that ungodliness things to prosper? Why is it why? He said. The only way I can see is that God laughs at the trial of the innocent. All your friend want to tell you one thing that perhaps you've never thought of before. This world in which we live is not an adequate platform to display God governmental wealth.
We can't tell by what we see about us God's governmental way. God does overrule.
But he does not openly interfere now in the things of this world.
Or perhaps you say I wish you were. Well, I'm glad he doesn't. Because if God did begin to interfere, and did did begin to judge sin, why, where would any of this be?
The Psalmist said, And turn not into judgment with thy servants, for in rise sight shall no flesh living be justified. He said in another place, if thou lordships market equity.
Thought there is forgiveness where they that thou mayest be fear. I see. I'm glad God doesn't openly interfere. I'm glad he doesn't openly judge sin because he would have sent me to hell because I was a Sinner. I'm glad that this world is not the place.
Where he adequately displayed his government, he does work behind the scenes, his very dealings with Jobs, all that. But he doesn't openly make manifest these things, And I want to say to any unsafe one here tonight, don't judge God's ways in connection with sin by what you see in his ways with man in this earth. There is a day when righteousness will reign, but it's not now.
There is a day when it says a king shall reign in righteousness and Princess shall decree justice. But you and I ought to be thankful that that day hasn't come. Every time you repeat the Lords prayer and say thy Kingdom come, if you're not saved, you better stay in your heart. Thank God it hasn't come yet because when the Kingdom comes it says you'll gather out of his Kingdom all things that have sinned and will pass them into a furnace of fire.
And shall be reaping and mashing his teeth. And if you say the Lord's Prayer and you're not saved, it's a good thing God doesn't answer us, because it would mean judgment and a lake of fire for every person outside of Christ. Or I beseech you, friend, be real about these things. Gold couldn't understand. He raised the question. Perhaps you've raised it. I suppose most of us have raised the same question and asked why this was.
Well, it's nice that God didn't leave Job there.
25th verse, he says. Now my days are swifter than a Pope. They flee away. They see no good. They are passed away as a swift ship. All realized that time was passing. And I want to warn you, my friend, Trust, you say? Well, I'd like to think this thing out, but I want to tell you that time is passing. You don't know when you may have had your last opportunity of salvation.
How many a person has been cut off in the prime of health? How many a person has an asset from time and eternity without a moment warning and Jew or I may be the next.
Our days are as it tells us here.
Days are swifter than a post. They flee away from other places, says They're flicter than a Weaver shovel.
Never watched the Weaver shovel. Why you can hardly see it move. It flies around so quickly your friend. Time is passing by. Life at best is very brief and while you are beginning to argue and reason with God about his ways.
Moments are passing by.
Time is hastening you on. Is it hastening you on heaven or to hell? Is the pick of the clock hastening you on the eternals glory with the Lord Jesus or do a lost eternity without him? There's no time to be wasted. A man that's thinking of trees doesn't argue about the why the man who was a little slow and throwing the life belt or why the life belt was this or that.
No. He's glad to prevent his reach. He puts out his hands. And I was teaching you tonight. There's no time to be wasted. Divine moments are precious by time, for departing from Earth draws nigh.
All come now this moment, and he will receive you, and stand your eternity with him on high.
Felony, he says in the 27th verse. If I say I will forget my complaint, I will leave off my heaviness and comfort myself.
Well, sometimes the devil whispers this in people's ears, too, when they begin to get troubled, he said. Oh, forget about it. You're just going to make yourself sick thinking about these things. Forget about it. And that's just exactly the point that Job comes to, he says Here, if I say I will forget my complaint, I will leave off my heaviness and comfort myself.
I am afraid of all my sorrows. I know that thou wilt not hold me innocent.
Don't forget it, friend. Don't forget it. Don't walk out of this meeting and say, oh, I I don't want to hear those things. They bother me. They make me uneasy. I can't sleep after a dose for me. I'm going to try to forget it all that the solemn thing, young man. At one time she was troubled about his soul. He could hardly sleep, so he got out of his bed and asked God to leave him alone. God did leave him alone.
He left him alone.
And as far as I know, he died in his sin. Be a friend. You want God to leave you alone. Are you going to go to somebody who tells you you must be taking these things too seriously? Just forget about them. This is too important. The way out is not to forget about them. It's to receive Christ. That's the way. That's the way to receive him.
Now he comes to another step. This is his last struggle, if we might speak in that way, he says in the seventy 30th verse.
If I wash myself with no water and make my hands never so clean, yet shalt thou plunge me in the ditch in mine own clothes, sell of horns, all he said, as it were. If I try to straighten around, If I try to do what's right.
I just seem to get worse instead of better. I just seem to get worse, he said. If I make myself never so clean, God just seems to plunge me into this. He just finishes. It just seems I'm worse. And I guess many in this room were saved tonight. Can say yes, I had that experience. I had it. I tried to clean up. And the harder I tried, the worse it seemed to become. Well, that was the last struggle God brings at that point, my friend. I hope he's got to that point. I hope he's brought you to the point.
So you've tried to clean yourself up and you found at the harder you try, the more unhappy, the more uncomfortable you became. But isn't it lovely to see that when it comes to this point, it's just like a drowning man Knowing a man is drowning, they don't go and rescue him while he is struggling full strength. They have to wait until he's exhausted. They're knocking off. They have to bring him to the point.
Where his struggles were over. And he's willing to have somebody save him. Willing to have somebody save him. And sometimes people have to be almost unconscious before they come to that point. Well, isn't it lovely here that when this when this soul is brought to that point?
He says in the 33rd verse. Neither is there any days man betwixt us that he might lay, that might lay his hand upon his US both. All, he said, I've struggled, I've struggled, I've tried to think this thing through. All he said is if there was a day's man. I don't know, a day's man said if there was one, but there isn't one.
Dear friend, there is one, there is one. There is one God, and one mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself a ransom. For all I want to tell you tonight there is a day.
There is someone who is just waiting to put his hand of love upon you. He's already settled with God about the question of sin. At Calvary Cross, that blessed precious Savior came down and died for sin.
It says in First Corinthians 15 Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures, He was buried and he rose again the 3rd day according to the scriptures. And I want to tell you tonight, there's a living savior at God's right hand tonight. Don't despair, don't give up. There is a day's man. There's a man in the glory tonight, the Savior who died on Calvary's cross, whose blood cleanses from all sins.
He's up there tonight, and he has settled a question of sin before God. He wants to put his hand upon you. He's the day's man and he wants to speak peace to your soul. He wants to speak pardon to you all up tonight, to that blessed Savior. Don't despair, don't give up, don't say it's no use. God blessing stranger is waiting without stretched arms up there in the glory, he was saying.
Come under me all ye that labor and their heavy laden, and I will give you that this is a boy or a girl. That you're a young person here tonight. Is there an older one. And you'd like to have peace with God, not religion. You need it's not arguments you need it's Christ. You need it's Christ. You need the oldest. Brought to the point where he said about the days man the woman at the well in the 4th chapter of John where it was brought to the point where every prop was knocked out.
And she said, I know that Messiah Thomas, which is called Christ, Lord Jesus, that I would speak unto him. He Lord Jesus made himself known to her, and she came right to the end of herself. And if you've come to the end of yourself, the Lord Jesus is right there Without such calm, full of love, full of grace, He settled the question of sin. I say he wants to pardon me tonight.
What are you going to do?
Bob said How did man be just with God?
It says in ask 13 that we already quoted and by him all the believe are justified from all things from Malinsky could not be justified by the law of Moses. You can be just for God, you can have peace with God. You can know that you're saying don't let anyone deceive you into thinking that you can't know in this life. You can know it says in Who's John 5 and verse 13.
These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God, that he may know that you have eternal life all you receive that precious Savior tonight if he troubled you, but he's brought you to the point where you realize you can't cleanse yourself.
You can't make yourself fit for his presence. He can do it in one moment, He'll do it in one moment. Or won't you just close in with his offer of mercy? I say again, dear friend, it's not religion. We're preaching to you. It's Christ. It's a living failure to the God's right hand tonight. He's the savior of many in this room. Many would be glad to stand up and say thank God he is my own personal savior.
He wants to be yours tonight. He's holding the door of grace open. Receive one this moment and peace shall be done.
So we trained 25 pin number 25.
Sing the first and last verse of #25.