
Listen from:
Gospel—J. Kemp
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Shall we open our gospel meeting tonight by singing number?
23 #23 Behold, behold the Lamb of God on the cross. On the cross shall we stand and sing #23.
Sing the next hymn.
Which will be #26.
This story may have been heard by others, I don't know, but for the sake of those who do not know the background of this hymn, you might be interested. This hymn was written by a sister, her name was Amelia Hall.
She lived in England.
In the 1800s, possibly the early part of that century.
From a very wealthy family.
Amelia was a young lady of fashion.
She had everything that her heart could wish. Her father was a captain in the English army, well respected Captain Hall.
Well, Amelia attended a gospel meeting like you have tonight.
And she was much moved by the message which she heard.
But she didn't make a decision that night. She went home. She told her father where she had been.
Her father flew into a rage and said, now listen, young lady, we're not having anything of that sort in this house. You know, we don't go along with this religious stuff.
And I don't want you to go back to that meeting.
But her need pressed upon her, and she was constrained.
To go back and hear the gospel in a simple little.
Gospel Hall, where the message of salvation was presented. And that night she got saved. She saw her need as a Sinner.
And though she had everything.
Temporarily that she needed.
She felt she was a lost Sinner and did not know Christ. That night she closed in with God's offer of mercy while she went home.
And of course, her father hearing where she had been and what she had done.
Was uncontrollable, he said. Young lady, do you know what you have done?
There's a horse whip right here on the table in my study, and I'm going to use it on you tomorrow if you continue with this nonsense. Now you go up to your room, think seriously of what you have done, and come back and tell me tomorrow morning your decision. Well, there was no question in Amelia's heart and soul. Her. She was filled with joy and the knowledge of salvation. She felt so badly for her father.
She retired to her room, yes, didn't get much sleep that night. But during the night she wrote this hymn. There is life in a look at the crucified one. There's life at this moment for thee. She came down the next morning.
To meet her father at the foot of the stairs. There was the horse whip and he was going to use it too.
And she handed her father this poem that she had composed during the night.
He read it. He sank down in his chair, convicted of his sin.
And Captain Hall bowed the knee to Christ through his daughter's testimony.
And he lived for many years as gathered to the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
One of the respected brethren.
Well, there is life and a look at the Crucified 1 not only for Amelia Hall who came from that rich family.
But for you, my friend, here tonight, we may still be without Christ and without God.
Without hope we want to channel to you, though it may be in a feeble way, the message of pardon through the finished work of Christ. So shall we sing #26 Remain seated, please.
Verse 30.
In the times of this ignorance.
God winked at.
But now commandeth all men everywhere.
Because the other pointer today into which he will judge the world.
In righteousness by that man.
Whom he hath ordained.
Where obvious given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead.
The Apostle Paul.
Was probably.
The greatest gospel preacher, that.
God ever used?
To proclaim the message.
He ranged throughout the known world, of course, outside of the Lord Jesus himself, we mean, but he ranged all over the world. He suffered every peril and danger and privation to get the message of the gospel out to the loss.
Just read about the account in 2nd Corinthians 12 and you will see the kind of life that he led to reach lost souls.
He said if in this life only we have hope, in Christ we are of all men most miserable. He faced death every day, I die daily, he said.
Because his love for souls.
Was so great that impelled him.
To Labor.
Without tiring to get the message of pardon out.
The issues with the Apostle Paul were real life and death, heaven and hell.
He preached repentance toward God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.
And that's a very necessary part of the gospel, dear friends, repentance toward God.
I wonder if we understand the meaning of the word repentance. There's various.
Definitions given.
Someone has said repentance is the teardrop in the eye of faith.
It's a nice thought. Another has said repentance is taking sides with God against yourself. That is true.
What the best definition that I know of is this. Repentance is a change of mind.
It's a change of mind about your real condition in the presence of God.
There's a lot of people.
That think they are all right, they have a.
A high opinion of themselves.
To tell them they're a Sinner is an offense. To tell them they're lost.
Umm knocks them right over.
Because man often does not recognize.
His true condition in the presence of a holy.
The seriousness of sin.
People today, they make jokes about sin.
And they speak lightly about it. God never speaks lightly about sin.
It says in the book of Habakkuk that he is of pure rise.
To behold evil and cannot look on iniquity, we have to deal with a holy and a sin hating God.
And furthermore, every sin is going to receive its punishment. Every transgression and disobedience will receive its just recompense of reward. Every sin is going to be dealt with by God.
Either you must bear the punishment.
Lost eternity or someone takes your place.
But God is going to punish sin. We tried to bring this before the young people in Canada who are going on carelessly.
Indifferently to their needs.
That God, God standard of holiness in 2007 six has not changed from AD 76. No, the moral ways of God do not change with dispensation.
So, dear friends, Paul preached repentance.
The acknowledgement of your true condition in the sight of God and if there is one here was never felt their need of a Savior we pray.
Earnestly pray that tonight the Word of God, which is living and powerful.
Sharper than any two edged sword will penetrate your heart and your conscience and awaken you before it is forever too late. Surely we are on the threshold of the Lorde return, many of us wonder.
Why we are still here? We're on the verge of 2007, as we know.
No promise that we're going to reach 2007, but the normal course of events we may God's long-suffering mercy has waited this long, and he's waiting still, and he's knocking at heart's doors, and he's speaking to this world through the.
Catastrophes that have taken place in the last couple of years, two years ago almost to the date we all know.
The tsunami hit.
Ah, we know the history of that. It was a terrible tragedy.
They say that 10,000 people on the coast of India lost their lives. I'm not sure if that figure is right, but thousands along the.
East Coast of India were ushered into eternity in a few hours.
There was a warning given to the Indian government 3 hours before the tsunami hit.
Along that coast. But they said we don't know how to get the message out. We don't have the the the know all the the technology to get the word of warning out. Goodbye.
In about an hour, the tsunami hit at Nagapattinam, India, the very place where our brethren go with the gospel every year and proclaim it in the streets of Nagapattinam. That's where the tsunami hit.
And thousands, as you know, were ushered into eternity.
Yes, they have warning systems put in place now. Too late.
They knew that the tsunami could hit because it's hit India before anyway.
The warning system was not in place.
And as a result, there was a great loss of life. Well, dear friends, tonight.
We don't want to make things sensational. Sensational, but to press upon you.
The realities of life and death, of eternity that lies before you, my friend, God gives you no promise of tomorrow. Those poor people, if they had had a warning three or four hours before.
They might have escaped. Many of them were washed away into eternity.
But God in mercy is giving a warning tonight.
Before he brings the judgment, he gives a warning.
Because he's a God of infinite love. He's a God of compassion.
Not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. He gave the dearest object of heaven, His beloved Son. What more could he do? He couldn't give anything more. He wouldn't give anything less.
Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, the apostle Paul adds. Of whom I am the chief.
And dear friends, whatever your background may be, I don't know it. I don't need to know it. God knows all about it. Reverently speaking, boys and girls, young people, if the Lord Jesus walked into this room, I wouldn't have to introduce him to anyone. He knows all about you. When that tsunami struck, they said we don't have the addresses. We don't know how to contact these people.
God knows your address, He knows your name, your family, and He knows everything that you have done in your life. Your book, your life is an open book before the Lord.
Would you like to have it portrayed before you?
I don't think you would. I doubt if anyone here would want to have their lives.
Revealed before.
Company that are gathered here tonight.
But God is someday going to open up the books.
And every thought and word and deed in your life.
Will be revealed if you're unsafe.
You're unsaved. There's the Great White Throne and those books. What books are they? Not the Book of Life, but those records of your life.
Everything you have done.
Is there recorded and it will be exposed to you?
At that solemn aside, dear friends, you don't need to be there tonight. You can be saved. You can start the new year knowing that your sins are forgiven, knowing that you belong to heaven. Knowing that.
Peace with God about eternity. You can lay your head upon your pillow with the assurance, but if you passed into eternity before tomorrow morning, you would know where you would be.
How solemn it is.
To be without Christ.
Approaching the end of another year, but you may have a good opinion of yourself and say I'm respectable in my community and I attend a church and.
Which we often hear. I have never done anyone any harm.
And I'm as good as my neighbor. You know, maybe you're better, but that's not the standard by which we go.
Those comparing themselves by themselves are not wise. It's the Word of God that we go by and God has declared in no uncertain terms. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
All we, like sheep, have gone astray and turned everyone to his own way. God does not mince matters. You remember when John the Baptist proclaims repentance among the Israelites?
He spoke directly to their conscience, and many of them were convicted and went through the waters of baptism. It doesn't mean that they were saved through the waters of baptism that John administered. No, but they were.
Exercised. They were awakened, they saw they were sinners, and they submit it to John's command.
Dear friend.
Are you troubled about your sins if they don't trouble you down here?
As has often been said, they will trouble you for all eternity, but God is inviting you.
Tonight, perhaps the last opportunity.
To hear this gospel message and to be saved, God is knocking.
At your heart's door. Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If any man hear my voice and open the door, I will come into him, and he with me.
The Queen of the North was a beautiful fairy on the West Coast. I guess we all have heard about it, certainly have in Canada anyway. And it was taking a journey from the northern, I guess, from Alaska down to I suppose it was Vancouver on the inland passage. This was within a year. And then it it hit a rock. It was just a bump. It was 101 passengers on that ferry. The captain realized that it was very serious.
And immediately he put the alarm off, and the alarm rang continuously.
And everyone except two people got off that ferry into lifeboats.
They came from all around in the dark night to rescue people.
But in order to be sure that no one was left on that ferry, the captain commanded one of his crew members to go to every cabin and pound at the door to be sure that there wasn't anyone there. And he did that still when they took the final count.
Two people were missing.
That fairy sank in about 1000 feet of water. It'll never reveal any secrets. Now, what happened, we don't know.
Those people had a warning. Were they asleep or what? We don't know.
But they never escaped.
Perhaps they will never be found.
But that captain faithfully gave a warning, and tonight God is giving you a warning because he loves you. He doesn't want you to perish.
All heaven will rejoice if you bow the knee to the Lord Jesus tonight.
And acknowledge your sin, your sinfulness, and.
Like Amelia, Hall looked to the Lamb of God.
The angels look on a scene like this.
Someone has said they weep when they see sinners refusing God's offer of salvation.
But heaven will rejoice if you come to Christ.
In your need. First time that the angels saw their creator.
Was when He was born unto you, as born this day in the city of David, a Savior which is Christ the Lord. We often hear that verse at this time of year, don't we?
All heaven went into an ecstasy. Why? Because Christ was born God.
Became man in the person of his son. Marvelous.
A plan of redemption conceived in the heart of God in a past eternity.
Redemption was number afterthought with God.
Christ was foreordained before the foundation of the world.
To be the savior.
And that question that was asked by Isaac of his father. Father, where is the lamb for a burnt offering? You know, it was 2000 years before there was really an answer to that question.
But when John the Baptist stalked through the land and he met the Lord.
The Spirit of God revealed to him.
There is the Lamb of God.
And he said those memorable words, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world. God had now found a sacrifice.
One that would meet all his holy claims. One that would go down into death.
And judgment.
For you.
Was he simply dying as a martyr for his opinion? No, he was dying there as a sacrifice for sin for you.
There he bore the judgment.
To put away my guilty sins, You know, before you're saved, your whole life is sinful. Some people say, confess your sins and come to God. I can't do that.
I had too many of them. I've forgotten a host of them, I said to a young man in Ottawa last week when we were giving the gospel out. I said young men, my sins were like the hairs of my head. He had a beautiful head of hair.
Always says this girl here beside me, she's a Sinner. But what about you? I said your sins are like the hairs of your head. David said that. So your whole life before you're saved is really sinful. One massive sin there's they that are in the flesh cannot please God until you're born again and brought to Christ. There's no fruit in your life for God.
You might be intelligent, you might be well educated, and you might even be a moral person, respectable.
But still without God and at enmity to Him.
You remember that?
In the Garden of Eden, he tried to cover up his life with the apron of fig leaves.
But when God called him out and he felt he was in God's presence, he said I'm Naked, but he had the apron of fig leaves on.
But that did not cover him in God's sight. That's a picture of self improvement. That's a picture of good works. And how many people are deceived by that.
As our brother brought before us this morning, all our righteousnesses are as filthy rights. No, my friend, God has a perfect covering for you. A perfect covering. And it's through the work of Christ his Son. When Calvary's cross, it's through that precious blood.
That was shed for you.
The precious blood of Christ that cleanses from all sin.
And God's invitation is still going out. Whosoever will let him come and take the water of life freely. There was a a man in the city of Ottawa.
Who was in the military?
My brother Gordon Hale visited him.
And he had in his pocket a testament.
Where did you get this testament, Sir?
Well, I was given. It was given to me when I entered the army.
I think this is this is probably the Second World War in.
And I put it into my my uniform, my cocky uniform, but I didn't read it.
And I was in active service. I was right on the front lines and the bullets were flying.
And a bullet penetrated through this New Testament. He had it to show to our brother Gordon, and it stopped at that verse. Whosoever will let him come and take the water of life freely. It stopped there.
And Gordon said to the gentleman, he said, what a miracle your life was saved.
By that it could. If it had gone another half inch, you would be an eternity. Yes, my life was saved through that New Testament. And yet he still had not partaken of the water of life.
Himself. Oh dear friends.
The gospel is presented from the heart of God. Tonight it's the.
Is the revelation of the heart of God.
We have it foretold in the dawn of creation.
The woman's seed shall bruise the serpent's head.
That was Christ overcoming Satan at the cross. But.
Man was conquered there in the Garden of Eden.
Wretched, miserable, naked help out of the garden. Why was he put out of the garden?
He was put out of the garden because of his sin.
But also so that he wouldn't partake of the tree of life.
Which was in the midst of the garden.
He disobeyed when he partook of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. We know that.
He speaks of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil as being in the midst of the garden. It wasn't.
But in his view, that was what was important. And Satan by guile and deceit.
LED them led to his wife to to disobey. We know the story and they acquired a conscience that that's the knowledge of good and evil.
But without the power to do the good and without the power to resist the evil.
They got a conscience.
But they were wretched and they were expelled from the garden, God's mercy, because had they partaken of the tree of life, they would have lived forever in that condition. That was really the reason why God put them out. And he put the flaming sword, the chair you've been with the flaming sword, so they couldn't get back in.
When I went to college, we read about Paradise Lost. In Paradise Gained, we don't find anything in the scripture about Paradise Paradise Regained. What we do find about Paradise Lost?
But God has resources, and he had the remedy ready before the disease came and so.
We know that God provided.
Coats of skins for them.
And they left the garden closed. A picture of.
The robe of righteousness the Lord Jesus would provide.
For those who are washed in his precious blood.
Yes, God had the remedy ready and tonight if you realize your need. Supposing a man has a serious disease.
Like cancer?
But he thinks he's all right, and so he laughs about it.
But if he goes to the doctor and the doctor tells him about his condition.
If he believes what the doctor says, he doesn't laugh about it anymore.
He says Doctor, if this is true, I'm interested in a remedy.
And if you realize your condition before God as a Sinner, as a lost Sinner, you would want to know about a remedy. And that's what I'm trying to present to you tonight through the precious word of God, that there is a remedy, God's remedies for sin, God's remedy for your wretched condition, the invitation from the heart of God, come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden.
And I will give you rest.
God has a remedy for your condition. It's not hopeless.
But today is the day of salvation.
God doesn't promise. We've said it before, we say it again. He does not promise another opportunity.
There was a house in Ottawa.
I know right where it is.
And it was occupied by.
Cambodian people, a lot of Cambodians in Ottawa. It was a large family. I forget the seven or eight, several children. One night there was a fire in that house.
They couldn't get out. They were trapped.
About eleven, 12:00 at night.
They all were ushered into eternity.
Within an hour, not one was saved in that family. It shook the whole community. It shook the whole city of Ottawa.
About a week before, calendars were passed out at the school where several of those children attended.
School that I attended when I was a boy, so they may have received a calendar.
And the gospel went out in that community Saturday after Saturday, a few blocks from where they lived.
But God.
Took them suddenly and it was a voice not only to the.
Immigrant community, but to all of those.
In that whole area, well, dear friends.
We want you to be sure of salvation before you leave this room.
And I think of Cain and Abel. I just want to read a verse or two there as we draw to a close.
Genesis chapter 4.
We know the story, but I just want to make a reference here to.
Cain and Abel.
Chapter 4 of Genesis.
Three. And in process of time it came to pass that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground, and offering unto the Lord, and Abel he also brought of the first slings of his flock.
And of the fact thereof. And the Lord had respect unto Abel, and to his offering, but unto Cain, and to his offering he had not respect. And Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell. Well, these two brothers, you remember, were born in the same family.
They were born into the world outside of the Garden of Eden, outside of paradise.
And they both heard how their parents were put out of the garden and what happened there. I'm sure they were about the same age. They had the same privileges.
They grew up in the same family and they had a good desire. They wanted to draw near to God. They wanted to draw near to God, approach God. They wanted to be worshippers of God.
Wasn't anything wrong in that. Maybe you say I want to draw near to God too. I want to know how I can be accepted by God. After all, that's the most important thing. I want to be sure that if I die, I know where I'm going for eternity. Eternity is a long time. After 1000 years have passed, eternity has just begun. And your eternity depends upon what you do with the message.
Of the gospel you are hearing tonight, what you do with the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Son of God who died for you.
That will be the touchstone in your life. You cannot be right in the rest unless you think rightly of him. So this is the test in our passage here with Cain and Abel.
We find that they brought an offering to the Lord. But you know Cain, although his offering looked very attractive. What was wrong with Cain's offering? He completely overlooked the facts of the fall.
He completely.
Overlooked the fact that he was outside of the presence of God.
He forgot that the sin had come in between him and God.
He didn't acknowledge that sin had come into the world and that man was a fallen creature.
That he was at a distance from God. He didn't acknowledge that at all.
And so he brought up the fruit of the ground.
His own diligence.
He wasn't a hypocrite. He wasn't a skeptic.
I don't believe that Cain was an infidel.
He was a person that.
Started what we would call natural religion.
War unto them, for they have gone in the way of Cain. Jude tells us how many people there are in the way of Cain still.
They profess to worship God as Cain did.
They approached God without any acknowledgement that they are sinners, without any repentance. They present to God the works of their own hands.
And think that God will have mercy upon them. Well, God is merciful, very merciful. And God is love, infinite love, but he must have a sacrifice for sin. And if we overlook that, then we're all wrong. We're not approaching God the way that he that will suit his character. If we don't acknowledge that we are guilty before God. Now Abel learned that he must put something between his soul and God.
The world is putting all sorts of things between themselves and God. We have education, we have music, we have sports, et cetera, et cetera. In fact, the descendants of Cain, if we read further on Tubal Cain and.
And so on. They were the originators of the world. He built a city, and they went on to make themselves comfortable outside God's presence.
And some of them were the originators of music and commerce and science and all the rest of the the worldly attractions, pleasures.
The descendants of Cain. Cain himself.
Umm did not know the way to approach God. He should have and God was merciful and told him that if if he would go and get a sacrifice. Verse seven if thou doest well.
Shalt not thou be accepted? And if thou doest not, well, sin lieth at the door, or a sin offering. In other words, God said to Cain, You may go and get a sin offering. Cain, it's not too late unto thee shall be his desire. But Cain turned around and walked out, out from the presence of God. And the scriptures tell us that his works were evil. Just think God's declaration in first John is that.
He hated his brother because his own works were evil. That's how God styled his works.
And as we said before, before you're saved, there's nothing in your life that can please God. Your life is sinful.
But anyway.
Why was Abel accepted? Turn over to Hebrews Chapter 11 for the verse.
We find that Abel was a man of faith.
But God.
Accepted, Abel.
Because of his offering, let's see we.
Look at verse 4. By faith, Hebrews 11. Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous. God testifying of his gifts, and by it he being dead, yet speaketh. Did you ever hear a dead man speak? Abel is speaking to you tonight.
He's a dead man, but he's speaking. Cain has nothing to say, but Abel is speaking to you, my, my friend, tonight, if you're still unsaved, if you're still without Christ in this meeting, Abel is speaking to you. I put between my guilty soul and God a sacrifice. Of course, it wasn't revealed what that sacrifice meant at that time, but now looking back, we know that it was a picture of the Lord Jesus Christ and his blood.
In his death he put between his soul and God and he was accepted in the person of his substitute, his sacrifice. How wonderful. That's the only way that I'm accepted. That's the only way that many of my brethren that are here tonight, beloved of the in the Lord, they are accepted because of the work of Christ. His finished work was mentioned today, a work that has glorified God, settled the question of sin forever. The Lord Jesus could have gone back to the glory from the Mount of Transfiguration.
He didn't need to go down to die reverently speaking.
Because there was number cause of death in him, but he went down into death for you to become that sacrifice.
Ordained of God to meet the claims of a holy God.
The only one who can save you. The story comes to mind of that French soldier who had such admiration for his general, Napoleon, who was a great commander, we know, and he was lying sick in his tent on his deathbed, wounded. He said, if only I could see Napoleon, it would be all right, if only I could have a word with him.
Send for him, please. Napoleon came at his request.
And he stood there and looked at his loyal soldier, and the soldier looked up into the eyes of Napoleon, whom he admired so much. And he said, Napoleon save me, Napoleon, save me.
And Napoleon had to turn away in sorrow and grief. He couldn't save it. But tonight there is one who can save to the uttermost, those that come unto God by him. And he's reaching out that hand, that hand that has never lost a man, that male pierced hand of Calvary to you tonight, my friend, if you're still without Christ, without God in this room, He's stretching out that hand, a hand that is mighty to say, won't you close in with his offer of mercy?
Before it is too late, there's boys and girls here. I know and thank you for your attention. I'm going to tell you a little story to close. I'm a little boy.
Who lived in Canada? His name was Roger Woodward and Roger was seven years of age. Some boys and girls, 7:00 or 8:00.
And he's the only boy that went over our Niagara Falls.
With only.
A life preserver, a life jacket on.
I won't go into all the details of the story, but there's a place as you come down the river to the Niagara Falls.
It's called the point of no return. If you go beyond that, it's not known that a person can be saved.
And he was in a boat. Little Roger was in a boat with his sister Deanna, and with a friend, James.
And he and his sister had on life jackets, but the man who was running the boat, he didn't have a life jacket on. They went beyond that point.
And they found that the current was too strong. They tried to turn the boat around and go the other way, but it wouldn't do. It wouldn't work. And they sheared a pin. And then they were helpless, floating down to the falls, 162 feet.
And the hole at the bottom is nearly 200 feet over the falls.
Well, the story goes. Then the boat capsized, then they were thrown into the water and someone reached out and grabbed the thumb of his sister and miraculously pulled her into shore.
The other, the man who was running the boat, he had no life jacket. As I said, he went over the falls and he didn't live. They found his body four days later. But Roger, seven years of age, he went over the falls and down into that deep hole and he came up again. There he was bobbing in the water.
And there's a shift going along there called the Maid of the Mist.
And they saw this boy and they showed it. There's a boy out there look at he's calling for help. And they threw him a life preserver. It took two or three throws and it grabbed onto it and they pulled him up into the boat. Roger was saved.
Apart from some scratches and bruises, he was all right. Took him a few days to get over his ordeal, but he lived. One year later when Roger was perhaps 8/8 and 1/2, he went to a gospel meeting and he heard about the Lord Jesus who died for him and he said.
The Lord saved me that time when I went over the falls so that He could save me this time.
From my sins. And there in that meeting, he saw that he was a Sinner, that the Lord Jesus was reaching down to lift him out of that horrible pit, just like he did in the in the Niagara Falls.
And he accepted Christ.
Of course, when he went over the falls with only a life preserver on, the only person who has ever done that. Yes, there's people that have gone over in tightrope, tight ropes and barrels and so on, but he went over just with a life jacket on.
That was splashed all over the papers of Ontario, but when he accepted the Lord Jesus as his Savior, there was nothing in the paper about that at all.
But I'll tell you a sequel to that last time I heard about Roger. Of course he's not 8 years old now because this was 1960. So add on another 40 years. The last time I heard he was preaching the gospel, going around and preaching about the Lord Jesus and telling how they could be saved from not from a watery grave, but from the lake of fire. May God bless His word to us tonight, dear friends, and we trust.
That this feeble presentation.
May bring before you the wonderful remedy provision that God has made, that you might have a happy eternity. I'll tell you, paradise was lost. Yes, you know that. Our brother spoke about it last night.
God has opened a paradise up there, something far better than anything the world can offer.
He's inviting you to a heavenly paradise. You know, Adam was really a thief. He took what didn't belong to him and he was put out of paradise. You look at Luke 23, you see a thief that was brought into paradise through the Lord Jesus, through his work on the cross. He was brought into a paradise that was far better than the Garden of Eden. Garden of Eden was beautiful, but it was spoiled by sin. And so is this whole world spoiled by sin.
We see the effects of it everywhere, but God is inviting you, my friend, tonight to a place that cannot be spoiled with sin.
No defilement will enter there. What a wonderful future the child of God can look forward to, and it's a gift to you tonight if you will bow the knee and repent.
Take sides with God against yourself. Have that change of mind. If God tells you about your condition, don't talk back to Him. Acknowledge that what God says is true and receive His full and free and eternal salvation. Shall we sing?
In closing.
Short him.
#21 Shall we stand and sing #21?
Shall we pray loving God?