The Scavenger Hunt

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Children—J. Bilisoly
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9:15 We still have just a couple of minutes before 9:15, so if there are any boys and girls that would like to come up and fill up some of these chairs, that would be nice.
And if you don't feel like it, that's OK too.
You know, isn't it nice boys and girls, that there's a meeting that's kind of special for you? And, you know, I'm sure that when those older brothers that arranged these meetings, when they were discussing this, I, I doubt if they said, now let's see, shall we have a children's meeting this year or not? I don't think they probably had that discussion, but I do believe that they probably did this. I believe that they probably prayed.
That if there was any boy or girl that would be at these meetings that doesn't know the Lord Jesus as their Savior, that they might be saved, that they might be saved from their sins. I don't doubt that there were some prayers along that line.
And you know, I think it's so nice that they decided to have a children speeding and I believe that probably one of the reasons they decided to have a children's meeting.
And put it on the schedule is because they love you. Isn't that nice? You know those men that organize these meetings, some of them are daddies, some of them are grandpas, and they have boys and girls that they love and they desire that they might be saved and grow up to be pleasing to the Lord Jesus. And so I'm sure that they wanted to have a children's meeting because they're concerned for you and because they love you.
How many of us here in this room like to be loved?
I think we all do, don't we? I think we all like to be loved. And boys and girls, you're loved. Isn't that nice? Isn't it nice to know that somebody loves us? Yes, that's wonderful. Well, you know what I think we should do?
Think we should sing a little? Do you like to sing? Is there anybody here that likes to sing?
OK, I like to sing. Why do you like to sing?
How hard is it to be put on the slide? How about you? How come you like to sing?
Because it's fun. It's fun. OK.
Do you like to sing? How come?
Because it's all fun and best. It's best to practice. That's true. That's important. Do you like to sing? How come you like? I would say because it it makes me happy. Good. I was thinking of that too. You know, we sing, don't we boys and girls, because we're happy.
Have you ever been, have you ever been in your home and you hear somebody just humming along as they're working? You know something, don't you? You know that they're happy. And I hope that you can sing this morning because you're happy. And not only that, boys and girls, I hope that you can sing this morning because you have a song in your heart. Isn't it wonderful to have a song in our hearts? You know, the prophet Isaiah, he could say, now will I sing of my well beloved, a song to my beloved.
And concerning his vineyard there in Isaiah chapter 5, I think it's wonderful that we can sing to our beloved is the Lord Jesus.
Beloved, is he well beloved to us? Well, then he likes to hear us sing and we can sing to him. Now, maybe there's somebody here that says, well, you know, one little girl said it takes practice. It's good to practice. Yes, that's true. Maybe someone here is saying to themselves, well, I, I just have trouble singing. I Can't Sing very well. Well, you know, it says in in Psalm 66 that we can make a joyful noise all right to God. It says, make a joyful noise to God.
All ye the earth. So boys and girls, maybe if you Can't Sing very well, make a joyful noise. OK, we're going to, we're going to say that's permitted this morning to make a joyful noise. So let's do that. Now, who has a song for us to sing?
Anybody with a song? He said. You like to sing?
OK Oh, I'm sorry. OK Jesus loves me, all right.
In this 140, Thank you, let's sing Jesus loves me.
Help me out.
If I trust him, should I?
Be able to make me hold my eyes.
Let's change the bloodstream.
Gas station, that's why.
OK, that was a girl. Now do we have one that a boy would like to give out?
Is there a boy that would like to give out a song that they would like to sing?
All right, 46, thank you.
OK boys and girls, we're going to just sing one more for times sake and we'll ask a girl now. OK, See, I think I saw Ellie's hands up pretty quick.
Let's sing it from memory.
OK, boys and girls, before we go any further, we're going to just bow our heads, fold our hands if we need to, and let's ask our God and Father for His help in this whole meeting. Now I suppose that there's some of you that might have a burst that you'd like to share with us. Let's just take a couple of minutes and I'm sorry if we don't get to every single one that might have a verse.
I hope you children understand. We love to hear you reciting verses from memory. It's such a good thing to do. We heard that yesterday, didn't we? How we need to saturate ourselves. That means to just have the Word of God so much in our hearts that it just comes out in our lives. OK, who has a verse for us?
Does anyone have a verse? OK.
And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul. Genesis 27. Thank you.
Would you say you had one? Very.
Come man, I will answer the answer and show you great and naughty things which you know, not Jeremiah 33 three. Thank you anyone else?
OK, you want to stand?
Dennis is 2/7. Thank you. OK, we'll go over here.
For God to love the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting forgotten. Love that He gave, He gave not his Son into the world to condemn the world without the world through Him might be saved. John Three, wait, John.
316 or 17?
OK. Did you have one?
OK, all right, let's Anyone else over here. OK, let's go over here. Any of you girls?
OK, forgot to practice. All right.
OK, anyone over here?
And it's scary, isn't it?
But don't be afraid.
OK, good. All right, we'll come down here. You want to say a verse for us?
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved at six.
Being 31 very good. OK anyone else?
All right. Thank you, boys and girls. That was very nice. It's encouraging to hear you say those verses.
You know, boys and girls, we had a verse last night in the gospel meeting that was a very solemn verse, and we're going to look at that again. You could be turning to it while we talk. It's in Isaiah chapter one. You know, as I look around this circle this morning, I see a lot of very, very nicely dressed boys and girls. And for the most part, I would say that you all look pretty happy this morning. And you were singing. That's nice.
Nice to see you sing and you know, boys and girls, I imagine that there was quite a bit of effort that went into your appearance this morning.
I can just picture your daddies and mommies by getting you all nicely dressed and cleaned up this morning. Hair combed. You look so charming. You look very nice, but you know.
I can only see what I can see.
I can't look inside and see how you're really feeling inside.
I don't know what condition your heart is in. Outwardly you look very nice.
But there's somebody that can see right down inside and can see through that outward appearance and can see your heart. Who's that?
The Lord Jesus, That's right. And you know.
There's a lot of things that we see in this world that look very nice as we're driving up here to this building, for example, they look very nice out there. Very, very pleasant, attractive, appealing, I'll put it that way. But you know, I took a little walk Saturday morning and I walked around the building.
And you know, when I got over there on the back of the building, it didn't look quite as nice.
It was a whole lot different looking back there than out here.
And I think you know what I mean, boys and girls, there's a lot of things that are presented to us that way, and they look very nice. But that's not really the true picture altogether. That's just a part of it. Maybe you've had this experience. I know we have. Or you've gone to a restaurant and, you know, it was very nicely decorated inside and attractive. But maybe from where you were sitting, you could kind of see a door would open up once in a while. You look in the kitchen there. Hmm, Boy, it didn't look quite as nice in the kitchen.
Well, you know, there's a lot of things like that, boys and girls, and you look very nice this morning.
And I'm thankful, I'm thankful that you have daddies and mommies that care how you look and they want you to be dressed up and they want your hair to look nice and combed and your shoes are shined and you just look very charming this morning. But you know, boys and girls, we want to talk a little bit about the inside. We're looking on the outside, but God looks on the inside and what does he see? Well, we had last night in the gospel that he sees something when he looks on the outs in the inside, and this is what he sees.
The end of verse 5. The whole head is sick of Isaiah 1, and the whole heart faint from the sole of the foot, even unto the head. There's no soundness in it but wounds and bruises and putrefying swords. They have not been closed, neither bound up, neither mollified with ointment.
And, you know, we could read other verses. Let's look at another passage here and.
Isaiah 64. Familiar Same book. Isaiah 64.
Verse six EW, we don't like to read these things sometimes, do we, boys and girls?
Verse six of Isaiah 64 But we are all does that exclude anyone? We are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags. And we do all fade as a leaf, and our iniquities like the wind have taken us away.
Now we'll look at one more passage in Psalm 14.
Psalm 14.
And verse one, the fool has said in his heart there is no God, they are corrupt. Well that doesn't sound good does it?
They have done abominable works. There is none that doeth good.
The Lord looked down from heaven upon the children of men. That's all of us, the children of men.
To see if there were any that did understand and seek God. They are all gone aside. They are all together become filthy. There is none that doeth good. No, not one.
Boys and girls, this is God's view of man that has fallen into sin. You know, when man was created, he was created in the image and likeness of God. Wonderful, isn't it? And he looked at man and all that he had created. He could look and he could say, behold, it is very good. What God had created was very good. But sin came in that awful thing called sin. Such a little word and such devastating results.
Sin, sin, sin came in and spoiled God's beautiful creation and spoiled man. Man became a Sinner, and when man became a Sinner he became corrupt. As it says here. He became filthy. He could not please God.
Oh, that sounds pretty serious, doesn't it?
Yeah, that's that's man's condition, boys and girls, that's yours and my condition. By nature, we're sinners before God.
And you know, the Apostle Paul, we could turn to it, but we won't. He quotes from this passage that we just read here in the book of Romans talks about all having sinned there and come short of the glory of God. What a condition. Well, you know, as I was thinking about this a little bit.
I was thinking of.
How I could just illustrate this a little bit in a some feeble way?
And so I went on a little scavenger hunt. Have you ever been on a scavenger hunt?
How many have been on a scavenger hunt? OK, what do you do on a scavenger hunt? What are you looking for?
You might be looking for all kinds of things, right?
What's that?
Clues. Clues. OK, so you're thinking of that type of scavenger hunt. Yes, I I know what you're talking about, but I was thinking of a scavenger hunt where you're just looking for things and you you find them and you pick them up and you put them in your bag. Well, boys and girls, that's what I did. I went out and I didn't go very far. In fact, I just went around this, the premises of this hotel, this nice hotel we're staying at. And I started looking around this nice hotel and I found some things and.
And my scavenger hunt and I'd like to just.
Show you what I found.
And I gathered up quite a few things here.
And I put them in a bag so that you could see them.
Now this is what I gathered on my scavenger hunt.
I've got a lot of things in here and.
Well, I don't know. It's not very, not a very pretty sight. I've got a lot of dead things in here. You know what that reminds me of? Boys and girls.
That you and I, because of sin, were dead. You know, that's what God's Word says. We're dead in trespasses and sins.
That's before salvation, when the Lord comes in and saves us dead. What a condition. We're kind of like this. And you know, I thought as I was picking up these leaves and these needles, these pine needles, these, I don't know, there's some prickly little balls here. I don't know what they are.
I'm sure the locals do and.
I found something else. I found some filthy rags. You see that? You see the filthy rags?
Well, that's not very nice, is it?
That's what I found just a little ways from here.
See all that stuff? Dead filthy?
It's kind of hard to think of ourselves like this isn't a boys and girls.
You might say I don't, I'm not like that.
That's what we're like in God's sight.
Remember, we read in Isaiah 64 that we're all as an unclean thing. Do you see some unclean things in here? I do.
And all our righteousness is, oh our filthy rags, what our righteousnesses? Is God saying that those things that we think are righteous about ourselves?
That God says they're like filthy rags, And is it possible that boys and girls your age could ever have a thought that no, there's something good about myself.
You know, boys and girls, unfortunately there is there's in each of our hearts.
That which answers to that, those righteousnesses, those things that where we think, you know, I'm not too bad. You know, I work downtown in Denver, Co and Denver's gotten to be big metropolitan Denver's about 2 million people. And you see a lot of of things, sorry sites. And I write a shuttle bus from where my bus stops to get to my building or to get to where I can walk to my building. And I see a lot of things. I see people that get on the bus and.
They start talking.
And, you know, it says in Scripture that out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh. Do you know what that means, boys and girls? It means that what I harbor in my heart, what I think about, what I live on, that comes out when I speak. And these people, they open their mouths and oh, it's awful. You feel so sorry for them. Their language betrays what's in their heart. And then I see people sometimes they're walking along and the crowded sidewalks.
And they stop at this round container.
Maybe about this high and it has a lid on it and they'll sometimes they'll take that lid off.
And they'll reach down in there and they're digging around. What do you think they're doing?
What do you think they're doing in that big round thing? You know what that big round thing is?
A trash can. That's right. And they're digging around for something, maybe something to eat. I've actually seen them take things out and open them up and start eating them. Oh, that's sad, isn't it? And so you might say, well, yeah, I understand what you're talking about. I see people like that. And yeah, I can understand. But not me, Boys and girls, your heart is no different. Your heart is no different than that person's heart that digs down in that trash can looking for something to eat. No, it isn't.
And so I thought of these, this bag of things that I collected on this.
Scavenger hunt. I kind of thought of these as.
All those things that make us.
Be what it says here in these portions of scripture. Every time we have a wrong thought, every time we do a little act of of unkindness to someone else or speak a harsh word, it's like we add to this this pile.
Now I have no idea how many things are in here.
But I'm going to say that this pile of leaves and dead things and a few filthy things, I'm going to say that it represents perhaps the lives of maybe the life of the youngest child here that's sitting up here now, boys and girls. It says in Scripture that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. So if this represents the life of the youngest child here that's sitting in this room, Can you imagine how big this bag would have to be if it represented my life?
And that's it.
You know, even by the mercy of God, when he saves us, what a wonderful thing he gives us a new nature that wants to please him. But we still have that old nature. You know, we have these enemies. And, and I was thinking about that too. I was thinking of how wonderful it is to be in this room and we feel secure together and we can hop up from eating when meeting's over and we can run and play. And it's wonderful, isn't it? But you know, boys and girls, we have enemies and they're lurking right outside.
The room now you say, what do you mean by that? Well, we heard a little bit about some of our enemies. We heard about an enemy called the world yesterday. And the world wants to the world wants to fill our lives with this.
Because the God of this world.
Wants to ruin lives and I see a lot of ruined lives when I go downtown to work.
And boys and girls, do you think he waits? Do you think that this enemy, that's another enemy too, isn't he? We call him Satan. He's called different things in the word of God, but we'll say we'll refer to him as Satan. And you know, do you think he waits until you get to be my age to start filling your life with this kind of thing? Do you think he waits that long? No, he starts. When does he start? When does he start?
As soon as we're safe.
Think so.
Anybody else? When do you think he starts filling our, we'll call it filling a bag with this this kind of thing?
I'm going to tell you, boys and girls.
He starts as soon as you're born.
Didn't think about that, did you? I saw some surprised expressions. But that's right, He starts as soon as you're born. You have an enemy that wants to fill your life with things that are displeasing to the Lord.
And so we have that enemy Satan, we have the world that's an enemy, and we have that flesh in us. We talked about that, that that nature in us that wants to do bad things, that wants to take what somebody else's, that wants to say an unkind, harsh word.
That's what kind of a nature we have, and the enemy fills our lives up with these things. And so if I had to represent mine, it would be a big thing. I would be embarrassed. I would be ashamed.
So I'm going to ask for your help now.
What are we going to do with this?
What do you think we should do with this?
Put it back in the back.
Put it back in the ground. OK, Put it back where it came from.
Maybe put it somewhere where we could always look at it when we want to see it.
You're you're a lot braver than I am. I wouldn't want my bag but where I could see it I just thought maybe get rid of it.
Rid of it? Oh dear.
Get rid of it. OK, so just does that mean that get rid of me then? Or if this represents me a bigger bag, just throw it away?
I'm sure that's not what you meant. What else? Anybody else have a thought on what we should do with this?
Get changed by the Lord Jesus Christ. Wonderful. Get saved by the Lord Jesus Christ. And what will he do with all of this if we get saved?
Clean it. Clean it. OK. He'll get rid of these stands, won't he? How will he get rid of these sins? Can you tell us?
Memory blank. That happens to me all the time. OK, how about you? How? How will he wash him away? Lots of soap and water.
How does he get rid of our sins, boys and girls? I know you know. So how about down here? Can you tell us how He gets rid of our sins?
I'll help you out and then maybe you can help. Help me. The blood of Jesus Christ, his Son. Can someone finish it OK now?
Very good cleanse with us from all sin. Isn't that wonderful, boys and girls? You know, I'm glad that we decided that we wouldn't just throw it away to use that that illustration.
And so.
You know, we could do that, and that's probably what we'll eventually do, get rid of this.
But first of all, before we do that, I would like to give this to you, to one of you. Would you like to have it?
No, she doesn't want it.
Let's see.
I I don't feel bad. I understand. Would you like it?
OK, one of these girls like it. Would you like to have this?
Oh dear.
Hey, boys.
Would you like it? Wonderful.
Wonderful. OK, I'm going to. She's going to have it. But right now we're going to do something a little bit more first because I want to illustrate something. What? What was your name?
Suzie OK.
I'm sorry, what was her name? Suki. OK, very good. Why did you want this?
Why did you want that big? Can you tell me why you wanted it?
I'm glad you. I'm glad you accepted it. And I OK. Anyway, that's amazing that she wanted this. I would have thought that I would have reacted like most of you did. That is there. Let me ask you this. Is there any value in this? Is this valuable?
You know, sometimes you hear people say they're talking about someone else and they say how much are they worth? Have you heard that? Have you heard that? Have you heard somebody say how much are they worth? Maybe they're talking about some. Let's just say President Bush, how much has he worth? Have you ever heard someone say that? Or maybe like a man named Bill Gates, have you heard that name? We throw these names around and we say, you hear people say how much are they worth? OK, I'm going to ask you boys and girls a question. How much are you worth?
How much?
Nothing. That's a very honest answer.
How about someone else? How much are you worth?
Let me put it a different way and then let's see if we get a different answer because I think your answer was right and the way I asked it. Let me ask you this. How much are you worth to the Lord Jesus? Now I see some.
A lot. A lot. OK, what were you going to say? Anybody else with another answer? How much are you worth to the Lord Jesus, Kevin?
Let me ask you this, boys and girls, if you were the only one that was a Sinner.
And the Lord Jesus came to save you. Do you think he would have gone through Calvary's cross for you?
Yes. You ever thought about that way? That's how much He loves you, the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me. Can you make it personal like that? And then maybe that gives you a little better sense of how much He loved you, That if you were the only one that was a Sinner in this world, God would have sent His Son to die for you, and the Lord Jesus would have been willing to offer up his life and shed his precious blood for you. Isn't that wonderful?
That's how much she loves you. OK, we have just a few minutes left before we give Sushi her gift. And I want to look at some parents that loved their children dearly. And I'm thinking about two parents that have three children and they love them dearly. And we read about their love for one of these children. And so let's look at Exodus Chapter 2.
And you know, we're going to do this quickly because we're running out of time, but this account that we're going to read in Exodus Chapter 2 is mentioned to us. We have it three times in Scripture.
And each time it's a little bit different, but there's one thing that's the same and I'm going to emphasize that. And you, you tell me after we're done reading these 3 verses or these three portions of Scripture, what thing is the same about all of these three portions that we read of, of this account? Okay, Exodus chapter 2 and verse one. And there a man of the House of Levi and took to.
To wife, a daughter of Levi. And the woman conceived and bear a son. And when she saw him that he was a goodly child, she hid him three months. And when she could no longer hide him, she took for him an arc of bulrushes, and dabbed it with slime and with pitch, and put the child there in. And she laid it in the flakes by the river's brink. And his sister stood afar off, to wit, what would be done to him? Now, who is this that we're reading about, Susie?
I just forgot his name.
OK. Thank you, Moses.
Now notice here boys and girls and I just want to digress just a second here and say something to the mommies because you know, the mommies are so important in our lives and I'm sure they were important this morning in making you so nice looking this morning. But here it seems to be that the Spirit of God is bringing before us the faith of this mother. And her name was Jacobed and she saw this boy, this boy that the Lord gave him. And she unsure in her heart, she said, you know, this is a child that the Lord gave me. And even though the king, this wicked Pharaoh king that doesn't know God, he doesn't love God.
He's commanded us to throw this little child in the Nile River and drowned him. Can you imagine? Drown this beautiful baby? And her mother's heart said, no, I'm not going to do that. I can't do that. So she hit him as long as she could. She hit him for three months. And then when she couldn't hide him any longer, she made this little arc for him and put him in the ark. OK, now let's turn over to Acts Chapter 7. And so I think we had there a little, the emphasis put on the mom there, the mother, and how important her role is. Now in Acts Chapter 7, when Steven is standing before the council and speaking for his very life, he recounts this again.
And he says in Acts Chapter 7 and verse 18, until another king arose which knew not Joseph, the same dealt subtly with our kindred and evil entreated our fathers so that they cast out their young children to the end they might not live. In which time Moses was born and was exceeding fair and nourished up in his father's house three months. Now here's a word, if I can put it this way to us fathers. Fathers, we have an important role in the development of this child. And it says here that he was nourished up in his father's house. Are we fulfilling our responsibility?
These dear little ones that the Lord has entrusted with us. This is a word for our conscience, fathers, and it says here that He was nourished up in his father's house. Three months. OK, one more Hebrews 11.
And in Hebrews 11 and verse 23.
By faith, Moses, when he was born was hit three months of his parents because they saw you as a proper child or a beautiful child, and they were not afraid of the King's commandment. OK, Now there was something in each of these. And here I would say that the Spirit of God is emphasizing the faith of both the parents. OK, we have the mother and her faith. We have the father and his responsibilities and nourish up his child in his house as the head of his home. And then we had the faith of them both. Both the parents acted, I'm sure. Now what did we read that was the same in all three? There was something, some little, one little phrase.
Anybody remember?
Anybody remember what it was? There was something in common and all those 3 phrases. The emphasis is a little different, but there was something in common, you know?
Memory blink. OK Anyone else? What was the same? OK, for the sake of time, boys and girls, because we're just about out of time, I'm going to tell you it was three months. Did you notice that? Three months. Now, you know what that says to my heart? It says that our time with you is limited. You're growing up. You're not going to look the same next year if we're here and the year after that. I hope we aren't. But you're not going to say the same. Look, stay the same or look the same. You're growing up and there's only a certain period of time that we have to exercise our influence. Let's say it's three months. Now, I know it's longer than that, but scripture says three months. So I want to say this.
It's just a little bit of time, mothers and dads, that we have with our children. So let's take advantage of it Now. Sushi, do you want to come up here a minute?
I have something for you here because boys and girls, I want to emphasize something. And there's a verse I'm going to read in closing, and it's in Matthew 16.
Matthew 16.
And this is going to illustrate what we are trying to here. I mean, it's going to help us.
Narrative 16.
And verse 26 for what is a man profited if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul, or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? You know, boys and girls, you have a spirit, you have a body. I can see your body and you're dressed very nicely, but I can't see your spirit that's hidden, and I can't see your soul, but God can. And you have a soul that's precious to God. And so there's something in all of this mess of things that look so worthless and that we want to get rid of. But there's something here for her. So can you come up here or I'll come over to you.
All right, OK, let's just dig in here a little. I'll do it, OK? Because I don't want you to have to dig in it, OK? There it is, right there where we couldn't see it. Just like your soul. God can't see your soul, boys and girls, but he loves it. Now, what's that?
Paper money. OK, that's for you. OK, all right, that's just a little table illustration of what we're trying to say, boys and girls, that we didn't see anything of value in this. We just said get rid of it. It doesn't look nice, it doesn't smell nice, and let's just get rid of it. But boys and girls, you have a soul, and God sees your precious soul and He wants to save you for him. Okay, we're going to close with a song, and you, boys and girls, have been sitting a long time, so I'm going to ask that you stand up by your chair.
Keep me company here and let's sing a song on the back of this sheet.
Let's sing.
#47 is the last song on our sheets, and we're just going to sing one verse and the chorus. And you know, boys and girls, I want you to think of yourself as a gem. Do you know what a gem is, Kevin?
A jewel, something bright, something beautiful, something valuable. That's how God sees you. You're of value to him and he wants to take you. Just like Moses parents saw value in their boy and they wanted him to be of use to God. Boys and girls, you know something exciting. I didn't read this, I'll just tell you about it. That had Moses parents had an influence in his life so that when he got to be older, he was used to the Lord to leave the children of Israel out of Egypt. And when that king said who's going to go to serve the Lord, you know what Moses said?
We're going to go and our little ones too. He wanted to take his little ones. He had learned that value from his parents and someone else learned from from from Moses. Joshua said, As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. He wanted to bring his whole house in. Isn't that wonderful? We can be an influence to others. OK, let's sing the last. I mean the first verse in the chorus of #47 when?
And now, boys and girls, we're going to get rid of this. We're going to just put it out of sight because that's what the precious blood of Jesus does. He takes our sins away and all he sees is what's a value to him. Isn't that wonderful? Let's pray.