
Listen from:
Gospel—L. Smith
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There's a voice that is falling to be and it played with it.
They proved all drastically.
And whisper to give us now come.
Forever and obey.
There's a savior now waiting for me.
With his heart and his eyes glowing blood.
Where we come into judgment it freeze in the light will want Calvary God.
Can we ask God's question?
Blessed God, we look up to thee tonight. Thanking thee this hour to God of all.
I was thinking a little tonight of voices.
No, just.
Couple weekends ago we went to a wedding.
And the groom's tents. And both beds.
For many of their friends instead. So during the wedding there was an interpreter listening.
To the work that we're being said and signing.
What was being said? Sign language.
Because they could not hear with the natural ears, you could not hear a voice.
Some here had the privilege of being at that wedding.
And it was touching, quite touching to hear them say words out loud as well as see the signs that met with the words said. But I was thinking her voice I think most everyone in this room can hear.
Some of us probably used to hear better than we do now, but most everyone here can hear.
We sang. There's a voice that is calling.
Lots of voices.
So we look at a few.
I was thinking of the voice of the Son of God.
The voice of Hell.
This is quite a contrast, don't they?
And the voice in the wilderness.
Let's look first at the voice and the wilderness.
John's Gospel chapter one.
Verse 6.
There was a man sent from God.
His name is John.
He came for a witness to bear witness of the light.
That all men through him.
My belief.
In verse 22, they asked.
John, who art thou?
That we may give an answer to them that sent us. What sayest thou thyself? He said, I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness makes straight the way of the Lord.
I said the prophet Isaiah.
Why was he out in the wilderness?
Saying something like this.
You know, because men's hearts are fallen and sinful.
Man likes to have glory.
Apart from God.
This afternoon we heard a little bit from the book of Abacus.
The Chaldeans.
There was an ancient Babylon.
And that city was not to be built again.
There is a part of the Babylon.
But Babylon never has a good connotation with God.
Let's look at Revelation.
Chapter 18.
After these things, I saw another Angel come down from heaven having great power, and the earth was lightened with his glory.
And he cried mightily, with a strong voice.
Saying, Babylon, the greatest fallen is fallen, and has become the habitation of devils in the whole, of every foul spirit and cage, of every unclean and faithful bird. For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her. And the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of their delicacies. And they heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached up unto heaven, and God has remembered.
Fermi Curtains.
Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double under her, Double according to her words. Then the cup which she has filled filled with her double how much she has glorified herself.
And lived deliciously. So much torment and sorrow gives her what she sayeth in her heart. I should be clean in the no widow, and I shall see no sorrow. Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death and mourning and famine. And she shall be utterly burned with fire. For strong as the Lord God who judges her.
Powerful words, aren't they? Voices of angels, A voice from heaven, it says come out of her. Come out of her.
It goes on to list her merchandise in verse 12.
And 13 and the end of verse 13 reads and slaves and souls.
Of land.
She glorified herself.
She looked delicious.
Glory without God.
This world says come on boys, play ball with us. You're really good. Go to the top of the team.
Play at school.
Raise the school name. Go to college, play at college. Raise the college name.
You see all these?
Academic Academy of the teachers riding on this approaches getting a name for themselves off of the strength of many young.
Who is your voice that it's calling you?
Progen Taylor Swift.
Please don't rest.
This voice is going to come out of heaven in a day yet to come.
Fossil, isn't it?
Let's look at A voice from Hell, Isaiah chapter 14.
A Day, Chapter 14.
Now this world wants its own glory, and they want its apart from God.
And they want your soul. They will sell your soul.
And if you give it, you can have it glory, but its glory is short lived.
There was John in the wilderness.
He didn't have normal clothes.
He had a voice that was ringing for God.
That voice called for repentance of the night. God calls for repentance.
Praise the Lord for everyone in this room who's repented before God and forsaken their sins and trusted in our Jesus.
But think of this verse 4. Thou shalt take up this proverb against the king of Babylon, and say, How hath the oppressor cease, the golden city cease?
You see, ancient Babylon came to him. It had a glory.
We read something about it this afternoon.
How it just devours nation?
Remember reading in history about Alexander the Great?
It was he that sat down and cried that there were no more countries to concrete.
Died very young.
Short floor.
Short clothes.
Verse five. The Lord have broken the staff of the wicked and the scepter of the rulers. He who smote the people in wrath with a continual stroke. He that ruled the nations in anger is persecuted and none injured. I brought down ancient Babylon. He's going to bring down modern Babylon.
The whole earth is at rest, and it's quiet. They break forth into singing a The fir trees rejoice at thee and the Cedars of Lebanon, saying, Since thouart laid down, no feller has come up against us.
Hell from beneath his move for thee to meet thee at thy coming.
See how falling, babbling it even moves? Hell.
Even all the chief ones of the earth. It stirred up the dead for the even all the chief ones of the earth.
See, all these men were kings on earth.
They had a temporary glory, and now the king of Babylon is going there too. What does it say?
Incredible. Just that much.
It was a handwriting on the wall Mimi Mimi takeover.
Wade, Wade numbered and divided.
Daniel comes in.
He's not at their party. This world says, come to our party, we're going to have glass. Daniel wasn't a fifth party. Bill Shazer called for those golden vessels of the House of the Lord. He said Freeman will praise him God with silver and gold and wood and earth and stone. But that's nice, Nice finger on the wall.
Nobody. There's an implicit but the Queen Mother. She isn't at the party either.
He hears about it and he says there's somebody in your Kingdom that can interpret that. We have to call for Daniel. He comes in, he says.
Numbered numbered weight and divided your weight in the balances and found one.
Say that night.
They entered this city and took the city.
And the slave?
King of Babylon here, what's it say? The whole earth is at rest. Not trouble in the nations anymore.
Even the trees are rejoicing.
But hell from beneath is moved, and all the dead former glorying men in the earth, even all the cheap ones of the earth, Verse nine. It has raised them up from their Thrones. All the kings of the nations, all they shall speak and say unto thee, Ark thou also become weak because we art. Thou become like unto us. Thy pomp is brought down to the grave, and the noise of thy vials. The worm is spread under thee, and the worms covered in.
Our fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning, how art thou cut down to the ground which gets weakened in nations?
How long did the glory last? Pretty short.
You know, God used Babylon as a scourge against his people. Israel. He used to Syria the same way, but he held them accountable for how they treated those people.
And God is going to hold this world accountable for how it treats His people.
Trusted Increases Thanks for getting by with something their merchandise.
It's a slave soldier.
You want to be identified with that.
Here's a voice from hell that says to these men that had former earthly glory, are you become like this?
And into the same grade.
Believing in the judgment of God.
Awesome, awesome.
Just a moment close.
Then wait, eternal. Yes, you don't want that.
You don't.
So there's the voice of angels in Revelation Speaking of the Babylon that's in our day, this world and its glory, the false church to the mother of hearts, unfaithfulness to Christ.
In Heaven's voice.
Speaks out against.
John's voice speaks. Repent that King is coming.
Some in Israel.
Tonight it's this scene before God. Repent.
What about those things?
God requires that which is test.
Scripture tells us.
The soul that sineth it shall God.
Anyone here that can say I have never seen?
Can you say that before God?
You cannot say that.
You know you have sinned before God.
But oh, there's another voice.
Let's look in John chapter 12.
Well, first let's look in Luke 23.
We had this verse before us. Chapter 23, verse 39. This is the scene of Calvary Cross.
The blessed man that was sent down by God, the Lord Jesus.
He's hanging there on the cross.
Your debt and my debt were so great before God.
We could never bow alone soon.
We too impure, loss, guilty, in need of repentance, in need of a substitute. Here the Lord Jesus lifted up on that cross.
But on either side hangs the malefactor who's 39, And one of the malefactors which were hanged railed on him, saying, If thou be Christ, pay thyself in US. But the other answering rebuilt him saying.
Dost not thou fear God?
Seem thou art in the same condemnation, and we indeed justly.
But we receive the due reward of our deeds.
This man has done nothing to miss.
Dost not thou fear God? Don't you fear God?
Here's the Son of God lifted up between these two men and on either side, and we're talking across.
Here is a voice.
Of the conscience.
The one man's conscience seems to be hardened.
But the other man's conscience tells him something.
I deserve this.
I deserve this.
But that man in the middle?
Who doesn't consider?
The voice of the conscience.
We indeed justly.
So we receive the due reward of our deeds, but this man has done nothing amiss. And he said unto Jesus, Lord, Remember Me, when thou comest in thy into thy Kingdom.
Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise.
When would you like to be hanging on a cross?
The conscience telling you I deserve this.
But then there's a man in the middle.
If your conscience tells you.
He has never done anything wrong.
And then your ear hears him say.
I say to thee today that thou be with me in Paradise.
Oh, what a voice that is. A voice that answers the voice of the conscience.
Have you said before God I have sinned?
You know, the prodigal and returning said.
Father, I have sinned before heaven and against sleep.
I'm no more worthy to be called thyself.
He got no further.
Father's heart burst open.
I've always felt about it.
Bring forth the best robe and put it on us. Ring on his hand, sandals on his feet. Kill the fatted cat. Let it sneak. Mary, walk.
Constance had been at work.
The confession had been made.
And the father could display time.
Let's look at John Chapter 11.
Here we are at Lazarus Grave.
There in that grave, with a stone rolled to the door.
Lies a man all wrapped up in cloth.
He's totally wrapped up. He's embalmed.
And he'd been in there for four days.
That how often?
We read about the king of Babylon, about the worms beneath him and the worms in him.
That's what happens when you die.
Fixing dead animals from the wounds crawling in the you know, this whole flesh don't last long enough to die.
But the most important thing is we're not animals.
We have an external.
Immortal Soul.
That soul will live forever and ever.
And it will either spend eternity in heaven with the blessed Lord Jesus.
In the glory of God or we will spend eternity.
Jesus comes after Lazarus has died.
Verse 20 And then Martha, as soon as he heard that Jesus was coming, went and met him, but Mary sat still in the house.
Prince said Mark unto Jesus, Lord, if I'd been here, my brother had not died. But I know that even now let's river thou will ask of God, God will give it to you. Jesus saith unto her, Thy brother shall rise again.
Martha saith unto him, I know he shall rise again in the resurrection of the last stage. Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and delight. He that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet doesn't live. Whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believeth thou this?
Who saith unto him, Yeah, Lord, I believe that thou art the Christ. The Son of God is becoming to the world.
Oh, what a wonderful thing to find out that Jesus is the resurrection in the love.
What a wonderful thing to have to find my.
What a comfort to those of us who have laid our loved ones in the grave and we know that they have trusted in Jesus.
They shall hear the voice of the Son of God.
The graves not going to hold them, but then there is.
This fact that if you're lost in your sins, you're standing and you need to hear his voice.
There's 34.
So there's 33 when Jesus therefore saw her weeping.
And the Jews also weeping, which came with her. He'd groaned in the spirit and was troubled and said.
Are you lifeless before God?
Goodnight, good, trespasses and sins.
Maybe you're a parent and you have reason to believe that about you.
Where have you laid here?
You have to bring him there, don't you?
They said unto the Lord, Come and see.
Jesus wet.
We read in What did we read in John. One in him was life, and the life was the lightest man.
Where's the one in whom is life?
Standing at the grave of a dead man.
In him his life.
Since that grave can hold him.
In him is life.
Wonderful friend, the day of Jesus is in him is life.
Oh, what a person came into our world.
My income that they might have life.
Have it more fun.
Jesus wept.
Full of life and life.
He is surrounded by weeping people under the power of death.
Just like a deep dark cloud hanging over there.
Because life is society and their stings.
One in whom is life marvelous.
Voice discombobistry.
The Jew said, Behold how he loved him, and others said, could not this man which opened the eyes that blind have caused it? Even this man should not have died.
Jesus, therefore, again groaning in himself, comes to the grave, and it was a cave.
And stonely upon it.
There's something between this soul.
And the Lord.
Maybe you cried to the Lord as a parent and you say, oh Lord, I want my little boy, my little girl.
The study seems to be hindering.
Would like to hear a clear confession maybe, but.
Verse 39 Jesus said take ye away with stone.
Well, that takes dependence.
Wisdom from God, doesn't it? Whatever some dreams, it's our responsibility.
Martha, the sister of him that was dead, saith unto him, Lord, by this time he stinketh. We'd been there bended 4 days. Jesus saith unto her.
Said I not unto thee, that if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God.
God is still glorifying Himself today in saving their souls.
From a lost eternity.
And they took away the stone from the place where the dead was laid, and Jesus.
Lifted up his eyes and said, Father, I thank thee that thou hast heard me.
And I knew that thou hearest me always, but.
Because of the people which stand by, I said it.
They may believe that it's sensitive.
Isn't that a marvelous word?
Because of the people that stand by.
Oh, this is one who came to bring us life, who is light, who is the word of God.
Who brought grace and truth?
He wants the people to know the Father fears him as he says it out loud. What he could have said just to Miss Soul.
When he had thus spoken, he cried with a loud voice.
Lazarus, come forth.
Imagine a dead man responding to their voice.
Of anyone.
Kind of beyond us, and here is God's account.
The voice of the Son of God.
And he that was dead came forth bound.
Walk out of there.
He just came out of it. Why?
The Creator stood before the grave.
He can call up fishes with coins in their mouth.
He can fill nests on the right side of the ship.
OK. Thank you.
And there he stands.
Dead come forth found hand and put with grave clothes, and his face was bound about with a napkin in Jesus set under the evolution.
And let him go.
What a story it is.
Think of the voice stood at that day.
Maybe you say, well, I'll see you pretty live tonight. You don't feel any worms crawling inside?
But if you don't know Jesus.
Do know who you are? A wonderful idea.
You've heard his voice. They hear the voice of the Son of God. Shall fear. Isn't that marvelous?
Oh, you couldn't have a better life than the light you get from God. New life through Christ.
What a voice is the voice of the Son of God.
Loose in.
And let him go.
Well, we've had before this morning also.
In Revelation chapter 4.
First one.
And after this I looked, and behold, the door was opened in heaven, And the first voice which I heard was, as it were of a trumpet talking with me, which said, Come up, hit her, and I will show these things which must be hereafter.
A marvelous vision. A voice that's calling a man on earth. Because I'm going to show you something.
Then we went to the verse that speaks verse 6.
The stood of Lamb as it had been slain.
We turn to Zechariah and he says, what are these wounds in my heart?
You know there's a reason for all that. Careful words of Scripture.
Is a very great reason.
Get this hot.
Doesn't say. What are these scars in your hands?
This doesn't say it says a Lamb, as it had been slain fresh.
Scars are healed wounds.
Womb from our scars.
A day with the Lord. This is 1000 years and 1000 years it's a day.
Two days ago, Jesus was crucified as far as God concerned.
Pretty fresh.
The issues between what this world wants and its glory.
And what God is going to have to his glory.
Are very diverse.
Diametrically opposed this world says Come young man, I want to take your strength, your brain, your glory, and glorify myself without God. God said my son.
Give me thy heart.
You don't want to be someone.
That rises in the glory of this world.
And then your glorious chopped off.
And Hill says, are you come to be like us?
Awful, isn't it?
Mr. Nixon died recently.
I don't know whether the man knew the Lord. I'm thankful I can trust God about that.
Shall not the judge of all the earth do right? But I do know that that man wants to in one of the greatest political positions of the earth, one of them.
As hell opened its mouth now and the kings that are dead saying are you come to be like us?
How short is this glory?
The Earth. We've been here about 2000 years.
Christ, it's going to be another thousand year reign. That's three thousand. There were 4000 years before that. That's 7000. That's 7000 years.
If you're 70 years old.
What's that mean?
What's 70 * 100?
7000 isn't it?
Everything you've been here, some of you older ones. One 100th of the Earths history with man on it, 1100.
Yet in that brief span we call life, there are all kinds of voices.
But there's one voice. You dare nothing.
There's a voice that it's calling to you and it's pleased in its tendency.
Center here and obey is the voice of the Spirit of Christ.
While he strives, yield to him. Do not quench the convictions that rise.
Babylon will holler out its glory.
Men will build, they will do all kinds of things, right up to the pregnant moment like they did in Noah today, right up to the judgment moment, like they did in last day.
Don't let the word.
All these other voices to prevent you from hearing their voice.
Son of God.
That voice.
If you're here 70 years or more.
That little span called life prepares you for an eternity somewhere.
And the one who created you.
Brought you into this world. Gave you breath. Sustain these breast.
It's called Wisdom Cries out for the simple, commonly simple ones.
The fear of the Lord is the big skinny of wisdom.
Like John, the faithful prophet says, repent.
Make straight the path of the Lord. He wanted to prepare a people for the Lord to come and set up the Kingdom.
God is now calling out of people to the name of the Lord Jesus.
One man to die for the people.
That the whole nation perished not.
In Genesis it says unto him, Shall the gathering of the peoples be?
Marvelous one man, God delights to talk. And that man, as they hung in the cross he sighted, hung a man who heard the voice of conscience. My ways have got me into this.
I deserve.
But he looked.
There was a list.
The man didn't do this.
I said Lord, Remember Me when thou cometh from my Kingdom, and tonight if you realize you're a lost singer.
That you deserve judgment.
Look to that man on that center cross.
Realize you did give judgment that we didn't afford.
He's there as a substitute for you.
He suffers at the hands of God, at the wrath of God.
For my sin.
Can you take in and say, Oh Lord Jesus?
There on the cross now I suffered from my sin.
I take.
It's fresh, it's gone. Two days ago, Jesus was slain.
The wounds are fresh.
And Mary, haven't he beckons you?
Saul of Tarsus on the road, he's falling down in that great light, he said.
Who art thou, Lone? I am Jesus.
A voice coming out of heaven.
From the ascended one. And that voice calls tonight come unto me live.
Let's look at Revelation chapter 22.
Behold, I come quickly. Blessed is he to keep at the stains of the prophecy of this book.
The cold fight comes.
The Lord Jesus comes tonight. Are you ready?
Have you heard his voice?
And say, yes, he hung there on the cross in my place, my sins were bore him, borrowed by him on Calvary's cross, and therefore I go through.
Verse 17.
The Spirit and the Bride say come.
For there's the voice of the Son of God, there's the voice of the Spirit, there's the voice of the church.
All speaking.
Let him let here if they come.
Him. It is a first come.
Whosoever will let him take.
A water of life.
Oh, just a big dead world.
It's glorious. Shortly, there's many worried about economic situation, how it can last another two years.
I have a cure.
The Mark of the Beast is coming soon.
But sooner still.
The Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout.
A voice.
And if you've got divine light within, you're going to hear it even if you're stoned at.
Because the heart can hear that woman.
Marvelous voice of the Son of God.
But mean time these voices spin. Come, come.
Drink it's free.
You know when the earth gives you a little glory to make you pay for every bit of it?
You don't pay for it with money, you'll pay for it with your soul.
Verse 20 He which testifies these things says, Surely I come quickly.
Back a few chapters we get this wonderful verse that says the testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy or the Spirit of Prophecy of the testimony of Jesus.
This says he which testified these things here. Surely I come quickly.
Two days ago, he was crucified.
He's not in a hurry.
We got a few years in this earth. Doesn't it make you rejoice that you're prepared for heaven?
In just a short time, those of us that have life, don't we just rejoice?
We're going to hear that shout and we're going to be gone.
Know the strength of this church that can go through that is going to be terrible. Terrible such as has never seen before. Hailstones that weigh 64 lbs of peace.
Back in the Old Testament there was a time when the enemies of Israel were taking them, and the Lord was fighting for Israel out of heaven, and He put hail on them.
And he killed more than Israel still.
You know when God sends direct judgments on the earth, it's going to be terrible, but all that gets judged by those judgments have yet after that.
To be cast into the lake of fire forever. How awful if you and I seek the glory of this world.
And listen to its voices.
And hear hell saying, Art thou come to be like?
Awful. Dreadful.
When you've had that sweet voice of mercy sounding in your feet, come.
Drink, take freely.
Behold, I come quickly.
Amen. Even so, come Lord Jesus.
To see your Lord tonight.
Thou art confessed with thy mouth, the Lord Jesus.
And believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead.
Thou shalt be safe.
Oh, what a wonderful simple word to do.
May we hear his voice?
There's no voice like you.
Except something else out of him when I was thinking everything in here.
49 Thank you.
For the Savior that he died for me.
From finally wisdom he had made me great.
He must be able from the sun that day. However I sing life.
Merrily, merrily.
Never do.
He must believe us from the sun.
Forever, I think life.
All my inequities on him were laid.
All my indexes next by him one day.
All the name on him the Lord has said.
Everlasting life.
Very verily, verily unto you.
I can trust my.
Word the we can simple I believe.
Is word.
All that method every time.
Ever lasting love.
New show.
Verily, verily unto you.
Verily, verily mercy never used.
Hear that believer from the sun gives you.
Close. Let the God our Father.