The Great Physician

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 4
A doctor whom we know was once visiting a Christian patient. He had himself been seeking to find peace with God. The Holy Spirit had convinced him of his sin and need, and he yearned for that peace which passes understanding.
On this occasion, speaking to the sick one, he said: "Will you tell me just what you mean by 'believing' and being saved? How does one have 'faith in Jesus,' and all that sort of thing that you say brings peace?”
The answer was simple and to the point: "Doctor, I have found that I could do nothing to make myself well. I have put my case in your hands—I am trusting you to use your skill in my behalf. This is exactly what every poor sinner must do—just put himself in the hands of the Lord Jesus Christ. On Calvary's cross He did all that is needed to save those who believe on Him.”
“Is that all?" he exclaimed. "Simply trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ? Oh, I see! He is the Great Physician. He has done the work that will save my sin-sick soul.”
“Yes, Doctor. Jesus said on the cross, 'It is finished.' His promise is, 'Whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.'”
Jesus said: "If ye believe
not that I am He,
ye shall die
in your