The Heart

Duration: 1hr 3min
YP Address—Bernie Roossinck
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Well, good afternoon, everybody.
My name is Bernie. Like I know most of you, but I don't know all of you. Joe, can you hear me back there? All right.
OK, I've been told lots that I speak too softly. So Joe, if I'm speaking to you softly, just give me the signal, will you?
All right.
I I find speaking to you young people to be a great.
Privilege, and I also find it to be.
And uneasy task because I look at your faces and I remember very short time ago that I was you and I still think that I'm a young person.
Even though my knees and the rest of my body says now you're an old fat guy now.
But I look at you young people and I just feel a real kinship with you. And I hope that the time we have together this afternoon will be for profit and help for you. And I would also say this.
My mind is pretty simple and so we're not going to be diving into deep things today. We're going to be talking about simple things.
And if you have a question or a comment, I want you to raise your hand or just holler it out and ask me.
So this is an open forum, don't be afraid.
I'm just a regular guy.
Let's start with singing number 76 in the appendix.
Thine Jesus, dine no more this heart of mine.
Shall seek its joy apart from thee. The world is crucified to me, and I am dying.
#76 in the appendix.
Find Jesus.
I'm no more than.
Our love, Yeah.
Seek joy apart from the.
World is crucified.
Who I die?
My joy. My my.
Now we're sleeping.
And die.
They shine my soul.
No more.
For us.
Skype's joy.
Yes, I AM and I.
'M more Lord.
Jesus Christ.
Like me.
When God dealing.
Dear, dear.
Make my.
Precious Lord.
And for?
Before I get into the topic that I had before me, turn to you third John.
Which is a pretty short book.
This is going to read a couple of verses here and it really reflects how I feel in my heart toward you and I think that many of the others that are involved in hosting this camp feel about you young people. The elder unto the well beloved Gaius.
Whom I love and the truth.
Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health.
Even as thy soul prospers.
For I rejoice greatly when the brethren came and testified of the truth that is in thee.
Even as thou walkest in truth.
I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.
I want you to put your own name in verse one.
I'm a little older than you.
To the well beloved Cameron.
Or Logan.
We don't have time to go all the way around the room, but the point is this your young people.
We love you. You are beloved both to us and to God.
And here the apostle John was writing to gas, and I think it's beautiful that he could say this person is well beloved. And he didn't wait until his funeral was telling him either. He did it pretty much to his face. And I want to encourage you guys to do that, too. Look around the room.
These are your beloved brethren.
Learn to love them now, he says. I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper.
And be in health even as thy soul prospers. You know, most of the time in today's world, we have it the other way around, you know, with all this emphasis on being fit and getting medical treatment for this, that and the other thing. And people suffer in their souls. Well, this is the opposite we want you to be.
Feeling physically as well as your soul is doing, and that is a great exercise of mind for you, dear young people.
That you would be prospering in your souls and to be walking in truth.
That we had a lot about truth this conference and to make its own and walk in it is so important.
The subject that I want to go through with you is this. It's in Proverbs chapter 23. Let's turn to it.
Proverbs 23 and verse 26.
And I'm going to read this as it is in my Bible and then we'll.
Broaden it out a bit, my son.
Give me.
Nine hearts.
My daughter.
Give me thine heart. You know, young people, the heart is the innermost seat of your affections. We're not talking about the the physical heart of the body, you know that pumps the blood. We're talking about the innermost affections. And here I want to ask, say this to you from the Lord Jesus.
My son, my daughter, give me thine heart, you know? I think as parents, as I'll speak for myself as a parent, that is a great desire to say to my own children, give me your heart, you know?
Doesn't take very long for a parent to figure out if a child has given you their heart or not and what a blessing it is when the heart is.
Right hand the heart is given. I want you young people to you. Give your whole heart to the Lord Jesus.
It's so important and what a blessed thing it is to go through life as challenging as it is. There are so many things to attack, to destroy, to compromise. And the Lord is saying to you, my son, give me your heart.
The enemy of your souls is saying you can give them a little slice, but give me.
This, this and this part of it. And I have found in my own Christian life that when I have a divided heart, I make no progress.
So that's the topic we're going to get into is my son. Give me 9 hearts.
Turn first to Acts Chapter 11.
Acts 11.
And we'll read verse 20. Start with verse 22, I guess.
This is when the assembly at Antioch was.
This is where people were first called Christians. We had this yesterday or the day before. Then tidings of these things came of the elders of the church which is in Jerusalem, and they sent forth Barnabas, that he should go as far as Antioch.
Who, when he came, and had seen the grace of God, was glad, and exhorted the mall, that with purpose of heart.
They should cleave unto the Lord.
Purpose of heart? What does it mean? Somebody tell me what purpose?
It means.
To me it means you make a decision.
Yeah, We read how Daniel purposed in his heart that he wouldn't defile himself with the portion of the King's meat, right. He decided that's what he did. And here Barnabas, which by the way, means the meaning of names in Scripture, is important. Barnabas means the son of consolation.
I'm not as good at name lexicons as Steven is, but we're going to say that it means the set of encouragement or exhortation.
And here he was exhorting these Christians at Antioch, that with purpose of heart they should cleave.
Unto the Lord, O young people, that is so important that to decide to cleave to the Lord. This is not something that comes naturally that we just I.
Suddenly wake up one morning and we're.
Spiritual, I mean, I guess in a certain way when you accept the Lord and and the Spirit of God indwells you as a believer, you are seeing that way, but you know.
Where where we've had a lot of time spent at this conference talking about the spiritual warfare and putting on and getting used to the armor of God and how to use it. And it takes a.
Decision to cleave to the Lord with purpose of heart, and I want to encourage you dear young people to make that decision to cleave to the Lord. Cleave means don't just loosely hold it. You know, you could say am I cleving to my inbox right now?
About this.
There's a big difference, right? You say you come to a camp like this and go, hey, I'm a Christian, that's going good for me. Look, everybody look at me, Clay to the Lord. And then you go out to the workplace tomorrow or Tuesday.
And that's a difference set of circumstances and maybe you have a divided heart that's not cleaving to the Lord. So I just wanted to press that first upon you. So important cleave with a steadfast heart to the Lord.
Now let's go to the Old Testament for an example of this.
This is a beautiful passage in the life of David. First Chronicles, chapter 12.
Thank you.
The situation here is.
Saul and Jonathan had been slain in battle.
And there is a time, a period of time in Israel's history when there was a vacuum of leadership and Abner had put Saul's son in charge of some of the country and some of the people were following David. And there was a a bit of confusion. And the time came. Of course, God knew what was going to happen. He had told David that you were going to be reigning over Israel.
And David was God's choice. But there came a time when the people had to make a choice.
So let's there's a couple of verses here I want to look at First Chronicles 12, first verse 18.
And I'm just going to read parts of this. Then the Spirit came upon a Messiah.
Who was chief of the captains? And he said Thine are we David?
And on thy side, thou son of Jesse, peace be unto thee.
Zine thoui, David.
Now let's go down to you, verse 32.
And the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times.
To know what Israel ought to do.
Verse 33.
Expert in war.
At the end of the verse which could keep ring, they were not of a double heart.
Verse 38.
All these men of war that could keep rank came with a perfect heart to Hebron to make David King.
Young people.
David is a beautiful picture of the Lord Jesus.
Are you able to say to the Lord Jesus today?
Thine are we?
David And on thy side, thou son of Jesse.
And it's interesting I didn't read this. I should have. When these men came, David asked them, Are you coming in peace? Because if you are, that'll be good. But if you're not, we're going to fight. And here they can say no, David, we're yours.
Young people, I want to plead with you to make the same choice in your own life, to say Lord Jesus.
I'm yours.
And to do that with a perfect heart says here that none of these people had a double heart. You know, it's so easy, young people, to have a double heart.
To live out in front of all of your friends a certain way, and then when you're not around your friends, to live in a totally different way, a way that perhaps has all kinds of compromise in it and all kinds of.
Bad behavior. The Lord Jesus wants your whole affection, all of it. And here these men could come and say.
We're years with a perfect heart and it says here they could keep rank. That tells me that they were diligent and that they were.
Disciplined. This is not a cobbled together bunch of people. This was a.
A concerted consecration that David, you're the king, and we're here to make sure that you are.
There also speaks about having understanding of the tones, you know young people.
We're in some really, really tumultuous times.
I look across your faces and I don't know the struggles or the inner thoughts that everyone of you have, but I remember when I was in your chairs having questions in my own mind and heart about.
My own value, even before the Lord or before other young people, really.
I came from a place that was very isolated.
We didn't. There was two other families in their assembly. We were at a For us to get to a conference like this would be at least.
14 to 18 hour trip to the closest one.
I think that there are some lonely people in this room.
There's there's some people that are wondering what their value is.
I want you to know.
The Lord understands and knows your heart.
And you can come to him and be accepted.
To be.
Really part of this purpose. You don't. It's hard for me to express what I'm trying to get at here, young people.
The the assaults against you in the workplace, in your school systems, in the general culture. I just, I marvel when I see what's happening here in the United States and in Canada. And really the Europeans are already well past where we're at.
And absolutely shutting God out and taking what you would consider to be.
Normal living and calling it criminal behavior.
And vice versa, taking what's wrong and perverted behavior and saying we demand our rights to do this.
I just think about things like the Supreme Court decision last week.
To say.
You probably shouldn't be killing your own children.
Ah, that's terrible. How could you take that right away from us?
And the influences of the culture are hitting you young people head on face, and it's good. You need to have an understanding of the times and today more than ever to be able to open up the Word of God and to you draw from its pages that communion and that.
Source of encouragement and instruction and.
Exhortation and power from this one that says give me your hearts. I made you for a purpose. I put you in the place you're at for a reason. I made your personality the way I made it. I orchestrated the circumstances in your life that you don't understand right now. And the Lord says, give me your heart. Do you trust me?
And in today's culture, more than ever, I think I'm looking at you, Joe. And when you and I were young people, things were pretty ugly. It's a lot worse now. And I really feel for you, dear young people. So be willing to come to the Lord and say thine we are David and on thy side.
All right, now we're going to go to Psalm 119.
You know, to take up a subject like Give me thine heart that you could probably turn through thousands of verses, and obviously we can't do that. So what I'm giving you are just some things that came before me.
But it's by no means a exhaustive study of it. So Psalm 119.
We'll start with verse nine and you might say to me, Bernie.
I already am in a place where there's problems and I don't know how to get out of it.
I already have a divided heart. How do I get out of it? Let's read this together.
Psalm 119, verse 9 Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way for a young woman cleanse her way?
By taking heed thereto, according to thy word.
With my whole heart have I sought thee. Oh, let me not wander from thy commandments.
Thy word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against thee.
Young people.
I know from experience all too well what it is like to be in this position.
Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way by taking heed thereto, according to thy word?
How do you get to know the Savior better?
It's by spending time with them.
By getting into his words. By sitting quietly.
And I'm not suggesting you have to be some, you know, monk that sits on a platform in a tree and isolate yourself from the world. That's not a Christian living. But there's it's important and valuable to spend time, dedicate time to being with the Lord and to listening to him and to having his word in your heart.
Now, as mentioned a few times about memorizing.
The Lord has blessed me with a pretty decent memory and I'm thankful for it. But I agree with what the other older brother said. I can't remember now like I did when I was a kid.
But I was three or four. I could quote John 10 totally.
I can't do it now, I forgot it.
Mr. So again, I was the Chinese brother when I was a kid. He was just freshly into Canada and he spoke fluently Chinese. That was his home and his mother tongue. He told me yesterday I forgot. I can't even string two sentences together anymore. And that's what happens when we're not in it, using it.
Let me give you a practical example from my own life.
When I was dating my wife.
We actually wrote letters to each other, which for some of you is when you take a pen and you write it on a piece of paper, you fold it up and you mail it to somebody. I'm just teasing.
We wrote letters to each other. You know, You know what I did when I got a letter from from Becky that I lived in Truro where Jonathan and Sarah lived. And at that time the meeting room was a one room meeting room.
How many square feet? I'm like 20 by 20 maybe?
You could fit like 6 chairs, 7 chairs around the outside, that's it.
And there was a little bathroom, so it was a two room.
Apartments, anyway.
I would walk home from school and check the mailbox, man. There's a letter from Becky. What do you think I did with it?
What would you do with?
Jake, what would you do with a letter from your fiance?
And I would probably.
Yes, Sir.
First thing I did when I got in the door was open it up and read it.
And you know what I did? Even though I already knew what it said, I read it again.
And I read it again and I still have them too. We got a pretty good sized box of letters that we wrote back and forth to each other.
The interesting now to go back after 26 years and see what the thoughts of an immature men were.
Probably be embarrassed to read them now, but the point is this, the Lord has given you a direct letter.
The Lord precious to you, do you mean anything to you?
Open up His Word and get into it. I'm not suggesting that you're starting Ezekiel. You'll probably struggle. I think most of us would if we started there. If you're not in a regular habit of reading God's Word, start somewhere.
Easy and critically important. I would say start reading in John's Gospel.
Easy to understand.
Small words, beautiful message.
And learn who is this person that I'm giving my heart to? And when you're done reading it, do it again and again and again. There's nothing wrong with rereading something. I read my wife's letters. Dozens of films.
I hope that's a helpful illustration. Why wouldn't we do that with the message from the savior? I hope that you do. And if you don't, I don't want you to feel embarrassed or shunned by that. Like I think you're lesser of a of a valuable young person and saying to you, you're never getting, you're never going to be younger than you are right now. So.
When you go to bed tonight.
Open up your Bible and read a little. Tomorrow, do the same thing. Start doing it. And I'll tell you this to young people. You develop an appetite for the things of the Lord, and the more you do it, the better it is. It's kind of like when Joey were pulling on the rope there. You know you have a win, and then you get some more momentum and another win.
Is I? I've appreciated Dave, you shared this with me one time.
Searching through the word of God and you find a nugget. You've never seen it before. Like wow, look at that. And it one, it makes you want to go find another one and find another one. So young people, get into the word of God and pour it into your soul and you'll find comfort in it. You know there are things that happen in life.
That are devastating. Very sad.
And to open up the Word of God and to find comfort.
What a what a place of refuge.
He's going to get into this one later, but let's go to it now. Sound 61.
I think everyone of us have had things in our lives.
That have overwhelmed us.
Psalm 61 Hear my cry, O God, attend unto my prayer.
From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee.
When my heart is overwhelmed.
Have you been there?
I think you have.
When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher than I, For thou hast been a shelter for me and a strong tower from the enemy. I will abide in thy Tabernacle forever. I will trust in the covert of thy wings. Selah.
Beloved young people.
Things happen in your life. God has allowed.
A severe trial, A test, A great loss. Bad news.
Whatever it is, your heart is overwhelmed. Lead me to the rock that is higher than I. And who is the rock that's higher than I? It's the Lord Jesus. And he says, Come unto me, all ye that are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
When your heart is overwhelmed, that's where we need to go.
Jeremiah, chapter 20.
Jeremiah was a young man that received the call from God for service at a young young age. I can't say exactly, but I think around 14 or 15 years old he got a call from God. He can read about it in chapter one.
But that's not the subject of our topic right now.
And Jeremiah preached faithfully.
His whole life.
There were times that he wanted to quit, so let's read chapter Jeremiah 20.
Verse 9.
Then I said.
I will not make mention of him nor speak anymore in his name.
Speaking of God.
But His word was in my heart.
As a burning fire shut up in my bones.
That I was weary with forbearing that I could not stay.
What's this talking about? Jeremiah was preaching no response. None. So he said. All right, Lord, I'm finished. I'm done. Not doing it anymore.
You know what he found out?
The call of God was in his soul, in his heart. God had his affections and it says his word was in my heart like a burning fire.
And in my bones.
And I could not stay.
I'll tell you a story that's encouraged me. Some of you probably listen to your recorded ministry. If you don't, I would suggest that you spend some time doing that.
There is a brother named Eric Smith.
That you can listen to on Whose Faith Follow and other websites too. And he is a lovely servant of Christ, a man that gave up privilege beyond what most folks have and took a life of poverty.
Left New Zealand, where he could have been fabulously prosperous, and went to A1 Room mud Hut.
With a dirt floor to serve the Lord.
And this verse was one of the ones that sitting there.
The Lord says, will you serve me?
The exercise of soul is thy word within thy heart, and in my bones like a burning fire. And I couldn't stay.
That's what we desire for you young people.
To serve the Lord in the workplace, in your home, at school, in such a way that he's so attached to, so gathered your affections that you can't keep your nose shut. You can't not talk to somebody. You can't not go to the down and outer and talk with them about their soul. You can't not do something kind for the outcast because.
Christ has gotten a hold of your soul, and it's in your bones.
Like a fire and you can't stop.
Get to that place.
Now let's turn to Matthew 6.
Matthew 621 Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
And in connection to that, turn it over to Matthew 13.
Verse 44.
Again, the Kingdom of heaven is like unto a treasure hid in the field.
The witch, when a man have found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he had, and buy at that field. Young people, the Lord Jesus found its treasure in the field.
Then he sold all that he had and bought the whole field.
Because that's where his heart was. What are we talking about, Bernie? I don't like riddles. Let's just make it clear. Logan. Christ looks at you.
He says I'm buying him no matter what the cost.
And he went to the cross. He would have done it if it was just you.
On what basis could we say that the Son of God who loved me?
Singular you deary, the Son of God, who loved you.
Gave himself for you. He bought the field because of you.
The treasure now young people.
Could God ask any less of us?
Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also? Does Christ mean anything to you? Is He in your hearts? Is there an affection for Him?
A care, a love, a desire to respond to that one that gave his life for you. I hope that there is I find in my own life though I find my heart sometimes is thinking about.
Other stuff worked. Nothing wrong with work by the way, but it needs to be kept in its proper place, the Lord first.
I'll tell you young people, I'm guilty of this to say I can't go into Carrollton and speak to you because I have obligations at work and I'm busy.
And the Lord says.
Am I first?
Maybe for you is something else.
Maybe it's the team that you're on. Not speaking against playing sports either, but what I am saying is, is the board 1St?
He wants to be first and you will struggle to have growth in your Christian life if the Lord is not first. He has to be first.
Maybe Bobby and I are taken up with fishing or whatever. I don't know what you'd like to do, Bobby, But the Lord did say, Bobby, is it me or the boat?
Anything wrong with fishing?
There is if the Lord gets knocked out of the number one place. Is it video games? Maybe it's.
There's so many things you could fill in the blank, right? The point is this, beloved young people, where your heart is, where your treasure is, that's where your heart is going to be. And the Lord says, put me first.
I think about.
There in Matthew 6 where it says Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness.
And all these things shall be added unto you. This is an illustration that helped me a lot. Teacher came in to the classroom with a big glass, let's say a giant pickle jar. You guys all picture that. OK, so.
He filled it up with pretty good like baseball sized rocks right to the top and you're looking at it and go, all right, is it full?
Yep, you couldn't get any more baseball sized rocks in there that must be full. No, it isn't. And he took some a bag of little rocks, poured it in there, shook it around. They all tumbled down in throughout the big ones.
There it is and fold to the top. Is it full now?
A lot of the kids want, boy, yeah, it's full, can't get anymore in there. So then he took a bucket of sea and then poured it in there.
Shook it around right right up to the top. Now is it full?
Then he took water and poured it in on top of all that and it sucked it up and filled it in. The wine goes after the tap. Now it's full. What's the lesson?
The lesson is put the big things in first.
They put the sand and the water in first.
You won't be able to get all the big rocks in you. Follow the illustration. Young people put the big things in first. That's what it means by the Lord saying put me first.
That I'll take care of all that other stuff.
Now seek ye first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you. Is not God giving you a blank check to say, all right, read your Bible and then you can go by a giant sailboat with three jet skis? That's not what I was talking about. He's talking about needs, not wants. But the Lord is gracious young people. Put him first and He will take care of you.
This next question is the searching one to me.
We're running out of time, so I'm just going to quote it to you. This is a question that Delilah asked Samson.
But I want to just be very clear that I'm in no way promoting the behavior that Samson and Delilah had as anything Christian. It ain't. But it's a hard question. It's this, she said to Samson. How can you say you love me?
When your heart is not with me.
That search your soul.
It does mine, the Lord say, Bernie, you say you love me, but your heart isn't with me.
Young people, I want to I hope that exercises your heart.
It's one thing to say something with your mouth or you know, maybe you're with your friends and you come up a certain way, but the Lord looks on the heart and He knows. Am I in the number one spot or not? How can you say you love me when your heart's not with me?
I would suggest to you too as you guys get older and get married.
Doesn't make a very good marriage to say, oh, I love you. And then everything that you do or say as a husband or wife is the opposite. It's what's inside that counts. All right, another one that's serious.
I'll read this too, because we're running out of time. This is Psalm 6618.
If I regard iniquity in my heart.
I will not hear me.
That's a serious enough one where I do want to turn to this to make sure I get it right.
Psalm 66.
Verse 18 If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me.
Young people.
You can regard things in your heart.
Be taken up with things privately that destroy your communion and fellowship with the Lord. And you sit there and you ask yourself, why am I not making any progress?
Ask yourself this question. Is there something in your heart that you're regarding that is iniquity?
And I'm going to leave it to you to think about what those things are, because we don't have time, but it's a critical, important thing to understand. You cannot.
Secretly. Covertly. Quietly.
Harbor sin in your life and expect God's blessing.
I'll just give you an example. The scripture is very clear that you shouldn't marry an unbeliever.
So it's wrong thinking to say, well, God is the God of grace, so I'm going to do it, and then he'll probably make it right later. So we're going to roll with it and see what happens. We dare not take a step of disobedience expecting God's grace to bail us out of a bad choice. Don't do it.
Let's talk to you young men.
Looking at *********** on the Internet, nobody knows except for you. It will ruin your life. It will absolutely kill your Christian walk.
You ladies.
That read books like.
I didn't even know if I want to name any of them. Books that are ****** in nature. The imagination and the mind gets taken up. The only person that knows you read that is you and the Lord.
It will kill your Christian life. That's regarding iniquity and you are shutting off the flow of communion. And so get before the Lord and have it out with them. Deal with it. Get to the roots and get it out.
Psalm 51.
We all know that David was a man after God's own heart.
And he's called the friend of God.
But David made mistakes. One of them was.
He stole his neighbor's wife, got her pregnant, murdered her husband.
This was done by the man after God's own heart. It's pretty serious, right? And David had to learn.
To get right with the Lord. By the way, if you're in a position like that, I hope you're not in a position like that. But any place where you're out of communion because of direct sin, read chapter Psalm 51 and then read Psalm 32, I think it is.
As the sequel to it and you'll find their forgiveness and grace of God. But anyway, here David gets to head to say created me a clean heart.
Oh God, they renew a right spirit within me.
The verse I was thinking of is verse 17. A broken and contrite heart. Oh God, thou wilt not despise.
There's a problem in your life.
Go privately to the Lord.
With a broken and contrite heart, he won't despise you.
There is a path forward in communion with the word contrite means you really mean it. By the way, you can't just go, hey, Lord, things are going badly. Can fix my problems. Thanks. I got to go see you. I think sometimes our prayer lives can be like that. So hey, Lord, it's me. We haven't spoken in weeks, but I got problems. Now here's the top three things I need you to get fixed for me by Wednesday. Thank you. Goodbye.
That's not praying, that's not communion with the Lord. That's just a greedy person making demands. There's no communion in that.
Song of Solomon, chapter 5.
This is the passage I love young people. If you're going to memorize some passages, this would be a good one.
The son of Solomon is a conversation between the bridegroom and the bride.
And for today's talk, I want to say this to you as the Lord Jesus and you.
This is the bride speaking. This is you and me.
I sleep. Ever find in your Christian life that you're asleep?
I have. I sleep.
But my heart waketh.
It is the voice of my beloved that Knocketh saying.
Open to me, my sister. I love my dove, my undefiled.
For my head is filled with you.
And my locks with the drops of the night.
I had cut off my coat. How shall I put it?
I've washed my feet. How shall I defile them?
My beloved put his hand.
By the whole of the door.
And my bowels were moved for him.
I rose to open to my beloved.
There's more to the story that we all have time to develop. There is a breach of communication here, breach of fellowship here. It's as if it was you and I were asleep in our Christian lives. And there's the Lord saying Toby.
Open to me.
You miserable, cheating piece of joke. Is that what he said? No, he says, My sister, my love, my dove, my undefiled. Can the Lord Jesus say that about you? Yes, he can and he does.
My head is filled with dew and my locks with the drops of the night. That makes me think young people of the Lord Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, anticipating.
The terrible price at the crop.
Says the swept was, as it were, a great drops of blood falling to the ground.
Ever heaven. No, he's bleeding. It's really bleeding. Then there's a you lean over and there's a big splash of blood. The sweat was pouring off the Savior like that. Think of the anguish of soul.
As he anticipated being taking Bernie's sins and being punished for him.
My head was still with you and my locks with the drops of the night. What is it now? And she makes excuses too. Haha. I already took my coat off. I can't no too late come back and come back somewhere. I I just washed my feet. I can't come out and open TNL. What was it that generated the response?
In here my beloved put his hand by the whole of the doer.
And my vowels removed for him. That means my whole inner being went out to him.
You see the hands of the Lord Jesus.
With those nail holes in them, he says.
I did this for you. Is your heart with me. And that's what brought out the response. When she saw the hand, she said, oh, I'm in now. And she got up right away. Young people, you want to get back into your full happy communion with the Lord. Spend time letting the Lord Jesus love you spend time.
Thinking about the blessed, lovely man that he is.
That Savior of sinners, that one with those holes in his hands. And I think about when the disciples were there in the upper room and they, the Lord came in right through the door and they were afraid. They thought he was a ghost. And now it's me.
Behold my hands and my feet. That's high myself.
Get in a spot where you're stuck. Go there, occupy your heart with the blessed Savior, and there will be a response.
All right, this is the last one, Deuteronomy chapter 8.
I've written this passage on birthday cards.
I got this given to me by my own dad when I turned 40.
We're just going to read a couple of things here. Deuteronomy 8 verse two. Thou shalt remember all the way which the Lord thy God LED babies 40 years in the wilderness.
To humble thee, and to prove thee to know what was in thine heart.
Whether that would keep his commandments or no.
Now we'll go down to.
Let's read part of verse 14.
Thy God, which brought thee forth out of the land of Egypt from the House of ******* Who led thee through this great and terrible wilderness, wherein were fiery serpents and scorpions, and drought, where there was no water? Who brought thee forth water out of the rock of Flint? Who fed thee in the wilderness with manna, which thy fathers knew not that he might humble be, that he might prove thee to do thee good?
At bilateral end, young people.
God is for you, and we are going through a wilderness. There are trials, serious sad situations, difficulties, isolation, lack of friends. Maybe you're struggling, hoping that you'll find a life partner soon, and it doesn't seem like anything's happening.
Maybe you're dealing with the exercise of heart about something at work or school, whatever it is.
God is leading you down a pathway to teach you what to trust Him to Give Him your heart first.
And it's to do you good in your latter end. You know, some things that happened to us would say there's nothing good about that burden. It's just bad to the core. God says I'm doing this for your good. Think about Joseph, right? And all of his time spent and rejected by his brothers, sold as a slave, wrongly accused, thrown into the dungeon.
Years go by and he's innocent of all of it. And then he could say at the end of his life.
God sent me here before you to preserve life, and there was a purpose in it. So the Lord wants to know what's in your heart. Don't give up on Him, love Him.
Ankles brave. So we have to tell them that by the phone. I put up with a 75. I suppose it's pretty bad for you, but it would respond. I don't know if you can do it right now, 75.
Sometimes. OK, Thank you.
Thank you brother.
I said.
Be quick and from the dead I gave my life.
40 What has so given for me?
I gave my life for.
Thee what hast so good for me? Maybe the last verse as well, and I have brought it.
Down from my salvation.
Full and free.
I heard an end my love.
I bring.
Riches to thee what has the.
To me.
Guess to be.
What has the brought to me?