She was only a poor old woman who had lived till she was seventy without a care about her soul. Then one day, having been persuaded to attend a mothers' meeting, the Holy Spirit showed her her lost condition and led her to accept the Savior.
This made her supremely happy and she lost no opportunity to testify to what the Lord Jesus had done for her soul.
One morning, having gone to a drug store for some medicine, the young druggist remarked carelessly: "You are an old lady now. You must expect to be ill. Do you think you are going to live forever?"
"Yes, bless the Lord, I do," she answered triumphantly, "for I have eternal life."
Taken aback by this unexpected reply, the druggist stared, and seeing nothing but a very poorly clad, feeble old woman, he said: "Well, tell me, how did you get it?"
"How did I get it? Jesus gave it to me as His gift. He made me hear His voice. I was lost and He saved me.
"Young man," she continued, "have you gat eternal life? True, I am old, feeble, and tottering; but you may go first for all we know. Then if you don't know Jesus as Savior, what of your soul?"
He evaded her question and turned away.
A few weeks later this same young druggist met with a fatal accident. Whether he was able to make the woman's good confession before he died, only the Lord knows.