The Journey to Emmaus.

LORD, when I think of how Thou didst reveal
Thyself to those disciples by the way,
Thy gracious dealing with them make me feel
As if Thou nearer wert to me to day;
As if Thou wert, O truest Friend and Guide,
In life’s dark pathway, walking by my side!
Oh, how transfigured would my life be here,
If I could always feel Thee close at hand!
No foe or danger should I need to fear,
Nor life’s hard problems, then, misunderstand!
All would be light, as seen in Thy clear light,
And even sorrow turned to pure delight!
And yet how wonderful, dear Lord, that I
Have traveled on so many miles of life
Unconscious of Thy Presence, though so nigh;
Waiting to help in times of stress and strife!
No chime of bells, or step, did Thee betray,
Yet hast Thou been beside me all the way!
Dear Lord and Master, open Thou mine eyes,
Lest joy or sorrow cause me to mistake,
Or fail to know Thee, whatsoe’er disguise
It pleaseth Thee, at times, in love to take:
And, oh! may this my happy portion be, —
Uninterrupted intercourse with Thee!
Oh, may my life be one Emmaus walk
In Thy sweet company, with Thee for Guide!
How would my heart rejoice to hear Thee talk,
Nor tire from morning until eventide;
No vanishing, as when that walk was o’er;
Thou would’st ABIDE with me FOR EVERMORE!