The Joys of Christ

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 6
W e ought to think of the joys of Christ as well as His sorrows. Nothing shows where a man's heart is, and what it is, more than seeing where his heart finds its joy when he is oppressed, distressed and full of sorrow, and seeing if it does find a joy un-reached by sorrow.
We see these joys in Christ—a secret comfort in the midst of His sorrow. He had meat to eat which man knew not of. Besides His communion with His Father, there was this working of love to us. Paradise shone in upon His heart in comforting the poor thief. "Go in peace" refreshed His spirit in the house of the Pharisee. "She did it for My burial" justified Mary against the reproach of selfish man. "Thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes" was His joy in the scene of the heartless rejection to which the wickedness of man subjected Him.
How blessed to the heart, besides learning where His joy was, to think that He found it in the working of His love to us!