I was very glad you went to Italy. There may not be a great deal to do, but these poor things want help, and if the Lord please to work, it is by working the sphere of work grows. If there were energy among some of themselves, they might spread the truth, but it is His grace and will that does the work. From ignorance and poverty generally, it is a work of patience there. We must pray to God that He may work, and send forth laborers into the harvest. The last days are rapidly coining on, or rather developing themselves. Open, impudent, infidelity is now the order of the day, and the dark desert of popery: but, on the other hand, the Lord is evidently working; He is working, too, I fondly hope, amongst the brethren. Not only there are conversions and increase, but there is increased confidence and purpose of heart, and more sense that we are called to be faithful, and that the Lord is coming. Even the abounding of infidelity presses this upon them, and in one or two places the Lord has come in to bless in difficulties.. In a little while we shall be with Him forever. For me it is a pleasant thought, and the time is near. All is bright, very bright, before us. The Lord only keep us very humble.
Affectionately yours in the Lord.