The Loosed Mantle

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 9
LORD, I am blind, oh give me sight
To follow Thee!
I cast away my mantle with delight
If I may hear the word,
“Be of good comfort, rise,
He calleth thee.”
Thou hast called others, Lord,
Oh Lord, call me,
And open my blind eyes.
I sit outside,
Apart from happy souls who walk with Thee,
I feel the warmth of sunshine on my face,
But oh, I long to see,
I long to see Thyself, to share the grace
Thou sheddest on that happy company;
I long for ever to abide
With Thee.
The light is all about me, yet in gloom
I grope along the way:
Oh hear my cries
And bid me “come”:
Lord Jesus, stay!
Open my eyes
And let me see Thee, bid me come with Thee,
And stay for ever in Thy company.