The Story of Ishmael; or, God Will Hear. - 3

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 5
A FEW words to the boys and girls who have read the “Story of Ishmael” in the January and February numbers of “THE SPRINGING WELL.” We hope that even quite young children have read it, and have found pleasure in doing so. It is written in plain and easy words, and therefore easy to understand. Long words are left out, and short words used.
It is so sweet to know that when we read about the Bible we are reading about God’s own book and that if we love the Lord Jesus Christ, who is God’s own Blessed Son, we can call God “Our Father,” and know that “God will hear” us when we look up to Him. Most likely there will soon be something for you to read about Gideon in “THE SPRINGING WELL.” Have you ever read about him? The story of Ishmael is to be found in the Bible. The story of Gideon is to be found there, too. Do you know where to find it?
Our Editor kindly offers to give three prizes for the three best answers to the following questions. Please mention your age at the bottom of your paper, and address it to “Ishmael” care of the Publisher of “THE SPRINGING WELL.”