The Lord Is Risen Indeed!

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 8
About the middle of the eighteenth century Lord Lyttleton and Gilbert West were the authors of two books which became famous. Both men were professed infidels. Swayed by the type of unbelief popular in their time, they felt the time had come to administer a death blow to Christianity.
To accomplish their purpose they chose two themes: the conversion of Saul of Tarsus and the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. Believing these to be the most vital points in the line of Christian defense, Lord Lyttleton attacked the former and Gilbert West the latter subject. If the resurrection could be proved a myth and Saul's conversion a delusion then the defeat of Christianity would be assured.
The two men agreed upon their individual tasks. They separated to study their themes and to write their books. Sometime later they met to discuss their completed works. But wonderful indeed is the work of the Spirit of God! EACH MAN HAD WRITTEN IN EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE VEIN TO THAT TO WHICH HE HAD COMMITTED HIMSELF! Searching the Scriptures if these things be so, they had been convinced of the truth of that which they had disbelieved! Saul's conversion had about it every mark of reality. Evidence for the bodily resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ was complete and convincing. With what great confidence and exultation they could now say: "the LORD is risen indeed!”
In the earlier days of the Soviet regime in Russia a certain "comrade" named Lunatcharsky lectured for an hour and a half against Christianity. His aim was to prove it to be a superstition without any basis in fact. As he concluded his attack on the preciousness of simple faith in the work of Christ, he proposed a discussion. However he stipulated that no speaker should occupy more than five minutes.
A young man in the audience was deeply moved. He leaped upon the platform, saying he would not require so long a period as that. Standing in front of the throng, he gazed at them for a moment. Then in a stentorian voice he proclaimed the well-known Russian Easter greeting: Brothers and Sisters: CHRIST IS RISEN!" As one man the whole audience arose and the traditional response thundered out: "HE IS RISEN INDEED!”
The young man turned to the lecturer and said: "I have nothing more to say.”
The lecturer was effectively silenced, and his daring infidelity rebuked.
Dear doubting soul, turn to the Scriptures and believe God's own "good news" concerning His Son.