The Lord Wants to Use Us

Open—Rafael Gonzales
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Good evening, brother.
I want to read a verse in chapter 22 of Luke.
Verse 31.
The Lord said Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat.
But I have prayed for thee that thy faith fail not when thou art converted. Strengthen thy brethren. De SE en espanol dico Tamil El senor Simon Simon a quisa tenas osapedido para saranderos comatrio porti que tufenofalte ITU una vesuelto con Firma atus hermanos. He just read the verses I read.
I want to speak about this story of Anna in First Samuel.
Capitolo Uno de Primera esamuel Jana. Sorry, brethren, it's not Hannah. It's Hannah.
First Samuel. Chapter One simplemente como recordar que esta epoca antes de Anna Y de Samuel.
To remember that before the time of Samuel and Anna.
Skura, the people of Israel lived in a time that was very difficult, very dark.
This we see in the Book of Judges.
There is a chapter that is very sad, very dark.
And mano Stamos viendo tiempos de fisiles, We are living in times that are very difficult.
We in truth believe that the Lord is going to come soon.
In that time it said that there was number king in Israel and everyone did what was right in their own eyes.
And in our times, in the great house, it's the same way. It seems like everybody does what is right in their own eyes.
And that's what happens sometimes in our families, in our assemblies, we do.
What we think is right in our own eyes.
And we are not listening and looking to the Lord Jesus.
Cuba This story of Hannah. The Lord permitted me to use this with our dear brethren in Cuba.
El manito que conocid Delgado SUS posa Tami in Delgado suicide.
There was a brother that I knew that I met there. He's very thin and his wife is very thin and his daughter is very thin.
They had very much infirmity.
And at times I found I didn't have anything to say to him.
I just could give him a hug and cry. He knows. Have you Compartir? No, I didn't know what to share with him.
But all my bustes Historia Diana is the Penina. But I was I enjoyed this story of Hannah and Penina.
But Anna Hannah was a woman who didn't have any children, and she was sad.
As I said before, Penina had several children.
She wasn't so much thinking of them.
She wasn't taking them out for a excursion.
First Samuel 1/6.
Her adversary? That was Benina.
Also provoked her sore for to make her fret because the Lord had shut up her womb.
Nosotros omos como penina entre Los Hermanos in. It can be that sometimes we're like Penina amongst our brethren.
And there are those who attack us and make us feel like what Panina did to Hannah.
Buscoy dependio de dios.
But the important thing was that Hannah, in her necessity, looked to the Lord.
And Cuba, Podemos Compartile Hermano, Michel Piaget. And this trip to Cuba I was able to meet up with Michelle Payette from Montreal.
No necesita dios, he sat. In Canada, you can't hardly give out tracks because people don't want that kind of thing.
Perencano Cuba pesar de tanta necesidal la gente esta ambrienta de conocer radios that in Cuba, because of the poverty, the people are anxious to get something that talks about God.
IOS And it's interesting that Panina that was had children was not in the temple praying to God.
But Hannah was in the temple, prayed.
And Eli, who was in charge of the things of God.
He was, really.
Asleep in the things of God.
Verse 9.
This is levanto **** espose cubo committee vivido and silo imitreces oteli estabas Antonio Sia Hunton pilar del templo de Hua. So Hannah rose up after they had eaten in Shiloh, and after they had drunk. Now Eli the priest sat upon a seat by a post of the temple of the Lord.
El capitulo que siege Los vemos dormido and so Eli is either seated.
Or is asleep.
But sometimes I feel like that's me. Sometimes I'm seated or I'm asleep.
The Lord wants to awaken us and make us aware of where we are.
Doesn't mean that you have to go to another part of the world.
Is implemented.
It's simply to leave off mean thinking about ourselves.
And to think about others, it's implemented.
Not think about ourselves.
And to be occupied with the things that are Christ Jesus.
Might be in your house, or in the assembly or in the street.
Anna una de Las cosas que esta borando Y epidio dios unico.
And Hannah was in the temple praying, and asked the Lord for a son.
Was there and he looked at her and he made a bad judgment. He thought she was drunk.
And sometimes it's that way with us that we sometimes see our children and we don't realize what they're going through.
Sometimes they're going through difficulties and we're not understanding them and there are young people in our assembly and we're not really understanding what they're going through.
They say, can a pidio idios de consider tener athenal unico. Hannah asked for a son, and the Lord was gracious in giving her one.
Capitola dos chapter 2 Diana, We have the prayer of Hannah Parenthesis Mujeres here. I want to speak to the sisters here.
Muchas mujeres Iglesias, you know this is sometimes in the great house. We see the women taking part that is not really supposed to be for them.
Sometimes they are preaching and sometimes they are pastors.
And sometimes I think maybe the sisters want to get up and say something. Eli sit there and.
It is very interesting because we have the prayer of Hannah recorded here.
There's no prayer on the part of Eli that is registered.
She kept her place.
Respect and her place as a woman. But now we are leading reading about her and learning from her.
So their sisters, be encouraged because God can use you.
In the order and the way that God wishes.
Now let's think about what happened to Samuel.
Naze Samuel is madre despues quelo esteta quisalos cuatro cincuenos Nos hermos sacramente Samuel. He's born and after.
Two to three or four or five years. We don't know how long it was. He's ready now to be.
Weaned from his mother.
En la Casa de dios. And so she takes him to the House of God.
Tres in verse chapter 3 Uno idos verse one and two Loren Espanol ministra delima Diaz confrecencia dia.
Model que no podia ber Samuel estabador miendo en El temple arcadios antes queeran paradios fuze a pagada.
1St 3 Verses. And the child Samuel ministered unto the Lord before Eli. The word of the Lord was precious in those days. There was no open vision came to pass at the at that time when Eli was laid down in his place, and his eyes began to wax dim, that he could not see, and ere the lamp of God went out in the temple of the Lord, where the ark of God was.
And Samuel was laid down to sleep.
Yenberger manos tamos vindos momentos viende fisiles tristes para testimonial de la iglesia. We are living in times that are very sad and difficult in the Church of God.
But the lamp of God has not been put out.
And the Lord wants to use you, brother and sister.
Memos Ali Kestaba Acosta here it says that Eli was laid down.
His eyes were dimmed.
And so in verse four, the first call to Samuel is given.
That the Lord called Samuel, and he answered, Here I am.
Isamuel Bacon, Elise, Eli Eliquier quires and Samuel runs to.
Eli and says what do you want?
And he says I didn't call you. Go lay down and sleep.
It happened the second time.
The third time, Eli understood that the Lord was calling the young man.
We have to learn, dear brethren.
And to encourage the younger brother.
That God wants to use them too.
And so we see something interesting here.
Elias Samuel Bay acuestate is it a jamares de Ras habla queua porque porquet to serve oyen ace accustoms uluar verse 9 Therefore Eli said unto Samuel, Go lie down.
And it shall be if he called thee, that thou shalt say, Speak, Lord, for thy servant heareth. So Samuel went down, went and lay down in his place.
No quirozer mistiko pero embarradios Nos JAMA muchas versus. I don't want to be a Mystic, but sometimes God calls us.
We were 12 years ago in Cuba.
And there were times that were very difficult then.
One time the police detained us for three hours because I had Bibles.
What time I was.
Being put up in a home of one of the brothers and the police came and made me go to a hotel that was two hours away.
They don't permit us to sleep in the houses of the brethren.
And there were things that kind of discouraged me.
And about five months ago.
My wife and I started praying about going to visit them again.
And we had the desire to go.
My brother Mano Felipe 4 near So one day brother Phil Fournier spoke to me.
And he said, Brother, how are you? I am.
There's some brethren that have sent funds to help the brethren in Cuba because of the hurricane that went over that island.
And I want to know if you can go.
And so the Lord was showing me that I wanted that I should go.
Perot tresa mana sante de sanada but three weeks before that call paraciek estavallo como Eli. It was like I was Eli sentado or acostado citador laying down.
Spoken to me in another way and I hadn't understood.
Because three weeks before Phil called me.
I was driving close to where my house is. It was at night.
And I saw on the ground a hat laying there.
And so I returned and picked up the hat.
Says Cuba.
Young people, the Lord is real and he has his ways of telling us and he wants to use this.
Problem And so I said to the Lord, why do you want to use me if I have problems and difficulties?
I feel like Peter that was was tried.
The Lord said to Peter, I have prayed for thee that your faith does not fail.
And he said, once you are restored, encourage your brethren.
The Lord wants to use this.