Thoughts from David

Sing Talk—Conrad Troyer
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Good evening. Maybe we can start with order prayer, our God and our Father. We're thankful for the privilege to be around these young people hear this beautiful singing. The end of a long day. We ask for help. Lord reopen from your word be a little portion for us praying the worthy name of our Savior, the Lord Jesus, Amen.
For Samuel chapter 22, if you have your Bibles, you can turn to it. If you don't, that's not a problem. You can listen.
For Samuel chapter 22. David therefore departed thence, and escaped to The Cave of Dolom. And when his brethren and all his father's house heard it, they went down thither to him. And everyone that was in distress, and everyone that was in debt, and everyone that was discontented, gathered themselves unto him, and he became a captain over them.
And they were with him about 400 men.
And David went thence to Misbo of Moab, and he said unto the king of Moab.
Let my father and my mother pray thee come forth and be with you.
Till I know.
What God will do for me?
Till I know what God will do for me.
Verse 20 Awful things happen between versus what we just read in 20.
Many priests are slain. Verse 20. And one of the sons, and one of the sons of Ahimelech, the son of a high tub named Abiathar, escaped and fled after David. And Abiathar showed David that Saul had slain the Lord's priests. And David said unto Obiathar, I knew it that day when Dove the Edomite was there, that he would surely tell Saul.
I have occasioned the death of all the persons of thy father's house.
These words from David 23 abide thou with me.
Fear not.
For they that seek my life. For he that seeketh my life, seeketh thy life.
But with me, thou shalt be in safeguard.
With me.
Thou shalt be in safeguard.
Let's go back to the last phrase in verse 3.
Until I know what God will do for me.
Was that apathy? Was David thinking like a victim and thinking I'm just going to have my parents stay here and after I find out how many bad things happen to me?
Is that a thought process? It was an apathy. That was patience.
I think that was confidence.
Who is godly, confident? And we read what he said to presumably this young man. And let's remember, David is running for his life. He's being hunted like an animal.
And he said something like this till I know what God will do for me. And another man that's being hunted comes and he says, but with me thou shalt be in safeguard. Was that arrogance? Was that self-confidence? What do you think that was? I think that was godly confidence.
I think he was speaking about.
Peace that passes understanding and the prior meeting was dealing with peace.
With God.
That's not the subject tonight. Here the pieces.
From God of God.
Hopefully most all of you are saved. You have peace with God because of Christ's atoning work on the cross. Do you have peace of God? Do you have peace from God?
Do you have that confidence?
We'd say, well, David is one of the greatest characters.
In the greatest book we have, how did he have that? Why is it so hard for us to be confident? And what are the reasons it's so hard for us to be confident is because we're we're composed of different things. And to go through this as quickly as I can, as humans were composed of body, soul, and spirit. Within body, soul and spirit, all of us are born with an old nature. We might call that component #4 or we could say that's component 3A of our spirit.
If you're saved, you have a fifth component. You have a new nature. Those five components, by very definition, cause a lot of conflict in your life. We should expect it. We know it's going to happen. The Word tells us going to happen. But what about God? Is God made-up of components? Absolutely not. He is a unified.
Unitary being everything he does.
All of his aspects are completely In Sync and they are completely perfect.
So here we struggle. How do we get access to all that power that he has?
Sometime in 2019, I was diagnosed with a couple of severe diseases and went through some medical treatment and didn't really know the full extent of some of those diseases and then.
In early February of 2020, after visiting with some doctors, I was.
I was informed that there was another.
Ongoing treatment that was going to be needed for me.
That treatment.
Required some travel out of town and there was a sense of urgency to getting the treatment started and.
I didn't know much about it, booked a ticket. The forecast wasn't looking good. It looked like there's going to be a lot of heavy snow.
I went back.
February 2.
Of 2020.
By God's grace, I wrote these words.
Leaving for first LDL, he freeze his treatment in the AM.
Never dreamed the disease would come to this stage.
At peace.
And zero anxiety about tomorrow.
The true source of peace.
Has super abundant.
Available end of quotation.
Am I proud of that? Not at all. I'm humbled by that.
So how do we get this?
How do we get subtle peace? How do we get godly confidence?
We can't have it without knowing him if you have a partnership with someone.
Let's make that partnership term very broad. Girlfriend, husband, somebody you work with, your family you farm together. That's a partnership. That partnership is held together by a bond we call trust. What creates that trust?
Well, speaking to a lot of young people, if you want to get to know someone and you want to marry them, what do you do? You spend time with them. You spend time with them alone, don't you? Isn't that what you want to do? So what do we what happens when we look at David's history? What happens when we look at Moses history? Let's let's just think about David's history for the sake of being concise. Was David alone ever in his life?
When he was that young man, I don't know how old he was, and he's out there and he's taking care of sheep. That lion and that bear come around.
There are a whole bunch of manpower standing by to help him. When he had that problem, there was nobody there, but there was somebody there that was not visible. He understood.
And I'd suggest for you young people, the isolation, the times when God takes you away from the things that are so important to you and He lets you understand and learn about himself. Don't resist those times. He's giving you things that can't be replaced.
Early in 2021 I went to clinic and it's going to get treatment and saw a young man there and never met him before, 28 years old and I give him a little.
I give them a little rundown on my health and drop what I call a little faith bomb on them and explain to him what has helped me and.
What Christ has done for me and what he did in taking care of my sins and how I have him as a constant companion. So I said, so what's your deal? What? Why are you here? Well, I've got this rare kidney disease. And I said, oh, that's interesting, you're pretty young, I said, so tell me about your kidneys.
Well, Cameron said. I have three of them right now.
I have two that I was born with and.
In my early 20s, they failed. They're probably about the size of a grape right now. And I have another one. I have a third one.
My early 20s, when my kidneys failed, my mother gave me one of hers.
A kidney was in there for a little bit. It didn't work. His body rejected it. Went through many, many struggles, years of dialysis.
And he said now I have another kidney.
So I have 3.
I said, where'd you get the second one?
He said I got it kidney from a Good Samaritan who never wanted to meet me.
From a Good Samaritan who never wanted to meet me.
When I had surgery, he said.
They put me on a different floor for recovery than they did the donor, because I didn't want to make sure our families didn't ever speak to each other, because the Goods of America wanted to make sure he was completely unknown to me, he or she.
Good Samaritan who never wanted to meet me.
Two weeks go by, Cameron and I are both back at the same clinic.
Both scheduled for repairs, blood starts pumping and he's 6 feet away from me and being worked on and I said Cameron.
Do you know where the term Good Samaritan comes from?
He looked at me and he said I have no idea.
I had the wonderful privilege.
To tell him.
About a Good Samaritan.
Who not only wanted to meet him.
But we wanted to have a relationship with him.
And the question for you young people tonight is not.
Do you have a Good Samaritan who wants to meet you? That's not the question. We know the Good Samaritan wants to meet you.
And that he once had a relationship with you. But do you treat the Good Samaritan?
As if you're just so thankful that he picked you up at the road, he put you on his animal, he rode you to the inn, he paid the money to stay at the inn. Do you treat him as if you don't want to know him? If you don't get to know him, you can't get the resources he has for you.
And we can all say, well, we're saved and we're happy with that and we can get by. The world is a difficult place. It gets more complicated. If you don't put a premium on peace and godly confidence, you have missed everything. I have lost so many things, physically speaking, in my life.
So many physical comforts are missing to me.
But has been replaced by something.
That is so valuable to me. I can't begin to explain it to you because it's like it says in the verse in Philippians, it's peace that passes understanding.
John chapter 17 verse three-part of the verse starting in the middle of a life eternal, that they might know thee, the only true God and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent.
And I'll close with this verse, part of this version, Ephesians chapter 3.
To know.
The love of Christ which passeth knowledge, and I'd suggest that if you are in pursuit of the peace that passes understanding.
Lay aside your own ideas.
Get comfortable with some isolation.
Thank the Lord for bringing you into a place that may at the time seem difficult, when in fact all He's doing is showing you more about himself. Because if his love passes knowledge.
That's a pursuit that's something that will never end as long as we're left here.
I really enjoyed what shared today. When we understand this piece and we have eternal life, we don't understand exactly what eternal life means because our minds are unable to comprehend it. But when we have this peace and we have this confidence, so many things that are going on around us are nothing but noise because we know exactly where we are going. I'm looking forward to going there. Let's close.
Around her father, thankful for this privilege.
Thank you for the words of David.
Till I know what God will do for me.
Give us patience, Lord, give us godly confidence.
Give us the subtle peace that's available only through.
Knowledge and a full relationship with our Savior, the Lord Jesus.
Thank you for the refreshments. Pray in the worthy name of Jesus, Amen.