The Lost Axe, II Kings 6

2 Kings 6; Joshua 17:14
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Address—W. Smith
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Well, this gone high eternal word, Son of man, sovereign Lord, and now thy faith on thee we wrath, till all thy title have confessed. 264 Someone started, please.
Tired of work now?
Let me pray.
This meeting is.
For the young people.
One would not like the limit what he says to the young people.
The Word of God.
That which has been given to us by God himself.
And to give us instruction for our pathway.
It's a guide for us in the midst of a world.
That has expressed its hatred to God, and has told God, as it were, what the what the world thinks of Him crucifying.
The one that had gone, sent into this world the black.
Well, there are young people here and I would.
Oh, the most of the young people here.
Are those that have godly parents.
That have been raised to know the truth.
Read the word of God.
Have it read daily in the home.
And as to such, one would like to address himself this afternoon.
But he turned with me.
The second King's chapter 6.
Sons of the prophet said unto Elijah.
Behold, now the place where we dwell with the is too straight for our.
Let us go. We pray the other Jordan, and take thence every man of being.
And that is negative place there where we may dwell.
When he answered, Go ye.
One said, Be content, I pray thee, and go with thy servants.
And he answered, I will go.
So he went with them, and when they came to Jordan, they cut down wood.
But as one was selling a beam, the axe had fell into the water, and he cried into the last master, for it was borrowed.
Man of God said we're a fellow. He showed him the place.
And it cut down a stick and cast it in feather, and the iron did swell.
The airport said he take it up to the.
And put out his hand and took it.
One has read this portion of the Word of God many times.
Without understanding what it might mean.
We know that the word of God.
Is not given idly with every word of God is given to us for instruction.
And one believes that there is something in this portion for us.
Because those.
Who might be called the sons of the prophets?
The Prophet was.
Who gave out?
The mind of God.
One who was acquainted with John and knew him.
And these sons of the prophets.
Must have heard some of the words which were spoken by their fathers.
One has been raised in the truth himself.
And there's no.
From an early age, what it is to hear the word of God spoken and meditated upon in the home.
And perhaps it sold with most of those here this afternoon.
But you know, there's one thing.
To hear the word of God spoken.
One thing to hear it in the home.
And it's another thing to have it in the heart.
And to have its place there with us individually.
And to have to do.
With God.
Not only would God as a Savior God through the Lord Jesus Christ.
But also to have to do with him as A1.
Who sees us in all our ways and as his people, to walk in a path that is pleasing to him.
For here are the sons of the prophets.
And they say to Elijah the man of God.
To hold the place where we dwell with these two straight forums.
Well, how is it with us?
How we learn what it is to grow in grace.
And in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus.
Are we like the sons of the prophets who have grown?
Yeah, the place where they were was too straight for them.
So they wanted another place.
Notice where they were dwelling, they were dwelling with the Prophet.
Yeah, some of the teaching of the man of God.
Have had its effect with them.
We've entered into the HARP and there was growth with these young men.
You know there's a verse.
Joshua, 17.
It might just turn here for a minute.
Verse 14.
We find those there.
Who didn't have enough room?
The children of Joseph spake unto Joshua, saying, Why hast thou given me but one lot and one portion to inherit, seeing I'm the great people, for as much as the Lord blessed me hitherto?
Joshua answered them.
If I'll be a great people, then getting up to the wood country and cut down to thyself there in the land of the parasites, you know the giants Mount Ephraim be too narrow for thee.
Jillian, Joseph said. The hill is not enough for us, and all the Canaanites have dwell in the land of the valley of Chariots of iron, both of which are a best sham, and their towns, and they who are of the valley of Jezreel.
Joshua was speaking to the House of Joseph, even to Ethernet to Manasseh, saying, Thou were the great people and has great power, thou shall not have one lot only.
The mountains will be lined for it as a wooden, and I shall cut it down on the outgoing desert shall be thined, as I shall drive out the Canaanites, though they have iron Chariots, and though they be strong.
The children of Israel.
We're told that they were they were given the whole land, but they would only possess that which their feet brought upon.
And all young people.
You and I have the whole word of God.
And God has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies in Christ.
But it's only that which we have taken as appropriated to ourselves that we can enjoy.
These young men.
They wanted to grow.
That's all they say. Let us go. We pray thee unto Jordan.
Let us go. All this fellowship there, they didn't want to go alone.
Oh, they wanted to go together.
That's another characteristic.
Of the Christian.
God is so constituted.
That new life that is given to you and me.
That we need fellowship one of another if we're going to prosper.
In God's thing.
Let us go. We praise thee.
Yes, they wanted to go in fellowship together.
You know, there's so many times.
Those who live on the farm, if they see a chicken going off by itself, they know there's something wrong.
That chicken is sick.
Isn't it so with a Christian when we find one that wants to go off by himself?
Not enjoying the company of others of the Lord's people.
That we can say there must be something wrong spiritually with that person.
Yeah. Let us go.
Oh, how good it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.
Or may we be found ever seeking the company of God's people.
And where were they desiring to go?
They wanted to go to Jordan.
You know the River Jordan.
Was that was the Israelites cross?
When they entered into the land of Canaan.
When the River Jordan.
There's a grand type.
Of the death of Christ, my having died with Christ.
The old nature going down into Jordan.
Than the new nature coming up.
Yeah, my association with the death of Christ.
That's where these young men wanted to go.
To replace.
For the death of Christ was a practical reality with them.
Oh, do we know what it is?
Render into the fact.
But I'm dead with Christ.
And now?
We live.
By the grace of God in an unusual life.
That resurrection life.
Life that God has given to us.
You wanted to go to Jordan.
He associated there.
With A1.
Died and rose again.
They wanted to take each man a beam.
Yes, there were no sugars in that company.
Let us take.
Take thanks every man of being, make a place there.
We might refer to another verse.
Then Mark, I believe we won't turn to it.
Where every man was given his work.
Yeah, to every man his work is given.
So whatever these young men, every man.
How does work?
And dear young Christian.
The Lord and something for you to do.
The Lord is something for me to do.
As long as we're left here in this world.
Perhaps if they speak to our neighbor.
Or perhaps.
Mr. Barrett, The People of God in prayer.
We've been speaking about this morning.
Yeah, we can pray for one another.
So these young men.
Taking every man of being.
Make a place to dwell.
Now I'm good at war.
But then didn't go an independence of the man of Ghana, Elijah.
But they asked his approval after where they should go.
Yeah. They asked his approval.
Oh, do we have God's approval?
For what we do.
Do we make up our minds of what we are going to do?
And you'll endure an independence of God.
Or do we seek his mind in it?
You know that they didn't go until after, Elijah said to them. Go ye.
Yes, go ye.
Nor that old.
One said, Be content, I pray thee, and go with thy servants.
No, how blessed that is.
Not only do they ask his approval.
But they desired the company, the scholarship of the man of God with them.
Do we take God into our into account?
Wherever our footsteps take a.
Then we take God into account.
Wherever we go, whatever we do.
Or giving our own way.
I pray thee, go with thy servants.
He says I will go.
Yeah, he would go with them.
How blessed it is.
When we can go on and are possibly in this world with a consciousness.
God is with us.
Yeah, you know, there are times.
When the Lord goes with us.
Not because he is pleased with what we do.
But in restoring greatness?
To remember the two on the way to e-mail.
They have turned their backs on Jerusalem.
Discouragement passed down.
And they were leaving the place.
For the Lord had told them to stay.
Yes, they were headed for their own place in the mayor.
But Jesus himself drew near and went with them.
Why? In order to draw them back again to the place.
For he would have them.
Than his own greatest way he brought them back again to Jerusalem.
For they found him in the midst of his own.
Yeah, but how blessed are the other?
When we can go on in the enjoyment of the presence of God in all our pathways.
So were these young men.
The man of God says I will go.
So I went with them.
Almost a blessed thing.
To have the commendation.
As a man of God and I blessed the deals when we know that we have the approval of gum.
And all that we do.
Or whether it was soul, then all our steps.
Where we spoke this morning.
We all fail. We have to own them. We're humbled to think that we fail when God has made provision that we never need fail, but we do.
The answer failed.
The Prophet goes with his young man.
When they come to Jordan cut down water, they cut down water.
They're not. For this time everything was lovely.
Everything was as it should be.
But all we find here is 1 spelling of being.
The accent fell into the water.
In all this, Axe speaks to me.
As a word of God.
You know the Word of God, Scripture tells us.
It was like a hammer.
Breaks in pieces of rocks.
Here's one using the axe.
To cut down water.
The accent falls into the water.
What does he have left?
All he has in his hand is a handle.
For many times we find that with us.
The failure comes in.
And we have the word of God.
But has lost its power. All we have left is a handle.
Then you had come young.
Fell into the water.
You know the Apostle Paul wrote to a company of Christians.
Who are much like this?
He wrote two epistles to them.
When you could tell them ye are carnal.
And walk his memory. Oh, there was much gift amongst them, much wisdom.
Oh, the apostle has to tell a new Colonel.
For how fallen that is.
When the Word of God.
Has lost its power with us.
Oh, how easy it is to fall into the snare.
Losing the power.
The word of God has with us when we get our eyes on something else.
And along with it.
The joy is lost.
To join the knowledge of the presence of God with us is lost.
Until this young man cries out a laugh. Master Alaska.
It was borrowed.
This young man had a responsibility.
The act that he had was not his own. It belonged to someone else.
And dear young Christian.
That was you and I possessed. And the word of God is a responsibility that you and I have, if not our own. It's the word of God.
You and I have a responsibility as to how we use it.
How we use that which we possess, you know?
The last master of the world.
Oh, you had to answer to the one Jehovah belongs.
What had happened to that act?
Dear Christians, you and I.
Have to answer the gong as to how we use or how we neglect it.
His precious word which he has given to us.
You and I live in a day when the Scriptures have been opened up to us in a way that they have never been before.
No, we live in a day.
The most precious time in which a trial of God when the Scriptures have been opened up.
And we have a heritage in the ministry that God has given to us.
Or how do we use it to use it for his glory?
Why we like this young man that would fail in our responsibility to God.
Oh, you have to come to the man of God and confess.
To confirm that he has failed.
What's the answer?
All the answer is where fellow.
Where Phillip?
And if you and I, you're young Christians.
Are going to be restored.
When we fail in our pathway.
Where do we have to go?
Go on. My knees are gone, impression that we have failed.
And then?
Where Philip?
What was it called? Where did we fail?
Oh, we've got to go back to the beginning.
To the beginning, where the fall started.
That's the place you and for me to go.
Back there.
At all. Sometimes it takes.
Searching of the soul, God's presence.
To go back to the place.
Where we failed at the beginning of our failure.
Well, how blessed it is when we do it, when we can get into the presence of God.
Find that if we confess our sin to your faithful and just to forgive us our sins.
And to cleanse us from all unlikely things.
Oh, that's a place for gold.
And compassion on our knees to him.
When were you afraid?
So we showed in the place.
There's a bearing of the soul before God.
Here is where I failed.
Oh, have you ever done that?
The fumbling to have to own before God that we have failed and how we have failed. Sometimes these things have a little beginning.
Grow how they grow.
But if we're going to have our communion restored with God and our joy, it must be by going back to the beginning of our failure.
Find him sufficient for all things.
So it showed in the place.
And he cut down a stick.
Confident in Civil.
All when we bring ourselves face to face before God.
With the cross of Christ.
Find there that the Lord Jesus.
Who died for me?
And it's a cross of Christ.
Yeah, by which the world is crucified to me and I under the world.
Have they learned the reality of that?
Yeah, there's a cross of Christ which puts a separation between me and the world.
The world is on one side of the cross.
And the child of God.
Is on the resurrection side of the cross.
Oh, where are you living? Where am I living?
So when we bring in the cross of Christ.
Into our failures, dear young Christian.
What a difference it makes.
So the cross of Christ.
When I bring my failures face to face with that.
Go or flush it with drops your eyes.
Cut down a stick and cast it and feather in the iron dish. Swim.
All established beyond all of nature for the ironless weather.
The cross of Christ.
His wrath.
Which can work in your soul and mind, your young Christian.
That with the world. Never, never click and see.
So he said take it up to the and put out his hand and took it.
So how blessed it is.
One, we can, in fellowship with the people of God, find ourselves.
In the enjoyment of the company John's people.
And in company, so to speak, with God himself.
And to find the restoring grace that God has for all our failures while we're down here. Oh, God knows our our weakness. He knows how prone we are to failure.
And God has made provision for us, yes.
So may we?
And all the pathway down here in this world, see by God's grace to go on with the cross of Christ ever before that which has separated me from this world.
I was saying number.
Why is my soul my daughter actually stranger hands no more in fees pass along his hand protects his strength that has a captive freedom is a wilderness before the desert landbreak. Heavenly strange all their restore thee fresh from God's exhaustion.
Art thou weighing from Egypt? Pleasure, God, and secret? These shall keep their unfolders hidden. Treasures there is love and exhaust must be.
When the Canaan's long love, dwelling, love, divine life, what shall bring?
The early shelf of France while a giant storms and rats to sing. There are no stranger Gods won't be stranger thou in front of them.
He who do his rush or briefly, briefly with a well known bone number 76.