The Love of God

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Address—H. Hyland
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General Meetings Wheaton, August 1975, Addressed by Harold Highland.
We open our meetings by seeing him #6.
Number six, Jesus.
How must thy name on call to every open ear?
The pardon sinner's memory holds none other.
Half thought here.
Thy name encircles every grace that God as man could show.
There only could he fully trace the light, divine, the law, the third verse, Jesus.
Can speak the life of love.
A sorrows meekly born.
It tells us somebody above whatever makes us more Jesus, the one who knew no sin may seem to make us just.
A gaze thyself our love to win our full confiding trust the mansion of thy name shall thorough.
To worship thee the cheapest of $10,000 whose love has set us free. So we think #6.
The 3rd birth of this him I.
Number six that I just read.
Jesus that speaks a life of of love And I want to speak a lot of this afternoon. A lot of this afternoon and the love of God beloved. We've had so many precious crews brought before us and.
That which I know.
Has been has been so helpful to most of us. I know I've enjoyed being here just to listen. Sometimes some of us who get around a little bit, we we do quite a bit of talking do you see? And it's so nice to come here and do like I did with my car yesterday. I had to get my battery recharged and I I've just been here for this purpose this afternoon, these last three days, beloved.
To have my spiritual memories recharged.
With the precious things of Christ now beloved, I'd like you to turn with me to John 316. We all know this burst off by heart. It's so familiar to us. But I want to bring the love of God before us. And it's a final appeal that I would make to any here who know not the Lord Jesus of their precious Savior. There's a lot of young people here still are the dear children. You've heard the gospel.
Turn your mother's knees, but perhaps as yet you have not come to the Savior and further consider John 3 and 16. And if the Lord Jesus who is speaking, yes, he, he is the one who hurt this person. Nicodemus, we had this before the other evening for God.
Soul of the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish.
Not have everlasting life, all my friends, We have the love of God brought before us, and we want to bring before you today any who may be unsaved in this room, that the gospel of God's love and grace will clear the guilty. Any who know not Christ, if they'll only receive him as their precious Savior. And so you have an opportunity once again today, this the last meeting.
Now and just let us consider it.
Three or four days meetings here almost, and Christ has been before us all the time. And if you're still without Christ after hearing all about that precious name, of whom of whom we've been singing, all beloved, how can you resist such a precious Savior who wants to bless you? And we can tell you that if you're stealing your sins, you're guilty. God tells us the word of God tells us all have sinned, there is no difference, for all have sinned and come short.
Of the glory of God.
Serve your unsaved today or work to God that the word of God, not my word, but the Word of God, may have reached to your your heart and clear your soul. That guilty and guiltiness, which everyone who knows not Christ is, is still in their sins and guilty. And that's what the love of God does through Christ, because it brings the glorious work of the gospel before us, how the God so loved the world that he gave.
Oh, just think of God's gift, the best gift of heaven. I wasn't too good for him to give in order that you and I.
Be so rich like left. And so he gave his all beloved. When we think of the person who is eternal, the Son of God, the Creator Himself, He gave him in order that you and I might have eternal life for God's soul love the world We can't measure love. Oh no, we can't tell it out. Oh, it's been being told out now for 2000 years, but it's never been fully told out yet and neither will it ever be fully told her about that little word. So explain that yes, God, soul of the world that he gave his only begotten Son. That whosoever.
Believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Well, the Lord Jesus was speaking to Nicodemus here, and he told him. As Moses looked at the serpent in the wilderness, even some of the Son of Manly lifted up. He brought before him the cross that was induced. Yes, it is, it was established back in eternity.
That and the Lord Jesus would go to the cross, that he would go there and become sin just like that praise and serpent, serpent in the wilderness. It was a type of that dread disease as those who were bitten by the serpent and whosoever looked upon that serpent of brass was healed. And my friends, we can tell you that the Lord Jesus could say in the 12Th chapter of John Gospel is same gospel.
And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.
Not the cross and the center. It's the center of two eternities. And as we look at backwards, are we now that dark in eternity, God and his sovereign grace, and turn this wonderful plan of redemption in order that you and my and I might have everlasting life?
And throughout the countless age of eternity 2 we're going to look back to Calvary and we're going to sing that song of redemption is not wonderful. Well, here's the first point that I had before me, and that's John 316. God love it. Clears the Gillian if you're guilty this afternoon before God or what? You've come to the Savior. Oh, it's so easy to come to him. Yes, it's just a a a fee, just a a a prior to him.
Your sins. Just like that man in the 18th of Luke. He doesn't bless It looked up his eyes to heaven, but he scored his hands upon He scored his hands upon his breath. And he said, God be merciful to me, a Sinner or the Sinner? I believe the new translation is yes, as if there was not another Sinner in the world. My friend God wants to save you and he wants to bless you. But now he look at our second front. Let us go to the 13th chapter of John's Gospel.
And we have something further in connection with this wonderful love of God in the first verse of the 13th chapter. You know the story so well, and I'm going to read too much as our time and will slip by in the first verse that says now, before the feast of the Passover, when Jesus knew the desire was come, that he should depart out of this world of the Father having loved his own, which were in the world.
He loved them. He loved them under the end. Oh, my friend, Oh my friend. It does not touch your heart and mind. And then we we see that the wonderful.
A record here of our precious Savior, the eternal Son of God, on his way to Calgary. And it's a picture of His present position now as our great high priest and advocate us there on high. And so it comes here in this 13th chapter and that he loved them under the end.
And as soon as he as soon as we read this he counted the summer being ended, he set out to wash the disciples feet. And we think of the Son of God the Creator. Oh my friends, doesn't not touch your heart when we think of the Lord Jesus Christian name. Jesus getting down on his knees and having taken the water and putting it in a basin and guarding himself with the power and he.
He proceeds to wash the disciples feet.
Got very low to do that. Well, I don't think. How lovely, how wonderful as the Lord Jesus in the instituted this, this wonderful ritual, you might say, in as much as he did this himself.
He got down on the sneeze and he took the water and he bathed as the disciples feet, well, you know, their feet kept dirty. And you're Christians, you and I who have come to the Savior. We are. We get dirty too. We're going through the dusty, this dusty thing, and our feet get dirty. Well, Peter, you know, as he was always the first one to speak and so often he would say the wrong thing. And he did in this case too.
As we read the record here, Peter Cezanne so thou shalt never wash my feet and the Lord Jesus.
Peter. Peter. Peter. STI Wash the not. Thou hast no heart with me. Now we know that Peter had a part in Christ. Yes, he he belonged to the Lord Jesus, and he was one of his sheep, and he could never belong. But he became defiled On the way his feet became dirty, and the Lord Jesus was going to wash their teeth. Oh beloved, our precious Savior, as he goes, as we read this record in the 13th of John, because now.
He what I have done on you. And so he tells them that they should do the same. They should wash one another's feet. And beloved, I'm just sure when the Lord Jesus washed the feet of those those disciples, He didn't have the water too hot or too cold. Thought it was just the proper temperature and to refresh their feet. And beloved, how good it is for us to think about when we endeavor in any people. May you and I.
Christians wash running on their feet. And you know, there's many ways that we can wash one another's feet, that we can just minister the word, sometimes unconsciously, to the ones to whom we're speaking. And the word of God is applied, and in that way their feet are right. I recall a story of our dear brother, Mr. Heaney, whom I knew as a boy in Ottawa, where he came from. He he told a story how he at one time he found a a certain place, certain city.
And they had told him about a young man who had got away from the Lord, and this young man he.
He hasn't been coming out to the meeting for quite a long time and Mr. Heady thought, well, maybe I can go and wash his feet. Well, I'll just tell you how Mr. Heaney did it. He said he can't pass his plate. He knew the young man very well and he went to the door and he knocked at the door and he said they call him by name. He said, you know, I just thought I'd come back and come past your place and you and I could have a little word of prayer.
About a certain brother that I know about me said, I just like to take it to the Lord in prayer. Perhaps you not Polish it with me in this. And so as they got down on their knees and Mr. Heaney, he prayed for the young man. While the young man didn't know actually who he was referring to all that, he applied it to himself.
And when they start from the stage he said you know Mr. Healey just everything you said is replies to me really said I I've got away from the Lord all but he says I want to get back and so Mr. heady by doing that he had washed his feet and beloved us exactly how you and I can watch one another St. well that's how the Lord Jesus did with the disciples he washed their feet and then he tried their he didn't leave them uncomfortable but he cried at their feet with.
With the towel wherewith he was guarded.
Hi, I like to go on our time slipping by in the in Second Corinthians. We have read to us this morning. In Second Corinthians chapter five we have another point that I'd like to.
Like to refer to 2nd Corinthians chapter 5. Now we have first here the guilty of what love does. Love cleanses the believer, and that's what we have in the second point. Now we have something else in the second grant in five that converse.
Yeah, 1St 14.
For for the love of Christ.
Constrain of us, because we must judge that of one guy for all. Then we're all dead, and that he died for all the day, which lived in a tense course live under themselves, but under him which died for them, and rose again. Wherefore henceforth. Nor we no man after the flesh either. We've known Christ after the flesh.
Yet now and forth Norway him no more. Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature, or new creation. All things are passed away. Behold, all things are become new. And so on. Parents, we have loved that before us here, And let us what does love do here? Beloved, all constrain the heart. And we had that before us this morning in our reading. Yes, we you and I who have been born again and brought into the the family of God.
We we love God our Father because he first loved us. And we've been brought into association in that wonderful relationship as children of God, members of the body of Christ, and these precious truths that are so well known to so many of us here today. Oh, what a wonderful, what a wonderful.
Many truths that have been brought before us in these meetings and how encouraging it has been.
Are. But what is it that constraints the heart? Our beloved is love for that one out there. It's affection for Christ. And I think I like to think of Mary Magdalene, you know, in that 20th chapter of John.
She it tells us that the disciples, they went away to their own home, but Mary took without her, and she was weeping. There was Mary weeping at the at the at the tomb of our blessed Lord.
The Angel appeared to her that while weepeth out, oh, she said, because they have taken away my Lord Father, that was the constraining power of another Christ in her heart, and it was constraining her, she she, she, her, her heart was attached to him. And so we see Mary.
Talking about her, blessed Lord all, she said, If thou taken away Vicky, he was some other person, the gardener.
I was taking them away. Tell me without laid him I was taking away. She didn't realize her, her own inability. All but her heart was big enough to take him away, if that were possible. But the Lord Jesus, he revealed himself under her. And he'll do the same to each one of us. If our hearts are constrained by that love which we can be occupied day by day, All beloved Saints of God, how good it is for us to be occupied with Christ, that Christian Savior on high. He's the One.
That can keep our hearts and keep our hearts affected.
If Martin been said, you know that the cross of Christ is the is, the is. The work of Christ is for our souls and for the cleansing of our things. That's true or and how wonderful it is all, but it's the person of our precious Lord Jesus for our hearts, for our affection and beloved. If you and I were only more occupied with that blessed person, the man and the glory, the one whom God is so early.
How our hearts would go out to him. And I speak for myself more than for anyone else here.
Beloved, he He wants our hearts, He wants our affection. And you and I faith we're occupied with him.
Our affections are sure to growth. There's a verse in the second parenthesis mine Second Corinthians. I think it's the end of the third chapter.
I'll just go back to it. Yes, the eighteen birds, it says. But we all with open face of beholding is in the glass, the glory of the Lord our chains. But not a wonderful word. I believe that's the same word as transformed is in another in one of the other verses. I think it's.
In the when the Lord Jesus.
On the mount of Olives with Peter, James and John, and was transfigured before them. If the very same word is transfigured and transformed, as we have in the 12Th chapter of Romans, I'm told, And so it says here that we are with open face beholding is in a glass of glory of the Lord, our change into the same image from glory to glory even by by the Spirit of the Lord. Well, that is.
We're occupied with him.
Oh, have you ever seen some of the missionaries that came out of China? I like to think about dear sister Miss Marjorie Hale, whom I visited just before I went away three months ago. And when I looked in her dear face, beloved, I could see the Chinese. I would almost think that she came from China fine, or her hearts over there and it has been for for so many years because she's been occupied with us here Chinese people and.
Ministering to their needs.
These many years and talking their languages, she's become just like them in her appearance. My friend, if you and I were really occupied with our precious Savior in that wonderful one in the glory, I believe you and I are our lives which are.
Our affections would would be affected and so we know that the love of Christ it constrains our hearts. Oh may constrain each one of us more and more to follow him. Now I must hurry on because there's another few scriptures that like refer to in the 12Th chapter of Hebrews. We have love brought before us again in the 12Th chapter of Hebrews. And let me see what I can find the barriers in the sixth verse of the 12Th chapter of Hebrews. It says for whom?
The Lord loveth he chasteneth and scourge of every Son whom he receiveth. If you endure chasing, God deals with viewers, with Son. For what son is he whom the Father had chased of not? And so on. Well, beloved, as we have a chastening brought before the child training, if you like. And it's the love of God, it's God's mother does this well, many of us have been through.
Difficulties in our lives and.
There's a there's a blasting concern connected with it. Well, we have chasing actually Heather, three ways that one can react to it and the first one is found on the 5th party, it says.
An absence. And ye have forgotten the exhortation which speaketh unto you as unto children, My son, despise not thou that chase me of the Lord.
Well, that's what the sun might do, how they might react and to correction from the Lord, and Lizzie might despise it. Well, that's one way, then the next way, if we might speed under it in the same verse, nor feet with our rebuke of him all beloved, would that be true of any of us here, that we would despise and chase me of the Lord our faith under?
But there's a blessing connected with it, and we go down to the.
11 Verse it says, And now no, chastening for the present, he was to be joyous, but grievous nevertheless. Afterward, oh, there's an afterward, here, afterward, a yield of the peaceable fruit of righteousness under them, which are exercised thereby well beloved. I don't like Speaking of personal experiences, but I have had a few experiences in regard to child training and chasing, because in 1956.
Are some of our present heroes will remember that the Lord played me law for for about 3 years and I was in out of hospital for about 40 weeks over a period of three years.
I didn't know three years, beloved. I wouldn't want. When I looked back now I wouldn't walk would miss for three years that I had with the Lord during those if during those in that period of disability. My friend, let me tell you that God came in in a wonderful way and he ministered to me and he I was in a castle per month and the Lord had all he sustained me and I can remember our dear brother.
Hey ho Alberts father coming into my room on many occasions and putting his his hand on the foot of my bed and he would say.
How? What? He cut his verse in the 13th John. What I do, thou knowest not now, but thou should know hereafter. Well, beloved, I believe I found out before us the hereafter. Why, he had laid me down, and I became exercised. Why it was and beloved Saints of Saints of God, I'm so thankful now that I believe he showed me why and otherwise I might not be here this afternoon.
Oh beloved, how good it is for us to be exercised about this and the chasing of the Lord. And it's only done in love. Someone said when they were passing through so much affliction and trial always, that the Lord must love me a lot, look at what He's passing me through. But they were enjoying it. And how good it is to go into a sick room where it may not necessarily be tracing either, where one is walking with the Lord nevertheless.
They're experiencing the child training are crooning with you, which we have in the 15th chapter of John's Gospel.
And it may be preventative. We know not what, but the Lord knows, and He's willing to reveal the truth if we are really exercised by, oh, beloved, how good it is for us to think about these things. And so He brings before us this wonderful truth, whom the Lord love of the Chastens, and, my friend, every one of us, every last one of us in this room are going to be.
Child trained in some way or other. And if we if we walk not according to the rules we have in Second Timothy 2.
We we certainly not going to win the prize.
And we're certainly not going to.
Gain the victory in the race. Now He would have us to go according to the rules. Otherwise he's going to come in. And the government of God so often comes in and brings us back. Isn't it wonderful that the Lord, he loves us and He wants to bless us and everything that takes place in your life and mine, Oh, he has a purpose for it and it's for your blessing and for mine. And I prove it beloved. And I'm thankful to pass it on this afternoon.
Let's go to one of the scripture in the in the.
First Timothy.
First Thessalonians, Pardon me, chapter 4 and we have love Rocket for us. I'd like to read first about in the first chapter that brings before us the Thessalonians. It tells us in the third verse, the second verse that says we first chapter, verse two, we give thanks to God always for you all making mention of you and our prayers remembering.
Teach your work of faith, labor, of love and patience, of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of God and our Father. Well, we know that Thessalonians as they were, they were heathen. They they were idol worshippers. But they turned to God from Isles. They didn't turn from Isles to God now, they turn to God from idols and serve the living in a true God and wait for his Son from heaven.
First, I didn't know just power when he was going to come back, because the 14th Chancellor, John's Gospel, the Lord Jesus, tells us in the 14th chapter, if I go away just as surely as I go away, I will come again and receive you unto myself for where I am. There you may be also. Well, we know that the Lord Jesus told the disciples, He told us in the 14th of John he was coming back again, and that's exactly what Thessalonians they knew he was coming back, and they.
His Kingdom. They didn't know all about it until the Apostles found His wonderful revelation from a glorified Christ. He brings His glorious truth before us and that we that we have here in this 4th chapter. And I'm going to read the whole.
From the 13th verse of time sitting by from the 13th 1St that says I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren.
Concerning them which are asleep that he saw not even as others, which have no hope For. If we believe that Jesus died and rose again, Even so, then also notice that little words also those they're very important because it brings before the whole redeemed company them off with sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him now in his fourteen first we're all seen as being gathered on the glory. How do we get there? Well we find.
Parentheses here.
15th verse It tells us how all this takes place. For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain under the coming of the Lord, shall not prevent or precede them which are asleep. For the Lord himself. Oh, we've had that word Himself brought before us this morning. Yes, we have that in Titus chapter 2 Himself who gave himself for us, and he's coming himself for us, beloved, it says here for the Lord.
Himself shall the sand from heaven.
With the voice of the Archangel and with the trump of God and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Now we see the harvest. We see how this is going to take place, how the whole redeemed company is going to be caught up together. And we which are alive and remains will be caught up together with them in the cloud to meet the Lord in the air and culture. Shall we ever be with the Lord while we hear the deep verses quoted, beloved every.
And practically every meeting. And I don't like to have a meeting without quoting these scriptures because they've meant so much to me.
Oh yes, because we're going to see our loved ones again. We're going to see them in glory. And how good it is for to ponder over these precious truths. Our Lord Jesus is coming again, and the dead in Christ shall rise 1St. And we, but you're allowed to remain, should be caught up to meet the Lord in the air. Oh, that's our object, to be with him if we're all eternity and he wants us to enjoy His presence now and so.
He ends up here, and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Now here's the verse that I have before me word for.
One another with these words all, here's the comforts of the Saints and beloved. The Lord wants to comfort your hearts and that's His love. Yes, His love and ministry to the Thessalonians. And they turn to God from idols because of this wonderful gospel that they had heard, preached, and they received the Savior. God bless them and.
They gave them this glorious hope contained in these very few verses, in connection with the Rapture and beloved as we look about us today.
We see this scene getting worse and worse. Everything is taking. So many things are taking place that would tell us that we're in the very last of the last days. I could have our brothers. Mr. Dunlap name was mentioned this morning and I like to think of his his memory. I Revere his memory when I think of our dear age brother with his white deer. Speaking of the often so often did about the streets and the stars that he that the Lord Jesus was coming. Yes the streets in the sky tell us how the of the.
The the rising of the sun and all the.
In the sky speak of the sun rising before the sun rises as the morning star must appear. And so I can recall Mr. Dunlap years ago telling us when he was out in Saskatchewan he went out one morning and he wanted to prove.
To himself.
And the fact that these streaks and sky preceded out of the rising of the morning star. And as they went out this particular morning, it was a lovely morning on the prairies and very early. And he walked to the east and there he could see a street going up, and you know, every street brought before him the Jews, as would be going back to Jerusalem All brother said this morning. If Mr. Dunlop could see what has already transpired since he has gone hungry with the Lord so many years ago.
Oh well, how he was rejoined and how he would say all the streets are getting brighter. Yeah, he he must be coming. And when if we see things waxing worse and worse as they are in this world, he would speak of them in streaks on this morning when he saw those streaks getting brighter and brighter. Oh, he said the Morning Star must arrive very soon and presently and all he kept his eyes into the act, just in the twinkling of an eye that Morning Star came up over the horizon.
Honey saw the morning star going up into the flying up into the heaven. And before very long as they marked, the majestic sun arose and with its beams of light and the streets were all gone. Oh beloved, the sun of righteousness is about to rise. With healing in his wings, He's coming in righteousness to reign over this scene, but before he comes, he's going to take his beloved Redeemer home.
So he would tell us your comfort to one another with these words. Oh beloved Saints of God, is this a real hope in your heart? I have to pinch myself sometimes to see whether I really believe that the Lord is coming. Oh beloved, it may it be a real hope in our heart. And as that person code this morning, he that helping him in Christ purify themselves even as he is pure all beloved. What a what a savior we have. What a savior we have. What anarchy God has given us for our hearts. He he brings us out to before us in the trust. In this same cross chapter Hebrews that we had a moment ago looking off under Jesus the author and the finisher of faith who for the joy and that was set before him.
All my friends, beloved President.
The Lord Jesus.
That he wanted the experiencing in that jar. All the Charles believe of doing the Father's will he could tell I do always those things that please the Father all. But I like to think also that the joy of anticipation of how you're me in his presence throughout those conversations. Oh beloved, isn't it wonderful to know that we have such a savior, such a manner.
A real man who's walked through the scene knows every heartache knows every difficulty of recall and he he he says we're for comfort one another. Well these words yes I if I have time I'd like just to mention an incident that took place and I heard at a funeral service our brother Albert was there and he personally recalled this dear brother got off this day and.
He recounted at this general service of a of a missionary over in China many many years ago.
Connected with system, no doubt. But here he is taking He and his wife had gone over there and they were they labored many years and they became very attached to the Chinese and that locality well as the time came when the Lord took home of the dear wife of his missionaries and.
System that they're connected with the ministry. He was a Christian man and and of course he eulogized that your woman at the.
At the funeral service and he spoke so nicely on her and he he enjoyed her so much. And at the end when he was all finished a year old missionary he.
It had been raining in our and there was.
Just about time they put a canopy over the grave, over those who were coming to the grave, those who wouldn't get wet, but just at that point.
The sun broke through the clouds. How to shine down on this hero, brothers? The Bible as he had it open. And he said, would you permit me just to read a few verses? And he read these scriptures that I've just read to you now. And as he read them he came to the last verse. He said where for comfort one another with these words. All the words of eulogy were very nice. They were very good.
All but he wanted the word of God for his comfort. And today, beloved Saints of God, we have the eternal word of God for our comfort. And the word here we have in this word, in this word. But love does always comforts the story. It comforts of the Christian and we can say comfort one another with these words. Now let's turn to the book of Jude. And there's another one or two verses I'd like to refer to there.
Absolute and Revelation, Jude.
And through the end of the chapter.
I know these scriptures are very familiar to us, beloved. We owe them off by heart, many of us. But I don't think we know them too well. We can't exhaust the word of God. What man can produce, man can exhaust but the word of God. No man living yet or will be ever able to exhaust the word of God. The 20th verse, but he, beloved.
But ye beloved, building up your soul on your most holy face.
Praying in the Holy Ghost Now. This is the part of the verse I'd like to bring before keep yourselves in the love of God.
Looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ.
How to eternal life and the some have compassion making a difference.
On the 24th verse, now out of him that is able to keep you from falling, and to prevent you found us before the presence of his glory.
With exceeding joy to the only wise God our Savior be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen. But not.
Part of this person keep yourselves in the love of God. I hear something for you and and and for me to do it it'll take a little effort. Take diligence. Peter speaks so often in two customers of diligence and.
If you were to look at these 4 words that suggest line of truth is first is building and of course identification as as we had brought before done many many times.
Building. And that brings before us the doctrine. And then we have.
Praying in the Holy Ghost and how good it is to supplicate the Lord.
All my friends, that's part of the armor of God. In the 6th chapter of season. There are seven parts to that arm, and prayer is one of them, if you'll notice. And how important it is to be on our knees. No armor provided for the need, no God. It's all good that we could get on our knees and supplicate him, and how he he longed to bless each one of us his children, when we supplicate him.
In the Colombian four it says, be careful for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication. That intensified prayer. I believe that your request be made known under God and the peace of God. If we really do that to love it, we have that peace promised to us, the peace of God and the peace of Christ, The same peace which he enjoyed when he was down here, the peace of Christ.
Passes. All understanding shall keep or guard your minds and hearts through Christ Jesus.
Anxious to do for you and for me. Keep yourself now in the love of God. And our brother mentions us that there are two goals. It's going on the sunny side of the street. How good it is. Now I'm not Speaking of the of the climate here in in Wheaton today. I'm Speaking of in the winter time or in the cool of the day, the cooler days of the year. How nice it is.
And to have the sun shining in our face or on our back as we go on the sunny side of the street, as you and I are exhorted to keep ourselves from the Sunnyside, keeping the sunshine of His love. You know I visited a few man found on many, many years ago and.
I knocked at the door and his wife came to the Lord. She said yes. My husband's up on the, on the roof, on the roof, the flat roof, and he was up on the roof, but he's up there standing himself and I I went up.
She told me to go right up to the roof and to walk up to set the stairs and get up on the roof and as I as I came over to see this 0 white haired white bearded gentleman, I I said well.
Mr. Davis, I'm so glad to see you, but how are you keeping how it's done? Just fine. He's done just lying here, letting the Lord love me. I'm just lying here in the sunshine, he said. Letting the Lord love me isn't that good. And you know, that's been a lesson to me, I suppose, for about 50 years of thinking about that dear old man. He's with the Lord now. For many years he was lying there in the sun, getting pretty aged at that time.
Not just letting the Lord not all keep ourselves beloved in his love. How can we do that? All the be occupied just like John was. He referred to himself as a disciple whom Jesus loved, I'm sure John.
The Lord Jesus, the type of how he he could lean on his breath and suffer, tells us when he opens his his Gospel of John we find the Lord Jesus.
In the bosom, in the bosom of Apollo, the one who never, never left the bosom of the Father, He always was, always will be in the bosom of the Father. Process of John's Gospel open with his glorious person, the eternal Son of God. How about it closes with John, a redeemed Sinner, being in the bosom of the space, All beloved, what a state do we have to speak to you about today.
Southern not drugs. Your heart's affections when we think of his love to you. How can you resist such a savior if you know not him? And if you do know him? Oh, I see. Apostle Paul could say that I may know him. He wanted to know better. And each one of us who have enjoyed his presence always is not good to know him better. When we leave these meetings collaborative and go into our homes and all we're going out into a world of stuff takes that precious name. They don't love this man.
Now that this name means nothing to them.
Except they take it in vain. So after awful of us, let us keep ourselves in the love of God and the love of Christ, enjoying His presence, enjoying His country. We can go along the road and our eyes can be wide open. We can talk to Him as we can talk to them as we drive along the highway, and some of them have done that. I know if we're driving along, or we have the company of our precious Savior with us, and He wants us to keep ourselves in His love as we as we go along.
Well, there's one other person Our time is just about.
In In the end of Revelation, first I like to read the first chapter of Revelation, because I read about this, this wonderful loan of our blessing Lord Jesus, the fourth verse of the first chapters of John to the seven churches which are in Asia, grace beyond the UN, peace from him which is which was and which is to come, and from the seven Spirit which are before his throne.
And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness and the first presortion of the dead and the Prince of the kings of the earth, you know this is a three fold telling of of his glorious person. And there's so many.
Threefold car to tell them is not quickly broken and we have so many threefold cars mentioned in this first chapter revelation it's it's so it's good just to read them and so he he says from Jesus Christ who is the faithful witness.
First begotten of the dead, and the Prince of the kings of the earth unto him that loved us.
But we still love us. He loves us, yes, Who loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood, and has made us kings and priests on the God and his Father Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen. Of love. He's still not. And we go to the end of the chapter, end of the book. And we have these wonderful words.
For 35 years ago, I heard a brother just mentioned these last two verses.
Touch my heart, I've never forgotten in these last two verses.
This was in Ottawa many, many years ago. He was testified at the funniest verse. He was testified these things that surely I come quickly, does he love us just to love us. And that doesn't work. That word correctly means as quickly as I can, just as soon as the father gets the words done, the hour has come. He's going to come quickly. He's lying, beloved, our blood of savors longing for that day so much.
Or is longing for that day when the last soul will be gathered in.
A fatherless faith from the old and you'll come quickly in the quickly of an eye is coming for his own. Are you going to be among the number? Oh, is there one here in this stuff that this company today who knows not our precious Savior. Oh, once you come to Jesus, come to this wonderful name, this wonderful person tells him as your own. And so he makes this promise. What a wonderful promise it is. A promise that we had in the 14th of John.
The promise that we had given to us by the Apostle Paul from a glorified Christ himself, the Lord himself shall come He which testifies these things that surely I come quickly.
And here is the response, beloved, and this is the prayer that you and I are privileged to make the promise. If he's coming again, our prayer should be all beloved. If we're clearly in the current of his thoughts, we'll say Amen even. So Come, Lord Jesus.
Our beloved should not be on our lips. Should that not come from our heart daily. The coming of our Lord precious Savior who loved us all. But in the meantime our blessed Lord has made proficient for us and that which we had entitled to. This morning we have the grace of God. I'm sorry we didn't finish that in the last part because we didn't have much grace has brought Him.
In in Christ giving himself who gave himself for our sins. That's what Christ has lost.
I don't know what what what grace. What grace has brought and what grace has taught us. But we didn't mention. We didn't get as far as the craze of rock. And that's exactly what he's brought For the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Here's the provision that he's made for us all along the way. Crazy. Start by grace. Are you saved? We're saved by grace. And we have grace every day of the journey.
Above it, 20 comes in the glory of glory and the great.
Our loyalty Christ receiveth up to himself a great old way through. Are you going to be there? Oh, are you coming along with it? Are you going to join us redeemed from going to sing that song which we read about in the first chapter, and wash this from our sea in his own Christ of God? May the Lord bless His word to each one of us today as we leave this place.
Oh, may our hearts be.
Strong more and more.
To the precious one in the glory who loved us and gave in stone Forest, Could we sing. That's how him we sang as a We sang it this morning, 174 and tomorrow first particularly on my heart.
All patient, spotless one, our hearts and meekness trained to bear thy yoke and learn of these.
We may rest. Obtain Jesus. Thou art enough. He's enough. He's enough to fill our hearts, the mind and heart to fill the patient life, to can the soul.
My love, it's fear to spell.
All fixed Nazis be our prayer, All fixed our arms.
The holy Lord on thee that with thy beauty occupied we elsewhere not me, he may we rise to significant.
OK, Transformers.