The Man at the Gate in Acts 3&4

Acts 3&4
Listen from:
Gospel—R. Reeves
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I would like to ask each one of you here tonight.
For your attention.
I don't plan to.
Talk very long.
I realize that many of you have been sitting in these chairs for.
A long while.
And I have no intention of taking a whole hour of your valuable time.
But I do ask you each one of you.
If you will, please listen for justice a few minutes.
To the message that.
I feel God has laid upon my heart for you.
And for me?
This is the Bible.
This is God's precious word.
And we're going to open it tonight to.
A passage.
And we're going to read it.
I'm going to try to make a few remarks upon it that will be helpful.
For all of us to understand what God has to say.
Please listen.
To what God has tonight for you.
Those of you who have a Bible on your lap, would you open it please?
Through the book of Acts chapter 3.
You'll only have to open your Bible to one place tonight.
I don't have any intention of turning from one place to another.
The message which I want to share and enjoy.
And communicate to you.
Is found.
Partially in the third chapter of Acts and partially in the 4th chapter.
Of acts.
So I won't need to turn any pages in my Bible, and perhaps your Bible is the same.
You won't need to change. You won't need to turn any pages. Just relax.
And open that precious book, God's Word, and let the light of it.
Flood your heart with its message.
Acts Chapter 3.
Peter and John went up to gather into the temple at the Hour of Prayer.
Being the 9th hour and a certain man lame from his mother's womb.
Was carried.
Whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple.
Which is called beautiful.
To ask alms of them that entered into the temple.
Who's seeing Peter and John about to go into the temple?
Now you know in arms is a gift. This man was a beggar.
He was not able to work.
It couldn't work.
And so he must sit there and ask for people to give him money. Perhaps he had a little tin cup.
Perhaps he had a plate, Perhaps he had a basket. Perhaps all he had was just his bare hand.
I don't know.
One thing I do know.
That this man was outside.
Of a beautiful.
Gate of a temple.
He was outside.
And I've always felt sorry for this person.
I felt sorry for this man because he was he was outside.
And I suppose that every day he would look at that beautiful gate.
That led to this temple.
And he would have to sit there and look at that beautiful gate.
And he would say, I would like to go on the inside.
It must be wonderful inside.
But you see, this poor man wasn't able to go inside.
He couldn't walk.
And the gate was so beautiful.
But he was outside the gate.
I've always felt sorry for him.
And day after day, he sat waiting.
Outside of that beautiful gate.
I wonder if someone is sitting here tonight who has attended these meetings.
Which we have enjoyed.
And you have recognized that your friends or your parents?
Have really enjoyed something beautiful.
During these days.
And they seem to really be entering into something that was making them feel good.
And something that.
They liked.
You were not inside.
And you didn't know how to get inside.
And I wonder if anybody here said oh.
I would like to get inside.
Where my daddy is.
I would like to go inside and enjoy those things that my momma enjoys. I wish I could go inside.
Where my friend seems to see so many wonderful things.
I would like to go inside, but you didn't know how to get inside and so you sat.
For three days.
Well then you would be like this man.
Who was right close to a very beautiful thing.
But you see, the problem was that he was outside.
And he didn't know how to get inside.
Oh, I got good news for you.
We're going to read on in this story, and I'm going to tell you how this man got inside.
This beautiful gate.
And he got right into the temple itself.
It says in verse three, who is seeing Peter and John about to go into the temple? Ask in alms.
And Peter, fastening his eyes upon him with John, said, look on us.
And he gave them, gave heed unto them. That means he listened. And that's really what I'd like to ask you to do. Listen, please.
To this very short message tonight he gave heed unto them.
Expecting to receive something of them.
Then Peter said, silver and gold have I none but such as I have.
Give Isaiah.
In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
Rise up and walk.
Now notice what happens.
And he took him by the right hand.
And lifted him up.
And immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength, and he, leaping up, stood and walked and entered with them into the temple. He got in. Oh, isn't that wonderful? He got in. He got in.
Entered with them into the temple, walking and leaping and praising God.
He got in.
All the people saw him walking and praising God, and they knew that it was he which sat for arms at the beautiful gate of the temple, and they were filled with wonder.
And amazement at that which had happened unto him.
And as the lame man which was healed held Peter and John. Oh I can just see him now He I don't know which one it was. It looks like Peter. Yeah it was Peter that's put out his hand he says put her there partner. And he says in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk. You know it looks like that man never let go of Peters hand. It says when he held Peter and John oh he got close to them.
You see, it was Peter and John that helped him get in. They helped him get in.
And he always wanted to get in, and it wasn't until Peter and John came.
And Peter put out his hand that he was able to get in.
He held Peter and John and all the people ran together unto them in the porch. That's called Solomon's greatly wondering or something wonderful happened here today.
This man got in.
He got inside the beautiful gate that he wanted to get in so long.
But you see, he couldn't before.
Now, do you know how he got in?
What was it that got him in?
Ah, he got in because of Jesus.
He got in because of Jesus.
And if it had not been for Jesus, he wouldn't have got in.
Peter stuck out his hand. He says in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I say rise.
Up and walk. This man got inside because of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
Now if there's someone here tonight that has been sitting outside.
During these three days of meetings.
And you know that there has been wonderful teaching here.
And you've seen some people smile and enjoy the beautiful things that we've had. And you've said I would like to get in, but I don't know how.
You see, I've come here tonight to tell you how to get in.
You can get in through this same man, the Lord Jesus Christ. Now in this case, this man got in because he was able to walk.
After a long life of sitting down by the beautiful gate in the name and the power.
Of the Lord Jesus Christ he was able to go in.
And I want to tell you that you can go in, you can go in and enjoy.
What God has for you.
Through the same person, the Lord Jesus Christ.
He had a wonderful story. This man got in.
Would you like to get in? You see, I'd like to have you come in.
I'd like to have you come in with me and enjoy what God has done for my soul.
I want to take you in with me.
What you see, it requires you making contact with Jesus to get in.
Now let's go to Chapter 4. Your book, I'm sure, will not have to.
You won't have to turn more than one page, if even that.
And must read a little bit more about this man who got in.
Verse 10 of chapter 4.
Bit known unto you all and to all the people of Israel.
That by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified.
Whom God raised from the dead.
Even by him.
Doth this man stand before you whole?
Now isn't that wonderful?
Here Peter is talking again and he said to these folks that were wondering and some of them critical and couldn't understand how this man got in Hall. Peter said, let me tell you how it happened. It's through the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth that this man stands before you well.
Yes, friends, it was because of Jesus that he was made well.
Well, I would like to apply this to myself.
I'd like to tell you tonight.
That it's because of Jesus.
That Ronald Reeves, the speaker, and some people call me Red.
Some people call me Mr. Reeves, some call me Ron, but it's all the same person.
It's because of Jesus that I stand before you Well, and.
Whole and saved from my sins.
If it worked for Jesus, I could not stand here in this room.
Before you.
And talk to you tonight. So I'm going to take the place of this man.
And I'm going to say this applies to me, and I'm going to tell you that it's because of the name of Jesus Christ.
The Lord of Nazareth, that I stand before you.
To bring this message.
It's only because of him.
You see, if God gave me what I deserve, He would have had to send me.
To hell a long time ago.
But it's because of the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth that I stand before you.
Whole. No other reason.
None whatever.
Only because of the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
He is my savior.
He is my Lord. He is the one who made me well.
And my soul.
In verse 12, we have a very powerful message for our hearts.
And verse 12 will be the verse that we will talk about.
A few more minutes.
Neither is there salvation.
In any other.
For there is none other name under heaven.
Given among men, whereby we must be saved.
This is our verse, folks.
This is our verse.
Neither is their salvation in any other.
For there is none other name under heaven.
Given among men.
Whereby we must be.
People talk about salvation.
They talk about being saved, and I think you've heard people talk about being saved.
Let's talk about it a little bit.
Why? Why do people talk about being saved?
Why do they talk about it?
Why do people talk about salvation?
Well, the reason that we talk about salvation is this.
That you and I need to be saved. We need to be saved, and that's why we talk about salvation.
You know, it's a it's a sad thing, that.
Some people don't feel that they need to be saved.
And I feel very sorry for those people.
But if they don't think they need to be saved, that doesn't mean that they don't.
Why do we talk about salvation?
Because we're all sinners against God.
Everyone in this room has done something wrong.
That has displeased God.
All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. You've told lies.
You have had naughty thoughts. You have been disobedient and worst of all, worst of all.
You have not believed what God has said, and that's the worst sin of all.
Why do we talk about salvation? Because we need to be saved.
We were born in sin. We're part of the human race.
And the blood that's in your arm is red. And it's the same blood that was in Adam's arm. It was red too. It's the same blood. And Adam fell into sin, and so did his wife and plunged the entire human race into sin and misery. And you're part of a sin cursed race of people.
You were born lost. You heard that in Sunday school. You were born lost away from God. You were born without the life of God. You were born with no love in your heart, with for Jesus. And that's why you need to be saved.
And that's why I came here tonight. I want to tell you, the reason we talk about salvation is that.
We all need to be saved.
When I was in the army, I was given the job of collecting specimens from the patients in the hospital where I worked.
It was not a very glamorous job. I had to go into the bathroom to get these specimens, and the people that I got the specimens from, they didn't like to do that.
But I kept at it because the boss told me to do that. And you know what? One day the nurse came to me and she said, Ron, I want to thank you for getting the specimen from that man because we found out he had worms.
And now we're going to treat his worms and we're going to cure him from the worms. But you see, he had worms and he didn't know it, she said. Thank you for being sure that we could test him for worms, because he didn't know it.
You know, there are people that are not saved, but they don't know it.
I talked to a man once and he said don't talk to me about being saved because I've never been lost. And I said yes you are, God says so.
We are all lost before we're saved. We're born lost. How can you be anything else when you're born of lost parents?
In a lost human race, and we're totally born in sin, we're.
We are lost when we are born. And you know what? We stay lost until we accept Christ as our Savior.
Maybe there's a boy or girl tonight that says to me, Mr. Reeves, you know what? I was baptized, and I said, So what? So what? Being baptized can't save you. Being baptized make you wet, but it won't save your soul.
No, Just because you have been baptized, that doesn't mean you are saved.
Because you don't get saved by being baptized.
Somebody say, Mr. Reeves, I go to Sunday school, I said that's wonderful, but that won't save your soul.
You can't be saved by going to Sunday school. You can only be saved when you put your trust in the Lord Jesus.
And all how badly you need to be saved.
You know, people go to doctors when they get sick.
But some people are sick and they don't know it.
But when they find out about it, they go to the doctor. They say now I found out I need the doctor.
On Wednesday at 2:00.
I got to go to the doctor.
Because I got a spot on my arm right there and I think it's skin cancer.
Again, I've had it before.
And I want to go to the doctor and I say, doctor, look at that, it doesn't look good to me.
And look good to me. And I don't think it's going to look good to him either.
And that's not the first time I had to go to the doctor about that.
But I felt I had the need to go to the doctor.
Or if I could somehow convince your heart in some way that you need to be saved.
Well, how badly you need to be safe. Are you happy? Come on now, tell me, are you really happy?
You've been sitting outside that beautiful gate. Are you happy to be outside or you say mystery? I'd like to be on the inside.
I want to get inside. I need to get inside. Well, see, that's why I came here tonight. I want to help you get inside. And I would just like to be like Peter and I stick my hand out and I hope somebody will come to me after meeting, say, Mr. Reeves.
Here's my hand. I won't accept the Lord Jesus as my savior.
And you can get in, you can get in, and we'll both go in together.
That's why we're having this meeting tonight and you need to be saved.
You see, if you're not saved, you don't have any happiness in your heart, you don't have any peace, and you don't know where you're going. If you'd leave this world and suppose you died tonight, where would you go? You'd say, I don't know, Mr. Reeves. I don't know where I would go. Well, if you don't know where you're going, that shows you're lost. People that don't know where they're going and don't know where they are, these are the people that are lost. And if you don't know where you're going, you're lost. You need to be saved.
Why do we talk about salvation? Or because you need to be saved, that's why. But neither is our salvation in any other. It's only in the Lord Jesus.
You know, we talk about salvation and then we say how can there be a salvation?
How can there be a salvation?
How can you be saved? How can God save us? Oh, let me tell you, let me tell you.
Let me tell you how you can be saved.
You can be saved because God.
Sent his only beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, into this world.
He allowed him to live as a man born in a very humble little place.
In Palestine, he allowed him to live as a man and prove by every possible.
Demonstration that he was sent of God.
Was said of God. He healed the sick, He made people well.
He gave sight to the blind. He raised the dead. What more could he do than what he did do?
But let me tell you how God can save sinners like we are. How can He do it?
It's because that same Jesus went to Calvary's cross and he stretched out those precious hands that had always done good.
And he stretched them out on the cross, and there he took the judgment of God.
Against the sins of mankind.
And he suffered the terrible, terrible, unspeakable judgment of God.
That you and I deserved. He suffered, He took it and.
God has accepted his sacrifice.
And after he died, he bowed his head and died. A Roman soldier put a spear in his side, and out come the Precious Blood, the blood that proved that he had died, the blood to cleanse from sin, and the water to wash lives clean.
Jesus died. How can salvation come? It can come because somebody else.
Died in our place, that's how.
On the basis of the Precious Blood of Christ.
And on the basis of the shed of the sufferings of Jesus on the cross on those terms.
God can save you and me who are sinners, that's how.
And there's no other way. Neither is there salvation in any other. There is no other way.
For there is none other name. There is nobody else in the whole universe that has ever done such a thing as that.
As to die on the cross and take the judgment of God that sinners deserve, nobody ever did that.
But Jesus.
None other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved. Listen to these words, please. We must be saved.
Now the question about salvation is when.
When should a Person be saved?
That's a good question.
Well, if you weren't saved before tonight, then this is the night.
This is the night.
When right now?
You know, what's what's the matter with right now? What's the matter with, right for you to be saved?
I wonder if there's a boy in this room, he says. You know, Mr. Reeves, everything you said is right, everything you said is right, but.
I think someday I'll be saved, but I don't think tonight. Let me tell you, my friend, that if you're ever going to be saved.
It'll have to be some night that you call now.
Nobody ever got saved yesterday or nobody ever got saved tomorrow. Because when tomorrow comes, well, then tomorrow is still is still that way nobody can be saved tomorrow.
And the only way to be saved is to be saved right now.
You get salvation.
Well, you could be saved right now.
Let me tell you.
That if there's somebody listening and you did promise to listen, didn't you? Because I told you my message would be short.
You know what would happen?
If you felt on the outside of this beautiful.
And if you have seen the truth, that Jesus died on the cross and rose again.
And shed his blood.
Do you know what would happen?
If you would say in your heart right now.
Quietly you'd say Jesus.
Save me.
You know what happened, You do it.
He'd do it.
Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
And you see that happens right now. It happens just like that. It's fast.
Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
And if someone in this room would like to be saved tonight, I ask you in your heart quietly. You don't even have to close your eyes. You can say Lord Jesus.
Save me.
You know what happened. He'd do it. He'd do it.
Do it now. Suppose you don't accept salvation. What next? How long are you going to live?
Going to live 100 years.
Going to live 150? Oh no, you say. Not that long. Nobody lives that long. We live 80. Don't know, 6050 Don't know.
Let me tell you this, if you do not accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal savior before you leave this world.
You can never go inside the beautiful gate of heaven.
But instead, you'll be outside forever, and you'll have to go where the devil goes.
And that's the hell.
And you'll think about your sins forever. And if you go to hell, you'll have to think about this gospel meeting. And you'll have to say, Mr. Reeves told me to believe on the Lord Jesus that night, and I wouldn't do it. And here I am. That'd be awful. That would be awful. I don't want that to happen.
Oh, please, please, in your heart.
Talk to the Lord Jesus and say to him quietly in your heart.
Lord Jesus, I don't want to be outside anymore.
Lord Jesus, save me tonight.
You know what will happen. He'd do it.
He drew it. That's what he did for me, and that's what he did for everybody in this room who's a Christian. He saved them just like that the moment they put their trust in him.
And then you say oh.
I never was able to tell anybody I believed in Jesus, but.
Because of tonight when I said I trust him. Now I can tell somebody I have confessing Christ comes after you trust Him.
And He gives you the power to confess Him as your personal savior.
It says in the Bible if you confess with your mouth.
That Jesus is the Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
Would you like to be saved?
I'd like to get inside.
Well, I've told you how.
In the best way I know.
And I'll be around here this evening.
Cleaning up, I've got to put some tracks in boxes. My wife and I have got some toys to put away in our car. I'll be around and I'd like to ask anybody here that.
As just tonight said to the Lord, I'm going to believe Lord Jesus tonight.
Why don't you come up and shake my hand and say, Mr. Reeves, I want you to know.
I believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.
You'll be the happiest person in this room.
You will. It's a fact.
Let's pray our Father.