Psalm 16
What we find written in the Psalms is primarily connected with the Jews, or the Lord Jesus Himself, and particularly as Messiah. They have a special reference to the godly remnant in the latter day. For this reason many of their expressions wholly belong to the Jews, and cannot be used by the church. Such passages have caused terrible stumbling to Christians who did not see this. The saints of the present dispensation cannot rightly be looking for the destruction of their enemies, as a way of escape from their sorrows. But in the time of trouble that is to come, it will be quite proper for the suffering Jews to look for judgments as a way of deliverance. They are God’s promises, and what their hope rests upon. But the church looks to be caught up, and escape from sorrow, by being with the Lord in the heavens, while it is quite true that she has His sympathy in her sorrow down here.
Suffering and Deliverance
But what the Psalms are chiefly occupied with is the suffering of the soul, the sorrows of the godly Jews and remnant, and God coming in judgment, as their deliverer, by the execution of vengeance on all their foes. Christ is viewed there as associated with Israel, and enters into all the sufferings of the holy remnant. Then there are certain psalms which belong personally to Himself. They show out the character of the spirit of Christ, as the Gospels show His walk and work. The Gospels display the One in whom was no selfishness. They tell out the heart that was ready for everybody. No matter how deep His own sorrow, He always cared for others. He could warn Peter in Gethsemane, and comfort the dying thief on the cross. His heart was above circumstances, never acting under them, but ever according to God in them. We see that He was always sensible to them, and we often get in the Psalms expressions of what His heart felt in them. For example, “I am poured out like water;” “My bones are out of joint: My heart is like wax.” He was the tried man; and, as man tried, I am called to follow Him. I should forget self, and the things belonging to self, in showing love to others. The true effect of being near Christ puts me into fellowship with Himself about others, instead of being under my own circumstances. How can I be turning my heart to the joys of one, and the sorrows of another, unless I am living close to Christ, and getting my heart filled with Him instead of self? What we find all through the life of Christ, as shown out in the Gospels, is the total absence of selfishness, never acting for self in any way whatever. He could rejoice with those who had joy, and grieve with those in sorrow. He could cheer, warn, or rebuke, as need arose. Whatever love dictated, that He did. In Psalm 22 we see Christ alone, suffering under God, enduring the wrath due to sin, but continuing the righteous man, crying unto God, and justifying Him, even when forsaken by Him; or if we look at Him, as in Psalm 69, suffering rather from men, God is still His refuge. His heart goes through all the sorrow sin could bring on one who takes the sinner’s place. He passed through the deepest exercises the heart could endure, but He brings all to God.
Oftentimes we find the great difficulty in bringing our sorrow to God. The soul of some may be saying, how can I do so, since my sorrow is the fruit of my sin? How can I take it to God? If it were suffering for righteousness’ sake, then I would, but I am suffering for my sin; and can I, in the integrity of my heart towards God, take my sorrows to Him, knowing I deserve them? Yes: Christ has been to God about them. This, then, is the ground on which I can go. There has been perfect atonement for all my sins; Christ has been judged for them. Will God judge us both? No; I go to Him on the ground of atonement, and God can afford to meet me in all my sorrow, because Christ’s work has been so perfectly done. In the main, all sorrow is from sin, and all help is grounded upon the atonement. There would be no possibility of my trusting in God, had not all His dealings with sin been put upon another. God may make me to feel the effects of my sin, because He is not going to judge me for it. Through grace I can take the place before God which Christ takes, and the ground for me is the atonement.
We find divine utterance in the Psalms for all our sorrows, and it is blessed to look at them in this way, Christ entered into the full effects of sin, as none other can, in a way we never shall; and, when He had been at the “horns of the unicorns” — the very transit of death, as it were, and had settled every question with God about sin, He could then say, “I will declare Thy name unto My brethren: in the midst of the congregation will I praise Thee.” We shall never lose Him as our companion: what a comfort! We shall follow Him to the glory. I am going to be with Him. His presence will be my delight. What a place the saints are brought to in Christ — all sorrow passed!
What abundant consolation faith gives the man who hangs on God! Christ could say when down here, “I have set Jehovah always before Me;” should not I do so? In the details of life, do I not constantly need Him? How continually I get moved by circumstances! He alone can uphold me. Christ once took a dependent place, but was raised by the power of the Spirit, through God the Father. The Lord Jesus Christ was all the Father’s delight.
Christ is in His presence as Man and on behalf of man, as the Forerunner of our way. It is so blessed to look at Christ as the way; it brings Him so near to us. As surely as I have, as a man, partaken of the first Adam’s nature, and the consequences of his sin, so have I as a believer a portion in the second Adam. The Lord Jesus Christ is in the presence of God for me. There are truly difficulties down here; but I shall be with Him where there are joys for evermore.
It is our positive portion, and in communion with Him we share what He is. His delight is with the saints. He entered into their deepest sorrow, and they shall share His joy and glory, as exalted on high. How am I acting towards Him now? Do I take all my concerns to Him? Do I make Him the uppermost thought in all my need, in every exercise of soul, and also in my seasons of joy? This is the way to learn Him, and to know the love that is in His heart.
Adapted from J. N. Darby