The Meal Offering

Duration: 50min
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Address—A. Roach
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Can remember the walkthrough between which we live. A homework could be said that he was holy, harmless, undefiled, and separate from centers, and he is now a higher than the heavens. That man was the man quite Jesus.
Who came into this world from the glory. He is not only man, but he is the eternal God, giving life and breath to all things. And that blessed one became a man in order that he might die for you and the man now We needed one to die for us.
Who had no sin in him and no sins of his own, for which he had to make sure he had to be wholly harmless and undefiled. That was considered. We needed a sacrifice that would meet the holy claims of God. Now we consider it last week things the burnt offering. We saw the Lord Jesus in that character of offering himself without spot to God. We saw that blood was shed. We saw that death came in. We saw that there was atonement made, and we saw that God took delight in every part of our sacrifice.
And put upon award which is upon a fire which is upon. And that sacrifice brought in a total of success. Now tonight we want to consider that sacrifice which brings the forest more particularly Christ in manhood. You'll find there is no at homeless of sin. In the second chapter Christ is tested by the fires of death, but it is testing in manhood to bring out his whole emotions to God above.
Now in your meatball and the bind off, when we saw that the person who offered it laid his hands on the head of the sacrifice, and all value of the sacrifice was transferred to the opera. The offer was accepted before God on the grounds of the acceptability of the sacrifice. He was received on that ground and that alone There was all that we, as believers in the Lord Jesus fight, haven't accepted before God on the grounds of what life is and what Christ has done.
On the cross. But now in the meat offering we don't have any laying on of hands. Why is that? Because the light of height holy and perfect. And it was in my transport from you and me that life which He lived here is part of perfection. We do not lay our hands upon the knee often and have the value of the life of Christ transferred to us. That would be the righteousness of Christ, a legal righteousness. He fulfilled the law when he was healing on earth.
I get all, but the point is that the life of Christ cannot save your soul or mine, and the meat often bears it up. There's no atonement in the chaplain. There's no transfer of the merits of the Lord Jesus Christ to the office.
Upon it. Yes, we can feed upon the life of Christ after we get saved, as we know as our Savior, we can go through the gospel and rejoice as we see the wonderful things that come out in this blessed life. Heavy loss. But that is not what saved the soul. It's His death on the cross that saves the soul.
Now we'd like to consider in this session of Leviticus, the various things that apply to the person of the Lord Jesus. I'm going to take this off, not verse by verse, in that order, but I think it'll be easier for us to get hold of the teaching year, the truth of it, and we take it up like this.
We'll consider first the ingredients of the meat offering, what was put into it and what was left out of it, what had to go in and what had to be left out. And we will also then consider the use of the oil, or the oil is used in various ways, each one reflecting something different in the life of the Lord Jesus Christ as we are free from the New Testament. And 3rd we'll notice the manner, manner, various manners in which to meet Auckland was offered.
And I believe that we have those three things before us. We'll get something out of this chapter. Evidence of America, verse by verse, which in itself is all right. Now. Notice in verse one when any will offer a meat offer. Notice that the meat offering was not from culture. Neither was the first offering. Neither wants a few cars. No one had to bring no sacrifices. They had to bring a sin off. We get to that. We'll see more for me about that.
They but they could bring a voluntary sacrifice. And so firstly, sacrifices are sweet savers under the Lord, sweet save under the Lord. You don't get that as a sin offer. That was not a sweet savor offering that represents Christ forsaken of God. But here we have a sweet saver and a television penny will bring a meat off or not. Other words, meet here. We have to confuse that with the meat we buy at the butcher shop. That's flesh.
The word meat is often used in Tripura. In a general sense you would go to a bakery by meat according to local records, be meat, anything to eat the word meat with a general term and and the new look that's going to be apostle specified pledge to make to make the difference me happy hearing me.
When I had station and a few low so the word media does not mean a piece of flesh from an animal. That simply means that was a food offering. It is more strictly translated to the meal offering MPKL music. So that's what it was made of. This translation here to move the offering and again.
To see if any man of any what any will offer a me off and under the Lord. He's cold. What is offering must be click get hold of that thing. We cannot decide to come to God and then decide in our own how to come in our own way how to man at the office and say, well he says I'm I'm going to come and go out of my own way. God is right just he'll take care of everything. Yes, God is rising and he landed hell. It becomes a God in his own way. Even a person who wants to come to God must come and God's way. And if we want to offer something to God as Christians, we want to do it according to the word of God.
So it was told here the first thing is often shall be a fine flower. That's the basic ingredients of the meals. Now I convey at least two thoughts, and we want to dwell on this. Fine flour indicates two things, purity and evenness. Purity and evenness. The Lord Jesus Christ.
And that's what it's yours.
Let's kind of look. We're going to require lots of loop, but let's go for the moment for one verse. Now look one.
Verse 35.
Luke 135 To see the purity of the Lord nature, the Lord's nature with 10 Lords, we're going to use this voice again later, I thought. But at the moment let's notice this word in connection with a fine flower. Verse 35.
And the Angel answered and said it to her. The Holy Ghost will come upon thee, and the power of the highest shall over shadow thee. Therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God. What holy thing was born of a Virgin Mary? Christ, Humanity, his thing is, he couldn't be born. He was God.
Millions and millions of years that we measured by earth before Mary was born. Mary could not be the mother of God. You have to live before him. But he was the mother of Christ. Perfect, sinless humanity. And that's what this voice tells us. It says that holy things which will be born of thee. Nobody was ever born into this world. Only other than time. No one.
Fast. Able.
Joseph They were all born with an evil, sensible nature. But a crisis says here we read that holy thing. Let's get hold of that Christ is holy.
But that's not anything reduced into an ordinary manner. Christ not only didn't sin, but Christ couldn't stand, and the temptation in the wilderness and his whole life proved it. The temptation in the wilderness where taking temptance for 40 days and 40 nights and hurled every Bob that he took at the Son of God, only to be turned back and be treated by the word of God. There was no infiltration. There was no penetration into the soul and heart of the Lord Jesus Christ.
With perfect James says we're going aside of our own lunch and ice, there was nothing in Christ detention. There was nothing in him to respond to evil. That holy thing is to be born of being shall be called a Son of God. He never ceased to be the Son of God, even though he came Son of man. So the fine flower indicates first of all his holy sinless nation. Now Peter, let's kind of break Peter. We want Scripture.
Peter tells us and this is after the death and resurrection of Christ. First Peter chapter 2.
And verse 22 of the second chapter, first Peter, chapter 2, verse 22, thinking of Christ. And verse 22 who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth. He did no sins and he didn't do any deceitfulness. Guile was deceased. Sometimes we tend deceitfully and try to cover up, but neither of these forms of sin lost price and we're not going to kind of do it. But there's a reason given in the 53rd of Isaiah why Christ was with the rich and his death.
It tells you that because he has done no violence, neither was he found in his mouth.
The Lord drew him. What are the shown to you and me? But the Lord Jesus, that we want to emphasize this over and over again, had a wholly sinless nature that could not stand well. The second thought.
Is evenness more nerd? The Lord in his life here below was never ruffled by circumstances. Moses was ruffled by circumstances. Moses lost his temper with the children of Israel. There are many men in the scriptures who have some outstanding virtue or outstanding power, and it was in that very thing that they failed. Christ is Christ. Everything was even. We're not. It's another line of things but in the 30th of excellence.
Equal amount of ingredients in that.
Holy spices that with an equal amount, because everything was equal in the person of Christ. Moses was the meekest man of all the earth, but that's when he failed in his maintenance. Hampton was the strongest man.
Solomon was the wisest and he failed in his winter. Joel was the most patient man, and he failed the patient in the Lord Jesus Christ. There was no featured up over who, and also another overplayed another. There was a perfectness in his whole life.
And well, let's turn to these. There are so many scriptures in this, why don't turn to the 18th of John a moment?
When his name is taken to the garden.
In the seventh verse of 18th of John.
Then ask them again home. Speak to you, you may said Jesus, a maverick. Jesus answered. I have told you that I am being. If therefore, you seek me, let me go their way. There's No Fear. He's not ruffled. He's not disturbed. Why? Because he's walking in the path of pleasing to the pleading to the Father. He pleading the Father. And when we find the Lord asleep and behind the part of the ship.
The disciples are all the third. They have to listen that fine flower in them. They're excited character, not that we have the Lords army arises. He's not disturbing to the Father's hands. He's dependent upon the Father because he knew all was well. He was in the bottom hand and it was just the wind and the waves and things in the divine power. While we're Speaking of now is what was in place in his humanity.
Security and even though I would have noticed.
How this model was used in relation? Well, first of all, let us notice the other ingredients before we go on to that in the.
In the 11Th verse it says no need off which he's going to bring under the law shall be made with letter.
No me Dolphins draw to the Lord what to be bacon with lemon, What is leather? Leather is malice and wickedness. Lemon is evil doctrine. The Lord warned the disciples of the leaven of the tribes and Pharisees and the Herodians. And that eleven was evil doctrine. Now all the teaching of the Lord Jesus Christ was pure, all the teaching of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Was from God himself. And they wondered that the gracious word that proceeded out of his mouth. There was no 11 in anything the Lord Jesus Christ ever said.
No wickedness, no evil in what he said. And there was no evil in what he did. The 11 was to be exploded. What is Moses like this? He's a remarkable thing. You young people here is divine inspiration right before us. What did Moses know about leaving out the weather? He was told to write this, and he wrote it gently, as God gave him. And tonight, by the power of the Holy Ghost come down from heaven, you and I can understand what the meaning is. And he didn't. Oh, how wonderful this is. 11 was excluded.
And the Lord Jesus Christ, as we said last night, could stand before his enemy and say to every one of them, which did you convince of me a sin? Which of you convinced me of sin? Not one could lay anything to his jar. Even when he was taken and sent to the cross. It was all false charges. Everything was false. There wasn't any proactivation made against him at all. All He was the Holy One. Well, now there was something else that was left out.
In the 11Th Word for you shall learn no Evan, nor any honey, and any offering of the Lord made by fire. Honey was to be left out. Why? Why without the honey? Because I found honey eat so much, is a good disease. Honey is natural sweetness. Now the Lord is truly man. The Scripture speaks of his body, of his soul, and of his spirit.
Not taking the Holy Spirit. Now the Lord Jesus had a human body, a human soul, a human spirit all apart from sin. Now he had an actual affection, but he never allowed natural affection to stand in the way of certain his Father. He said to Mary, would be not that I would see about my father's business the absence of a honey. And then he says to her in another place woman.
What have I to do with these? My owl is not yet come, he did not allow.
Mary's affections or his affections for his mother in any way to influence this pathway in this world. Now let's turn to the ancient loop for scripture connection with that the 8th of Luke.
On the 1940.
Then came to him his mother and his brother. I could not come at him for the press, and was told him by 30, Which says, Thy mother and thy brethren stand with us, desiring to see thee. And he answered and said unto them, My mother and my brethren are these which hear the word of God, and do it notice that honey would have had the Lord penicillized from the path he was walking in his mother.
And it's gradually calm. They wanted they wanted to come out with another gospel they say beside themselves, and they wanted them to come out. But the Lord calmly said to them the only relationship that I acknowledge is a spiritual one, not an earthly. 1. And so here it says, for those that hear the word of God and do it, they're related to me. So the Lord Jesus never allows that to come in. Now we know that we will be ready. We can read in the Deuteronomy about the children of Levi how they wouldn't recognize father or mother of brethren when it came to the Lord's glory. For the Lord Jesus didn't either. But nevertheless, as the perfect man, he goes down and he becomes subject to that his humanity was perfect and.
12 We read about him and loop count the cool and he goes down.
And he was something under his hair. Oh, how precious that is the perfection of his humanity. So we see that as the honey had no place in the bright office, nor the left. Now we can down to the plastic, Bird says. And every oblation of I need offerings of our season for God, please help ourselves with the salt of the covenant of thy God to be lighting from my meat office.
With all my offerings.
That so many mistaken thoughts about Christ that are rampant in the world. Why? The reason why there are these mistaken thoughts is that Scripture is not referred to. Scripture is not rare, and so crisis misrepresented as being all love, all great. He never refused anybody. He never used any sharp words of anybody who needed them. That's not what scripture shows.
We're told and Colossians, let your conversation be a great.
That Christians reason with Saul. What is Saul? Saul is the presiding principle of righteousness. So that was preserved. Now God is not a God of all love. God is not only love his life and God will deal with sin now the Lord Jesus Christ.
Did not lack the soul, and he applied it when it was needed.
Moss Gospel, Chapter 4.
This is the instant I referred to before about being in the ship in the 38th verse of March 4 and he was in behind the part of the ship asleep on a pillow and they awake him and plants and massacre repairs.
And he enrolled in a Yoko wind and said, under the sea he's fulfilled and the wind sees. And it was a great calm. And he said unto them, Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith there's a fall and another place? He says. Have you forgotten when I sent the 5000 and the 4000? Are you without understanding? Also the Lord Jesus conversation was a great season, was false, and he could upgrade the Pharisees and apply the principles of fall to them.
All. He called them hypocrites.
And Vipers, how do they escape the damnation of hell? And they could be in this Moses seat and proclaim God's word, the Old Testament. But they didn't do it. For Jesus was not flying to that and don't see in this person. Lord Jesus, not only was there holy UN and grace, but there was a tall deserving element. So then the meat offering has the fine flour.
It has no evidence, no honey, but it must have the soul. Now we want to trace. I think this is the most interesting, the various ways in which the oil is applied to the sacrifices and also then how these sacrifices were offered. And this will give us a closer contact again with Luke gospel. But I believe in Luke's gospel we have the meat. Author. John's Gospel gives us the burnt offering, the voluntary sacrifice of Christ, but Luke gives us Christ in manhood.
And it's set up that way by the Holy Spirit and we'll give you a different human incident under divine inspiration, which the other gospel do not and.
For example, the Lord in the in the boy under the mountain.
When he raises the son of the widow of Maine, he restarted towards his mother.
No, it would go without saying, but look brings in these human expressions under divine inspiration. So it looks we have a lot of the perfect man. And so we're going to refer to that. Let's know the price of all the three ways in which the oil was applied.
We'll take first four.
And now bring an olation of a meat off, and bacon in the oven. It shall be unleavened. Take the fine flour, mingle with oil, or unleavened wafers anointed with oil. And if I operation Z amid often bacon in a pan, it shall be a fine flour, unleavened, mingled with oil. Thou shall pot it in pieces, and pour oil. There are so. Now we have 3 actions of the oil, the mingling of the oil.
We are not dealing with oil and the pouring out of the oil. Now we want to see each one of those three in the breaking price in the gospel of rule. Now we're going to go back to Luke Chapter one, the first we looked at before.
Look one.
And 35.
And the Angel answered and said to her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the highest show all the shadow thee Therefore also that holy things that shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.
It was a difficult a man must come into the world. He must come into the world sinless. How is this going to be brought about? By the origins word. The Persian verse is first mentioned in the first chapter of Genesis, when the law said to the serpent, the seed of the woman shall bruise thy head and also bruise his heel. Why does he say the seed of the woman in Scripture when you read the genealogies?
It's managed.
Man David to get Solomon, Solomon got abide in advisor to get ASA and so on. The genealogy was placed through men. It's the seed of man. But when it comes to the Son of God coming into this world, he's not to see the man, he comes the son of man in fact. But he asks the one born into this world is the seed of the woman. He has no earthly father. And so this is confirmed in later years when Isaiah in the 7th chapter he said behold.
A virgin shall conceive and their son, and thou shalt call his name Emmanuel and the New Testament and purpose, that for us it means God with us. So there had to be the virgin birth. Christ have to be born into this world without, without an earthly father.
And So what happened? That fine flower, the holy nature that he has, we have the intimately of the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost will come upon thee and the power of the harness will over shadow thee if the Holy Ghost that brings in this new life as it was, this new seed, this new vessel, just no food. And so we see how God overcame the difficulty he must have, He must be in manhood to die. But it cannot be a sinful man.
Until the virgin birth. And it's a remarkable thing, You can trace this out, that in the Gospel of Luke in the third capital, where you get the Lord, genealogy is really of Mary, and you trace it back, you'll find it comes up to a man by the name of Nathan.
And his father's name is Jason, King David the king. So that Mary was a defendant of David, not through Solomon but through Nathan. But in the in the Gospel of Matthew, you have Joseph heliology, who is twice both of us. And they have a genealogy doesn't go through nation. It comes from David to Solomon. Why the two genealogies? I think this is wonderful. In Matthew he's established as a true king.
And that, and look, is a true manhood. In manhood, the Lord Jesus was actually a lineal descendant of David without sin. He was actually the son of Mary and his mother. Since you never called jealous of his father, some of these supposed new kind of translations have to pick that up. They take his parents. That is what Sister said.
Mary was his mother and he parted of heart nature, but he partook of it, you know, holy way. And so we have to find power middle of oil, the Holy Ghost, producing the birth of Christ, producing the conception of God. So we seek God. God honors, brings his Son into the world in that wonderful way.
Now it all puts that in on captive anointed with oil. Don't go to the third chapter of Luke to get the anointing.
The world was about 30 years old. We're going to leave about half year.
And the third of loop.
And verse 21 Now all the people with that guy who came the path of Jesus also being baptized and saying the heaven was open, and the Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dog upon him, and a voice came from heaven, which says, Thou art my beloved Son. From thee I am well pleased. And Jesus is supposed to Kennedy about 30 years of age. Notice that the law was about 30 years ago.
And once we were lost in the blood of Christ and faith, send the Holy Ghost look up as a bowling us. But Christ is the Holy One, and there was nothing to hinder or to barn the immediate presence of the Holy Ghost in that perfect man. Never was there a more perfect combination on earth for holiness than with the Holy Blood of God in blood. By the Holy Ghost hold our place in Ruth and go to acts and acts.
At work 38.
Now all are going to Jesus of Nazareth, which the Holy Ghost him with power to win about doing good and healing all of the oppressed of the devil. For God is with him. God anointed the Lord Jesus Christ. Think of it. The law of Jesus Christ and manhood gets the same annoying thing that you and I get after we're saved and brought by the Holy Ghost. He knows him hath gone. The Father feels the perfection of us here. He was justified in the Spirit. That's one of the meanings of that justified in the Spirit because the Spirit pointed out the sinless ones by taking up a divulge.
Well, the first thing in our chat but still hold blue. The first thing in the sixth verse was the four oil. Now we have the mingling of the oil freaking bird. We have the anointing with the price to see the Holy Spirit. Now we have that with the speaker of a greater power. It says core oil and all. Now go down to the 4th counter blue.
Verse one says he just seems full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan, was led by the Spirit into the wilderness. Then we see the Lord now walking according to the power of the Spirit. There was nothing in him that hindered the work of the Spirit. But now notice verse 14 and Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit in the knowledge, Oh is the Spirit. For as it was he was born that was filled with the Spirit and this was an unbraid spirit. This is one person the Holy Ghost has never grieved in.
The apostle writes to you and me in the fourth of the season, he said to us.
Grieve not the Holy Spirit of common whereby you feel under the day of redemption where we can grieve the Holy Spirit we can't breathe away. Thank God for that. Once we receive the Holy Spirit, He abides with us forever to get He abides with us in continuity. But we can grieve him if we don't walk pleading to the Lord until the Lord Jesus that we have these three things. The Virgin birth. That's the meaning of the oil.
That's the anointing of the oil and then?
What in the power of unjust theory comes in the power of the Spirit, The Spirit? Of course the Spirit is not given them and measure to him. Oh, what a wonderful question person we're considering. But now we want to know that.
The ways in which the meat often was presented. There are various ways in which it was presented, and with no first and first floor of our chapter in Leviticus.
And his opinion operation of a meat offering.
In the oven is worth 5. That's in a pan, and in verse seven it's in a frying pan. Here we have three different modes of presentation.
And every other. All that suggests to us, I believe, that would suggest to us the hidden sufferings of Christ as he walked here in manhood. Not the something, there's no something in his homeland that sacrifice, but the oven in the oven he will be unstained.
Yet there would be the intensity of the heat. You know the Lord Jesus suffered in many ways. You and I haven't been saved. We're very selfish and we look through the scriptures, we find that something that Christ, by the way it's got to be suffering in his homeland, but that isn't all suffering. The Lord Jesus passed through, who suffered for righteousness sake. He suffered as being rejected by his own nation. He suffered an anticipation. In the garden. There's all kinds of sufferings of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The main one, of course, was when he suffered an atonement, when he was made sin for us on the cross. But that is all this stuff. And so we find in his lifetime, let's say the song 102 for an example of some of those hidden stuff. Don't forget the topics of Christ and the songs more than doing the gospel.
We're going to be advanced in the hospital. It takes time 112.
And what's that?
Like a Pelican of the ruling, I'm like an owl of the desert. I watch an Amazon.
These are what Christopher and manhood If you lost a Pelican of the wilderness north of the Dead Sea, there was a less wilderness area, a barren area, no life there for the Pelicans. He was one in the midst of death all around the Lord Jesus, and he was white.
Light in the light of man. What something that entails inwardly as he walked, the only living person, as it were in this scene, the mix of death and darkness and misery that man is brought in. And I am an old man. The Lord was coming by man. We know that they came out of curiosity to see some of the miracles, but the Lord fell these things. He was human apart from sin.
And itself the things that we feel along the road along the way. That's why he can simplify for us now in the world and someone find him that's that's unattractive as unattractive to the world is narrow along on the outside in the Lord of Jesus you can fly 2 battles for a father but you bought 2 farmers where she got an excellent thrown in. You bought 2 styles for one farming or you bought 5 salads for two farms. You got an extra money. You bought two. Yeah that's how Tuesday was. And so the Lord is what that he is the one who is little value of man.
We may feel because of our Christian testimony that we're a little married of man just said nothing about it. Let's realize what Christmas though. And so we get an example of organizational something to the Lord Jesus that were not miserable to man that would give us something in the oven. There are many others. You can place it out yourself in the gospel. But now in the first word if I ovation the amid all taking their hands.
Now this, this is more open. This is more open suffering.
Let's turn to the 4th. Let's go back to Lucy and our Our Gospel Tonight Group 4.
Verse 28.
And all of the synagogue filled with rafts and rolled up and thrust him out of the city, and LED him under the brown hills.
Where on this city was built. So they might pass them down at law. But he's happened to the medicine with his wife. Here is open suffering. Here is the Lord suffering in the pan of the world and meat offering in the pan his open supplement. And you know we can also go to the cross and see some of that. When they came to take the log Jesus in the garden, he said, this is your hour and the power of darkness. And we see those soldiers mistreated like a savior. You see his own people saying this.
You see them mocking them. Even if it's on the car, you see those things.
All the transfers moccasins that concentrate on the layout of these little.
So we have then the next form of suffering in the seventh word if I was racing to an e-mail authorization in the prime power.
Here it's more intense. There were more intense stuff into the Lord.
Would give the example of it. This is your hour and the power of doctrine, that is the Lord Jesus is taken there in the garden, and it's the power of places that.
That's why the Lord plays the cup. He will not accept the cup, the Father's cup, yet he will not accept the cup of safety. I believe that Satan brought all the power he could suppress death and terrorism upon the Lord Jesus Christ. Satan had the power of that, couldn't say had the power to kill, but he had the power of death. He used it as a weapon of terror in the book of Job which called the King of Terror. And in the garage the Satan got all the power he could.
When you left them in the wilderness, because he left them for a season, he can't back in the garden and pressed all out upon the blackness. They did all the notice. He doesn't do it all the frying hands, often the pans, whatever the type of coverage, we're going to get death in a moment, but not death in sacrifice, the sin. I want to emphasize that you do not get atonement in the meat offering. You do not get salvation through the perfect life of Christ.
Full devotion to the Father in giving himself our Brother. Reading the 12Th of Hebrews today.
He adored the call, surprisingly saying I have sat down at the right hand of God. Now that's during the course of the 12 of Hebrews is not enduring suffering for atonement. It all happened at the same time. But the law is set out of our example in the South of Hebrews, and he cannot be our example in atonement, but only he could atone percent. So we see them that there is that side of things where the Lord Jesus.
Went down to death as a perfect, devoted one to the Father.
And that's now also a meat offering of my first group.
Unto the Lord thus also for the offering of thy first group green here a corn dry by the fire, even corn getting out of four years, now that this corn is green.
The Lord in the 102nd column says.
I am cut off in the midst of my day. So I was in the pile of manhood, humanly speaking, because I'm cut off in the midst of my days when he's come to glorify the Father three years. And then Lucy says to those women that drive because of these things he's done in the green tree, what will be done in the drive. Christ was a green tree. He was the one that provided that freshness.
And we rested the dog. He was a green tree, and he was cut off on the midst of his day. And so we see here he three years of corn that cut out in the midst of that danger of the war and then dried by the fire, this perfect man you're reading about.
After that.
Let this mind be in you, which is also in Christ Jesus, who being in the form of God, or not robbing the people of God.
With no reputation he was made no licenses man to the bottom of the third, and it made no licenses matter. And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient unto death, he on the death of the cross. That's what we have in the need on it's price and it's crown of ocean.
A father's lawyer in manhood. There's never been a man that was so devoted. It's all the father here on earth as the presence of Trump. And so we see that the ears of the green ears are dry by the fire. The Lord who was suffering live now. Definitely closing one thing in the 16th floor.
Pleased to learn the memorial office father of beaten corn, hair arm and part of the oil there off with all the presents there off.
No, that the corn and the oil that we spoke of, the meat offerings that only part of it.
Is all but all I can say Well, I believe it's really getting too small. Our side of things and God's side of things. Suppose it is a take out of a handful of white cereal on the same side, and they might have different, different graphs. Some might grab more than another.
But whether it was a small hand or a log hand, whatever the apprehension and enjoyment of the price there was, because that that was offered up to God, all the private things went up. You and I might have a very feeble expression of Thanksgiving, but if it presents price that God the Father he sees all the preciousness of Christ in it. I remember the first time I heard a brother just came at the Lord's table in broken English up in Woodbridge years ago.
He stood there at this large table, at the table rather than anything, and you can feel the warmth out. He couldn't get up there and use the tablet. Because I did go to jail, I was able to use one of the presidents. No, he had just a humble.
Vocabulary that was in the sight of God. And so no matter how feasible we have to intervene, if we value Christ, then God will get all the time now, Justin told me. I want to ask this one question. We fight a lot about fights tonight.
We've heard about his beauty, his attractiveness, what it means to God. Not a question, is what does he need to do?
Why am I living myself? If Christ is my Savior, then He's worthy of my whole heart of devotion. With every detail of my life. All May God grant and will follow and walk in that path that he's so perfectly.