World Order and What It Rests On

Duration: 40min
Genesis 4
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Address—A. Roach
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Genesis 4 And Adam knew Eve his wife, and she conceived and their Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the Lord. And she gained bare his brother Abel. And Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a teller of the ground. And in process of time it came to pass that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground, and offering unto the Lord.
And Abel he also brought of the of the first things of his flock, and the fat thereof.
And the Lord had respect unto Abel, and to his offering, but unto Cain, and to his offering he had not respect.
And Cain was very raw, and his countenance fell. The Lord said unto Cain, Why out thou wroth, And why is like countenance fallen? If thou doest well, shalt thou not the accepted? And if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door, and unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him. And Cain talked with Abel his brother, and they came to pass when they were in the field.
That Cain rose up against Abel his brother, and slew him.
And the Lord sent out to Cain, Where is Abel, thy brother? He said, I know not am I my brother's keeper? And he said, What hast thou done? The voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground. And now art thou cursed from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother's blood from thy hand.
When thou tell us the ground, it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength.
A fugitive and a Vagabond shall there be in the earth.
And Cain said unto the Lord, My punishment is greater than I can bear. Behold, I was driven thee.
Out this day from the face of the earth, and from thy face shall I behead, and I shall be a fugitive and a Vagabond in the earth. And it shall come the pass that everyone that findeth me shall slay me. The Lord said unto him, Therefore, whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And the Lord set a mark upon Cain.
Lest any finding him should kill him. And Cain went out from the presence of the Lord.
And dwelt in the land of Nod on the east of Eden. And Cain knew his wife, and she conceived and bear Enoch. And he built it. A city called the name of the city after the name of his son Enoch.
And unto Enoch was born Irad. Irad begotten a huge yell.
The huge yell they got Methuselah, and Methuselah begat Lamech. The Lamech took on to him two wives. The name of the one was Ada, and the name of the other Zilla and Adolph bear Jabel. He was the father of such as dwell in tents and of such as have cattle, and his brother's name was Jubal. He was the father of all such as handle the harp and organ.
And Zillah, she also bare tubal canes.
An instructor of every artificer and brass and iron, and the sister of Tubal Cain.
Was Nahama Lamech said unto his wives? Ada and Zella, hear my voice. He, wives of Lamech, hearken unto my speech, For I have slain a man to my wounding, and a young man to my heart. If Cain shall be Avenged Sevenfold truly, Lamech 70 and sevenfold.
And Adam knew his wife again, and she bare a son called his name Seth for God, said she.
Hath appointed me another seed.
Instead of Abel, whom Cain flew and asset to him also that was born a son, and he called his name Enos. Then began men to call upon the name of the Lord.
I believe, beloved brethren, we have in this early passage of Scripture.
A complete description of the world, order of things and what it rests on, what it rests on. You know, when the Lord Jesus was here on earth, he had only two enemies. He had two external enemies. One was the world that hated him and the other was the devil.
Now you and I have 3 enemies. We've got the same two external enemies.
The world and the devil. But we've got an enemy inside that always wants to open the door to either of those two or both. Now we're warned against the world, and that's what we want to look at here. We want to see what the world system and order of things is based on. We've been warned about hedges, and how are the hedges broken down? Not only can the serpent get in, but the wild boar we get in the 80th Psalm, the wild boar, the.
Power of the world can come in and destroy our enjoyment of the blessed Lord Jesus Christ.
We are told.
In the first Epistle of John.
Love not the world, neither the things that which are in the world.
If any man loved the world, the love of the Father is not in him for all that is in the world.
Is the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. And this is not of the Father, but is of the world which passeth away, and the lust thereof. But he that doeth the will of God abideth forever. Now the warning we get there about the world is a serious one. It's a serious one. Now. We've had before some precious things about the Church.
What a what a contrast. When we think of the world system, we've been reminded of the Church.
Place we have what a position we're in and let us remember this that every if I may try to quote from my dear brother Achi Hayhoe that every exhortation given to us in the word of God is based on what we already are in Christ. So when the 1St 3 chapters of Ephesians, what do we get a wonderful place. Our brother has outlined it for us. We come to the last three chapters we get the exhortation.
Commend the thought. At this point in the Book of Judges, when Osteo and his wife AXA were given a Southland by Caleb. They wanted springs of water, they wanted something to refresh them, they wanted something that produced fruit and you wanted Calum. Caleb give them. He gave them the upper springs and the nether springs. That is he gave them the 1St 3 chapters of Ephesians as the upper springs.
And He gave them the last three chapters as the Nether Springs. What I mean by that we need to know our precious and our wonderful and blessed standing in the precious Savior first to know what manner of men we are. Then the Spirit of God applies to Nether Springs those exhortations as to our walk and our ways here on earth. God is pleased with those that obey Him.
We know from the, I think it's the fourth Psalm. We need not turn to it. God know that God has set upon him that is godly for himself.
Can God look down on me and on you and say there's one of the godly, I can enjoy his company because he wants my thoughts. He wants when I say about my beloved son, he's so occupied with that that the world has no attraction to him. Or are these things are important? One has lived, one cannot.
Put himself in the same age group as a dear brother Smith. But one has been on the journey and on the road since 1918. And what have we found? The faithfulness of God, The graciousness and blessedness of Christ. It is a desire in any way to serve Him. He will give the grace to do it. Why? Why should we turn to the world? Why should we turn to that wine we've been hearing about? Why should we turn to that old?
Wine there, when God has given us that new wine of joy by the Spirit of God and dwelling us, what a joyful moment. As has already been expressed. If the blessed Lord came at this moment, would there might be much of a change in US morally or there'll be no change in US positionally. We were already accepted in the beloved.
But all, how wonderful it will be to see the blessed Savior. Well, now let us trace briefly in this chapter the order of things. I want to make this statement. First, we have the death of Christ twice in this chapter. We have the death of Christ in two different aspects. Are there two different aspects of Christ's death? Hold our place and turn to the second of Acts. There are many scriptures that will bear this out, and I cite 1.
Act 2.
And verse 23 him being delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God.
That's one side of the death of Christ ye have taken, and by wicked hands are crucified.
And slain Now in the first part of that verse, it's the death of Christ according to God's purposes and counsels, according to what God had marked out in eternity for the solid foundation of your eternal blessing in mind. But when he came, did they take him with faithful hands? Did they say we know the word of God is predicted that you should die, that we should Pierce you, and we're going to do it as lovingly as we can? No, with wicked hands taken.
And crucified and slain, He is worthy of death. The high priest said that's what men said of him. But what do we read in First Corinthians? Christ died for our sins. According to the Scriptures, He is worthy of death. That's man's estimate of the cross. He died from our sins. That's God's wonderful and gracious provision. So in this chapter we have the death of Christ. We look at it briefly in two ways.
And one of them is man's side of it and on which the whole world system is built.
The whole world system is built on the on the basis of having rejected the Lord Jesus Christ. We will not have this man to reign over us. We want Barabbas. We do not want Christ. We want the murderer. We want the insurrectionist, We want the robber.
That's what they chose and the world is getting those three things today in full measure alertness. Notice the opening of the chapter. Our brother refer to it in the gospel, but we want to look at it in relation to ourselves as Christians. We see Eve says I have gotten a man from the Lord. I believe this is in one way an expression of her faith and that she had no doubt at first the thought that this was the promised seed, the seed of the woman.
Shall bruise thy head, and thou shall bruise his heel.
She is enthusiastic. We will see how how more toned down she is when Seth is born.
About a different expression she uses, but at the moment let us see here she says I have gotten a man from the Lord.
Lord, Lord brings in the thought of relationship. Eve realized she stood in relationship in a moral way.
Before God, we know she disobeyed in the beginning, but she has a sense that God is one who has authority, one whom she obeys. Not simply that he's God is created, that's true, but he's Jehovah, He's the Lord, and so she speaks of him in that way. But you know, we're in a conscious relationship too. Our brother touched on it. I know he could have given us a lot more on Ephesians, and we have there the relationship we've brought into God is our Father.
What was one of the purposes that Christ gave himself for that he might redeem us in this present evil world according to the will of God the Father? That's Galatians one. Well, here then we see Eve is quite enthused. He's gotten a man from the Lord. And then when Abel is born, it may seem that she's been a little disillusioned because as our brother pointed out, Cain means acquisition or gotten possessed a possession. But she names Abel that which speaks of vanity.
Vanity lighter than air, she realizes the vanity of things. Have you and I realized the emptiness of all that is around?
It's simply air. Every man walketh in a vain show, Scripture tells us. And that's the trouble with the the old nature in us. We can seek to walk in a vain show.
I was struck some years ago by a statement our dear brother AC Brown made in the Bible reading at Montreal. I had never heard it put that way. He said, you know, it's a terrible thing for one to try to speak well of Christ in order to be thought well of himself. What would do that? The flesh. And a Christian, you know, the flesh hasn't changed, but God has put us in the place of death in relation to it so we can walk victorious over it. Well, now we see the result here we.
Now the first aspect of the death of Christ. We want to notice that first.
Abel brings the first thing of the flock. He brings that burnt offering.
The fat thereof. And the Lord had respect unto Abel into his offering. This is the death of Christ for us.
This is the death of Christ from God's side of the cross. This is God saying, here is the way, here is the Savior. He died for our sins. And then also it tells us that He died for all that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto him that died for them and rose again. So in this first death, it's the death of Christ for us from God's side of the cross.
Wasn't that, beloved brethren, but occupied our souls this morning?
God's side of the cross. Yes, we had to think 2 of what men did. We cannot disassociate that whole scene, but we know from our standpoint, we were remembering the precious Savior in that way in which he gave himself and which God had given him for us. How did we remember him in life? No, we remembered Him in death. We do not remember Christ in the glory. Do not we do not remember the man walking in Galilee.
Brother Darby has put it very nicely. He says. We remember him before his resurrection.
We remember him as a dead Christ, so we were carried back this morning to death.
The death of the blessed Savior from God's side of the cross. Well that we get first here. Now that's God's side of the cross. We're going to Passover Cain. This is not our purpose to take up these all the details here. But now we find that in verse eight that Cain talked with Abel, his brother and it came to pass when they were in the field that cane rose up against Abel, his brother and slow him.
Slow him.
What does Peter tell those Jews there? Let's turn to it. I think it's the third of Acts.
Let's read the verse Acts 3 and verse 14.
But ye denied the Holy One and the just, and desired a murderer to be granted unto you, and kill the Prince or the originator of life.
Whom God hath raised from the dead, where we are witnesses. They killed the Prince of life. Now I just want to qualify this a bit so there's no misunderstanding. In the Gospel of John, the Lord Jesus says no man taketh my life from me. I have power to lay it down and I have power to take it again.
So he was actually killed by the action of the soldiers. He would not have been laying down his life of himself. But when God charges home the guilt to man's conscience, he said you're killed who you've slain because that's what man did in effect. Actually, Christ dismissed his own spirit. And you know, if you read John 19 carefully, you'll find that he didn't die in his head droop. He bowed his head.
In full control of the situation.
Bowed his head, and then he dismissed the spirit. Had it been an ordinary death, death would have caused his head to droop. But the Lord had power over His spirit in the day of death to retain it or to let it go. And He did. And John, it's a stronger word even than in Matthew. Both in Matthew and John, the Lord dismisses His spirit with authority. But in John the word of authority is even stronger than that. In the Gospel of the Messiah, He turns his spirit over to the Father. He.
Spirit to another and so we see that while from God's standpoint Christ died, gave up his life, from man's standpoint of guilt, they killed the Prince of life. Now the whole world system is based on that. The whole world system is based on the absolute exclusion of Christ from their whole course. I don't mean they don't go to church as they say that they don't read the Bible, that some of them don't try moral principles and even try.
Say they're getting armed well with God by it, but the worldly system has no room for Christ.
When they found it the United Nations that supposed organizations were keeping the peace in San Francisco, they couldn't pray in English in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ or any language. Why? They would have offended the heathen nations that were there. Christ was left out.
And I'm going to say this, that The Sorrowful Thing to Say, the most popular book that was sold among those members of that committee that formed the United Nations.
The name of the book, if I remember it was this where to sin in San Francisco. No wonder that organization has never been able to keep peace and all that has been able to do is help dictators establish themselves. It's worked an exact reverse. They left Christ out of it. They left God out of it. They can't pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. They'll offend the Muhammadans or what a what a terrible scene this world is. And here we see that Cain could not stand.
The presence of Abel. Abel was the man accepted before God. Cain must not have him around. And Cain is not now raw with God directly having he was wroth because the sacrifice wasn't accepted. But now he's wroth against God's man. He's hatred. His hatred goes out to Abel and what does he do? He puts him to death. He kills him.
Now from there on, we see the world system building up.
We'll see what happens. First of all, after his violence, he's insolent. God says to him, where is Abel thy brother? He says, am I my brother's keeper? He said I know not. Am I my brother's keeper? Think of a man speaking so insolently to God. People do that today. Why? Because they've rejected God's man. They don't want Christ and so they speak against God. They may use.
A wonderful glowing terms. They may use religious terms, but they speak insolently. When they reject the word of God, we reject Christ, Savior. I don't care how polite the refusal is. I've spoken with had the opportunity to speak to many men in the business, life and otherwise as to their soul. And I've had some who are very, very, very adept at kindly turning away from the truth.
In the gospel they could do it very nicely, but they turned away. It'd be just the same as if they stamped their fist on the table and said I don't want it.
If you refuse Christ in any way, I'm speaking now that we want Christ in our life to govern it. Do we want Christ to shine upon us? I'd like to repeat that verse again and our brother spoke of here we find someone asleep among the dead. Now the world is dead.
That that entrepreneurs and sins we as Christians have life now of a dead man is lying among the slain. He doesn't look any different than the rest. Here I take my way across the battlefield, the battles over and there are many dead soldiers lying on the field. Maybe there's a wounded man. He said he's alive, but he's sleeping. He's looking at him. He said well, he's he's he's dead. He's dead with the rest of them. Well, now that's the same thing. A picture of the Christian lying down and sleeping among the dead.
And how do we do that? Well, we had some information and clarification of it already. You'd like to add the thought. It's acting like the world, living like the world, thinking like the world, doing what the world does. You know, in Deuteronomy, it says their spot is not the spot of his children. When the world looks at you and me, do they see the spot of God's children on us? Or they say, well, look, he's, he's like the rest of us. He does the same as we do. He thinks the same as we do. And.
Go to extremes and dress or manner. As our brother pointed out, these things ought not to be. God wants us to walk with Christ. There's only room in the narrow Rd. for two people, each of us and the Lord. Now here, let's go on with this scene.
As a result of this, the curse comes in and God brings a curtain. Another curse on the ground in verse 12 will now tell us the ground that shall have henceforth the elder thee her strength.
Think about His accursed upon the earth. You ever go by and see a great big factory and you look at it. So what are they making that they manufacture fertilizer, chemicals to treat the ground. Why do they have to do that? Because God cursed the ground in the days of Cain. He said, The ground shall not henceforth yield unto thee strength. So many God put strength back into it, so that that they build up an industry in order to throw back into the ground what the curse of God had taken out.
God had brought thorns and thistles for Adam, but now for Cain he takes away the strength of the ground itself, and so Cain has to toil all the more. Well, that's the world system now could be coming to now, Cain says in verse 13. My punishment is greater than I can fare.
And in the end of verse 14, he says that everyone that that findeth me shall slay me. There are other people on the earth, and Cain know it. But he knew that if they he knew that he was guilty of murder. He knew instinctively that the death penalty was rightfully his. He knew instinctively that capital punishment was the thing he deserved. Everyone that findeth me shall slay me wherever I go. I won't be able to get away from this judgment that I rightfully deserve. You know I might just in passing.
These are this is another thing the world is throwing off all restraint. If God establishes capital punishment, which he does in the 9th chapter of this book, man says that's Bob, that's barbarous. That goes back to the dark ages, and yet God established it. If God has established marriage, we'll see in this very chapter man violates it.
He violates and produces gross immorality in its place. Well here then, Cain is a fugitive in the earth, and the Lord puts a mark upon him that he should not be slain. But Cain in verse 16 went out from the presence of the Lord, and dwelt in the land of Nod.
On the east.
Of Eden you know what's striking that it was that was the side of the of the Garden of Eden that the cherry bin were placed. He goes and dwells as it were right in the in view of the judgment of God. He ignores these things. He goes out and he dwells in the land of Nod on the east of Eden. But notice he went out from the presence of the Lord. Beloved fellow Christian, young or old, we have no fellowship with darkness. We ought to have no fellowship with the world in its.
In every and its mannerisms that lead to immorality to is our brother Smith pointed out. We need to go on and walk in the manner of a Christian. But Cain, when it says he went out from the presence of the Lord simply I believe brings this before us. He went where he could forget God.
He didn't want God and his thoughts, you know, we need not turn to it. But we are all familiar with the story of Naaman.
Elisha said as the Lord liveth before whom I stand.
Now later on, Gehezi quotes part of that term self, he says as the Lord liveth, but he doesn't say before whom I stand why? Elijah was consciously in the presence of God. Elijah was dwelling in that place of blessing, that place of refreshment. Hazel was scheming something, and he couldn't say before whom I stand. He didn't want the law to discover what he was doing, though the Lord knew it. And so when there's a consciousness that we're living in.
Presence of the Lord who loves us, who died for us, has shown that infinite love all. What a motive that should be for us to walk with Him in the path of separation, whether it be individual or collectively.
So Cain goes out in the presence of the Lord, and now civilization gets built up, a city is built.
Now we got a city.
He built a city, and according to the 49th Psalm, he names it after his own. He names it after his own children. They call their lands by their names. They think their houses shall last forever. Psalm 49 gives us. And so we have that principle in Cain. He sets up a city, and he names that Rissan Enoch. Now what happened to that city? The flood swept it away. Later, nothing was left of it. If you build a city here, going to lose it all.
But here in Hebrews, we look for a city that has foundations, as Abraham did. We have no continuing city here, but Cain did. He built the city, and men do that for memorials of themselves. Now we have the family of Cain. Cain has rejected Christ. He's murdered and gotten rid of the one who represented Christ, Abel. That's man's side of the cross. They put him to death.
As a coward runs out in the presence of God, fearful, and yet God and grace puts a mark on him. And now Cain builds up civilization without bringing God into it. Civilization is built on the absence of God. It's man's intellect. Now if we have his family developed and the genealogy leads up to Lamech.
You'll notice there's a similarity of names here that you get in the line of Seth later on. The devil's great imitator, you know.
Some of these names bring happy thoughts to us. Methuselah, Lamech, the father of Noah. But this is a different Lamech. This is a different Methuselah than Lamech Takes unto him two wives. Why? All restraint is gone. God's order is set aside. He takes two wives. Why did God create only one man and one woman?
How can our brother have ever read what he did in the 5th of Ephesians?
About the man and the wife representing Christ in the church. If God had created two women.
But I don't have two wives. The very original creation. The Lord Himself tells us that in the 19th of Matthew.
Have you not read that he which made them in the beginning made them male and female? He made one man and one woman. I remember pointing it out to a Mormon girl in Honolulu one time. Worked in the office. Oh, she said. I never thought of that. They still believed in the polygamy and all. Maybe they couldn't carry it out, but they still believed in it. God made one man and one woman because she had the church. Reform Christ and the church. But Lamech?
Spoils sets aside God's order and God's type, and he takes two wives. What is the marital state of the world today? One dreads the speak of these things.
See, in On every Hand, there's the gross wickedness and immorality it's gotten in the school books.
In the school books teaching children the evil. And what are they doing with marriage? Well, they don't even bother to get married. That's how how immoral the world has gotten. And they don't care whether they're divorced and remarried, divorced and remarried. They may have two or three wives. And that way, that was what Cain introduced, Cain's order of things. That's the world. That's what the world is getting into and all we ought not to in any way allow the spirit of that to infiltrate our own souls.
But Elimac goes further though, while we'll before we get down there was other evil deed, we'll notice that in spite of the sin and evil and the turning away from God, there's development, there's increase of knowledge, increase of skill, increase of industry. So we have first of all, we have Jabil. He's the father of such as dwell in tents and as such as have cattle and we have the commercial world.
Here's a man in business. Now he's raising cattle. Nothing wrong with that.
Nothing wrong with being in business, but again we say that this worldly system is based.
On the rejection of Christ, it's the turning away from the Lord, and we see that man tries to make himself self-sufficient in a world that's heading toward the wrath and judgment of God. So we have the commercial line of things and then we have the arts, the Fine Arts. His brother's name was Jubal. He was the father of all such as handled the harp and organ.
Now I remember reading a statement by Mr. Darby, he said there's nothing wrong.
Sounds in good sounds, he says it's a question of the object that's made of them and you know even a Christian can be taken up too much with music hymn music yes, even him music. I'm just going to mention this I'm glad I can mention these things without mentioning names and places dear sister in a certain place she had a her record player going beautiful hymns but the trouble was it kept going constantly, constantly just like you go into worldly home and.
Going. You hardly know whether it's going. And the dear sister asked me about playing hymns and so forth. Well, I pointed out to it. In itself there was nothing wrong, but it can be a snare, a danger. She took advice, too, and she didn't put it on so long anymore. You know what? We can allow these little things to come in and rob us of the enjoyment of Christ. It's hard to hear the pleasant sound, but isn't it better to sit down and read the Word of God and get something from that? Well, we sometimes crowd the Bible out that way.
Seems all right. Well, anyway, Cain introduced music into the world, and we know that the world makes that an object. It becomes an object to them. Then there's the we have what we might call the industrial world in verse 22. And Zilla, she also aired Tubal Cane, an instructor of every artificer in brass and iron. Now you see, God had pronounced the curse upon the earth.
And men had to plow it up. Well, here we have industry developed to make it a little easier now.
They can make instruments of brass, instruments of iron, they can plow up the ground a little easier. Man doesn't mind making his life easier down here as long as he can leave God out of it. That's the world system. You might have a great McCormick track that today or an international going through the field and doing a much better job than the the instruments. They had nothing wrong with that, with the improvements. But man uses those very things to shut God out of his life. And we see the.
World system started on that. What would you say? Didn't the flood take it all away? Yes, but when the flood receded, man reinstated the same order of things, only he added two other things to it. He added idolatry and military conquest, setting up an empire by force. Those are the two, at least the two additional things that come in after the flood. God brought in government, man, the devil got hold of government and and twisted around and put man in a position to force idolatry.
And a conqueror's neighbor conquerors the other land, Nimrod, and so on. So we see that before the Flood, this order of things was instituted. But there's another thing if Lamech was guilty of.
Deceit or corruption in verse 19, he's now guilty of violence. Now in the scriptures we find that sin takes these two forms, violence and corruption. Now what does it say of the Lord Jesus in Isaiah 53?
Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth. The Lord Jesus was never guilty of violence. He was never guilty of deceit. And that's the pathway to follow. But in the world that we have violence and deceit.
And one of these days the devil is going to bring two men on forward. One will be marked by violence and the other by deceit, though I'm sure they'll both be guilty of both. The beast will be characterized more by power and violence, the Antichrist by deceit under the power of the beast. God is going to see to it that man is going to get what he wants. But what do you and I want All we want? Christ. We want not only Christ to come, but the little while he leaves us here.
If it be 5 minutes or five seconds, we want Christ now as our portion. But let us see the happy ending of this. Well, first of all, we get the the the violence of Lamech in verse 23 and he says.
I have slain a man to my wounding and a young man to my heart. That is he killed someone, two men in self-defense. I take this in self-defense. And then he presumes on God's protection. This cane be Avenged Sevenfold. Truly Lamech 70 and sevenfold Lamech is guilty of of the corruption and he's guilty of violence. And that is what the world is marked out by today. Well, let's go down and see the happy ending of this.
And Adam knew his wife again.
She bare a son and called his name Seth.
God said, She hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel, whom Cain slow. Now we've got Christ and resurrection. Abel couldn't rise from the dead, but God replaces Abel. He brings in a new man, He brings in Seth. And so I believe Seth represents Christ risen, Christ risen. Cain might put Christ to death, as it were. He might get rid of Abel, but God will bring in that which speaks of the resurrection of Christ. Christ has been.
From the dead and I believe in Seth. We have a picture of that. Now notice that Eve doesn't say the Lord of appointed me another seed. She her mind is disabused now that thought that the seed had come. She doesn't say the Lord, the one in whom she was stood in relationship. She says God, that's the creator. God hath appointed me a seed and so Christ is the appointed one in resurrection. He comes full and as a result notice.
To Seth, to him also there was born a son. He called his name Enos. Then began men to call, or people began to call upon the name of the Lord. Cain would name his cities after his children. But these people on the line of Seth, the line of the risen Christ, if you will, they call upon the name of the Lord. That's what means something to them.
They escape through this, the corruption that is in the world, through lust. Now we had time and it was our purpose.
We could follow this through in the next chapter to find that Enoch, a descendant of Seth, walked through the midst of that wretched and wicked world, and he walked through it in clean steps. He walked with God, showing that you and I have no excuse to say the world is so bad, how can we walk through it? What was there in the earth in those days? Giants.
Wickedness, corruption, no law, no magistrate upon anyone to shame.
And Enoch walked with God. He didn't make excuses and say, well, maybe I better walk only a little bit with God. I can't do it all because the world is so bad. But Enoch walked with God, so much so that he made a prophecy against the world. He says, behold, the Lord cometh with 10 thousands of his Saints.
To execute judgment upon all them that are ungodly, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds and their ungodly speeches, which they have utterly out of against him. Enoch prophesied of coming judgment. And so we do this afternoon. We're looking for Christ to come, the risen, 1 Seth, if you will. But all there's a day of judgment coming. May we recognize the character of the world and walk in the power of what we had before us.
This afternoon keep the heads there strong. Don't let the enemy come in, whether it be the assembly or it be in your personal private life. Don't give the devil rule. That's what it says in Ephesians, and give no room to the devil. If you open the door, the devil come and occupy it. And that's what Christendom has done today. And I may just make a passing remark in the charismatic movement. They've given the devil room and he's filled the place. He's come in. The devil will take up any vacancy that Christian Christendom wants to open up to him.
But individually, where they give the devil no room, no place. But let us walk on, as our brother has pointed out, as those who are associated with Christ and glory, coming on to that wonderful day when we'll stand in the midst of the breaths and lengths and heights and depths, we'll be able to look in all directions because we'll be in the center of it all with Christ, the one who bought it for us and made it good.