The Name

Duration: 44min
Listen from:
Children—J. Kaiser
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Matter of fact, there's so few children in the front, I may have to call on some of the adults.
Oh, this is better.
Nobody has to sit in the front row. But I know that when I was in school, I chose to sit in the front row because I could see better and I could pay more attention. I could learn better.
It's interesting how people like to have the front seats in the basketball game.
The background Sunday school.
Well, let's start Who has a choice and we most of the children's songs are on the.
Back of the hem sheet, the Backpage, but we don't have to stick to that. Anybody have a choice? So a song to start with this morning.
Looking for a hand? Yes Sir.
#46 #46 glad TIDINGS. Hiding tidings are a word we don't use very much anymore. Tidings is the old word for news.
Glad tidings is good news. Good news I bring that Jesus has come to save me.
What's better than that? To know that you're saved? And he calls and he calls all the girls and he wants all the boys to, to trust in him and have all their sins washed away now #46.
Bloody idiom.
You know, as I've singing this song, I was thinking how wonderful it is. Says he calls and he calls all the girls and he wants all the Bo IS2. I know when some girls are doing something, they don't want to invite the boys.
And sometimes when boys are doing something, they don't wanna invite the girls with the Lord. Jesus wants everybody, He wants you. All right, how about another song?
See a hand and I got bad eyesight so if I miss something somebody help me out.
No choices.
I see a choice, yes.
All right, this is a true story about a boy who was dying in a tent years ago. And matter of fact, this happened many years ago. I've discovered this story in a book written by Richard Newton in 1876. So the story is at least 134 years old and more, more than that, probably because he heard it from somebody else.
A friend of his actually was the person who went in to the tent to tell the gypsy boy about the Lord. So that happened somewhere prior to 1876 #44.
Into the tent.
Whenever he said he'd have said he.
Need I my perish, my hand will behold.
Nobody ever thought 3 high school.
Tell it again.
Turn it again.
Salvation. Sorry, read me Lord.
Till I can say of the children of men.
Nobody ever has. So beautiful.
Anything we call the light where love is rest.
John does the enters of how many of them God may give some good. So every person says he than I am sure that he sent him for him.
Halloween that only I can.
Salvation story, referee before I go.
Till one can say of the children of men, nobody.
Ever has no Christian before?
You know, with the first song we sang with Glad tidings. Good news. This was good news to that boy who was dying.
I think he knew he was dying and right at the last moment someone came to tell him about the Lord Jesus. And so it says, bending, we caught the last words of his breath.
Just as he entered the Valley of Death.
God sent his son, whosoever said he.
Then I am sure that he sent him for me.
You know this is personal salvation.
Maybe there are boys and girls here, maybe older ones this morning who've heard this as long as they can remember.
But they can't say it was for me.
Jesus died for you. Have you received him as your Savior? All right, we have time for one more at least.
OK, yes.
#47 #47 This is a very joyful song.
#47 when he cometh. When he cometh.
You hold precious girl, precious love and his love.
He will be out there, he broke gathered on him for him in the younger one of the bright one is love man and.
The joy of the glory it is riding around on the gate.
Little children's lentil children are legitimate.
And long.
I thought you had time for one more yet. That'll be the last one. One more song.
OK, there's missing somebody.
What number?
What number 4545 OK #45 just the right side #45.
Too little lies, too long to cry, to live the way to give him his word.
Human told me to kill what's on his way to a new word for him almighty.
All right, let's layer him sheets aside now, and we're going to ask God's help this morning.
Our God and Father, we've just sung about each of us having two ears to hear Thy truth. We pray that we might have ears and hearts open this morning.
To receive from thee in such a way that we could look up at the end of this time and say thank you, Lord, for what you gave me.
We might be conscious.
That you are God, have a message for each of us individually, and that there is always that opportunity to hear.
To receive from thee. We thank you this morning for your word.
For this opportunity, and above all for our Lord Jesus Christ, in His name, Amen.
Now I wonder how many came prepared.
You know, it's important thing to be prepared. I used to have nightmares when I was in school. I dreamed during the night that I was waking up and going to school and suddenly realizing I wasn't prepared, I hadn't done my homework. I'm thankful to say that most of the time when I was in school, I did my homework on time, which made it doubly a nightmare because I didn't know how to deal with not doing homework.
But I even after I got out of school, I used to have those dreams and I'd wake up in a cold sweat because I wasn't prepared. That was just for school.
How many here are prepared? We're prepared to meet the Lord this morning. How many came prepared?
Knowing the memory verse that we were given last week, how many here know what the memory verse was?
This for this morning. Anybody here know what the memory verse was?
Does anybody know what their memory verse was? Anybody think they can say it? OK, go ahead.
Very good. She came prepared. Anybody else?
It's important to be prepared. Some maybe some of you thought you were going to get out of the responsibility this morning. No one's going to check because you're going to a conference. But you know, and I'm not, I understand that I just.
Does it feel the same way about things?
But it's wonderful to be prepared, wonderful to have these verses stored up in your memory. Am I missing anybody else? Go ahead. Yes.
Neither is there salvation in any other.
For their There is no other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. Acts 412. Three people who are prepared. Anybody else prepared this morning?
That's all right. You know what's a wonderful thing to be prepared?
When you meet somebody.
That needs to hear about the Lord Jesus. You're prepared. You have these verses in your heart and in your memory. All right.
So we can talk about this verse a little bit. I'm going to put it up on put up on this board here so we don't get things confused. Tripod.
And I think we can all pretty much all see it. Neither is there salvation in any other, for there is none other name under heaven given among men. I believe out of yes, I left when I, when I read up the verse, I left out some left out some words, didn't I? Well, that's, that's the way I do things.
You know, because I when I was writing the verse, I was thinking about projects you want to talk about and I wasn't trying to talk about that business under heaven.
And anyway, we'll talk about what I've got written up here because it's the, it's the, uh.
Part of the verse.
Neither is there salvation any other, for there is none other name under heaven given among men. I left out the phrase given among men. We'll just have to do without that phrase right now, whereby we must be safe. I think I probably would have run out of space on the board anyway if I put on the whole verse. Neither is there salvation in the other. Now I'm going to illustrate that with a little story.
Years ago.
Umm, I read a story written by Mr. Willis about a Chinese woman who went out into the field to cut grass and I don't know why she went out in the field to cut grass. Maybe she was make cutting grass for a bat to make a basket or something. She took two of her children with her.
And while she was out away from the village, cutting this grass.
A tiger showed up.
You think she was very comfortable about that? A tiger with two Cubs came to visit.
Well, the tiger wasn't comfortable about it, and the tiger attacked the woman.
And of course, she had this knife that she was cutting the grass with, and she slashed at the tiger with the knife. But if you're a woman with a knife against a tiger, who's likely to win?
Someone's out there listening. Yeah. The tiger is very likely that when tigers are big and powerful and there you go, good. They're they're used to fighting. And this woman probably wasn't used to fighting tigers at all. But she did. She had something she knew about. She'd been in the market a while earlier, and she'd heard a missionary mention somebody powerful named Jesus. And she quickly thought of all the people could possibly help her. And there was nobody there to help her. So she cried out. Oh, Jesus, help me.
And she kept crying out. Oh Jesus, help me. And you know what happened. The tiger ran away.
True story, the tiger ran away. Well, he'd already scratched her up pretty badly. And so she she managed to get back to the village and she with some help, she got to the hospital where she heard about the Lord Jesus and she found out who Jesus was. But this is the important thing. And I don't know how a ******** or a Chinese lady pronounces the word Jesus.
I don't think they say Jesus quite the same way we do. Maybe Yazoo or something like that, but the Lord Jesus heard his name.
And he, he has control over all of creation, you know.
The Lord Jesus could calm storms, he could raise the dead, and he can chase away tigers. And she called on the name of Jesus, and that made all the difference. Now she, you know the Chinese, they have gods.
And, uh, she didn't call upon one of her gods. She doesn't even know who Jesus was.
Which he heard that that name was powerful and she called on the name of Jesus. Now it's wonderful. People all over the world call in the name of Jesus. It's interesting we're talking about a name today. Neither is there salvation any other for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved. Not any other name. We're talking about names.
Now I'm writing directly opposite me is a fella.
I'm going to ask him some questions. What's your name?
All right, Bob.
What's your name when you go to South America?
When you were a little boy, what did your mother call you?
Umm, anyone ever call you Bobby?
I'm surprised.
Anybody else have any other names for you that you answered too?
I reason I ask that because my name is.
John, my name is John. Oh, by the way, I know one other name for you.
Mr. Tony, you answer to that name. Yeah, sure do. My name is John.
And if I were in, when I was in Mexico, they called me Juan.
Hold on. Yeah.
And when I used to work with a girl who was from Germany and she called me Johanna.
Because that's how the Germans say John. And if I were in France, they'd call me John.
Umm, if I were in Russia, who knows what they would call me in Russia?
Let's say, let's say Russian equivalent of John.
Ivan, Ivan, or even Yeah, Ivan. And if I was in Ireland, they call me Ian or Sean. There's two different ways to think it's there. Umm, anyway, I'm this list could get too long. And I'm also known as Mr. Kaiser. Those are all names, legitimate names.
And you know what? Innate people sometimes come up to you and say, what's your handle, your name? Why is because a name is, uh, is something by which we access, we form a connection with somebody else.
Now if if someone if I said I was Abraham Lincoln.
Do you think anybody would accept that? No. There has to be a mutual recognition of a name to make the connection. I'm not Abraham Lincoln, but I am John. I answered the name John, I answered the name one. I've answered the name Johannes. When I was up in Quebec, uh, I answered to the name Jean and I answered the name Mr. Kaiser.
And uh, uh, just for the sake of illustration, we'll pick on one other person here. What's your name? Jim. Janet. They never call you James. Yeah, right.
OK. And, and what's your full name? James Nelson Highland. James Nelson Highland? See, he's got different names, but they're all his name. His parents gave him that name. We recognize that name. So sometimes I'll get on the phone and I'll call up and say, Jim.
Or I can, I can send him a letter addressed to James Highland or something like that and the connection is made. Names are important to make a connection. Now you know the reason I talk about this is because the Lord Jesus has a name. We call him the Lord Jesus Christ.
And I said that when the Chinese woman called on Jesus, she probably didn't say.
Jesus, she probably said something like yezu or something like that. The Chinese pronounce it differently and umm.
I wonder does anyone know how an Arab pronounced? I know and I know you know. Does anybody else know how an Arab pronounces the name Jesus?
Pardon. Yes, you are. Yes, you are. OK. And I thought somehow I thought I heard that some use the term Issa. Is that correct? Muslims use the term name Isa for Jesus. But they're talking about the same person. All right, Isua Isa. Now, the reason I say that God has made it so easy. He doesn't just listen to our lips.
He listens to our heart and no matter what how we pronounce it with our lips.
He listens to our heart. And so when this Chinese lady called on Jesus using her Chinese language, the Lord heard.
Now I want to talk about how important name is.
I have here, umm, a long tally. Is anyway anybody here good in math?
You can What's this number right here at the bottom? Read that number.
Pretty big number isn't umm.
Yeah, I had a lot of money. Yeah, 23 million, that's my thing. I just, I just before this meeting, I wouldn't use the adding machine there and ran up a bunch of numbers and just I knew I was going to get a big number and I didn't know how big until I got got to the bottom here.
That's a big number, $20 trillion. Anybody here got $23 million? No, that's, that's more money than all of us, probably all of us put together by by a good deal. I wanna tell you a story about a man who had a big debt. Now this was, this happened over 100 years ago over in Russia and there was an officer in the army of the Czar of Russia.
The czar's name was Nicholas. Who knows what a czar is?
What's the Czar? Yes.
What do you like?
Well, more than that, however, in this country. Maybe they deal with money. But, uh, what's a czar?
Zar is like an emperor, like Zar is like to think they are more than kings. They're, they were the emperors of Russia. They California, they called them czars. OK, very tough man in the Russian government. He's like the king or the emperor. Cesar Nicholas had an army and in his army he had an officer who was responsible, responsible for paying the soldiers. And this officer, we don't know his name, Uh.
He he was, it was his money. It was his responsibility every week to pay the soldiers for being soldiers.
But this man had a problem.
He, uh, also liked to gamble. I mean, he liked to waste money. He thought it was fun to waste money just for the, for a thrill and, uh, the possibility of getting some little bit back. And so he took the czar's money and spent it just for fun.
Was that good or bad?
What's that called?
When you take somebody's money, what's that called?
Feeling great. We have a big word for it now called embezzlement. But he was just stealing from the czar. But one day, you know, he sat down one evening, I should say, he sat down and he knew he he owed a lot of money. He started adding up that's this is and adding an addition right here. He started adding up all his debts.
And he got to the he got the the total finish. He looked at it.
And it was humongous, it was terrible. He could not pay that debt. And so he took this, this total. And at the bottom of the page he wrote some words.
What's that say?
What's it say you can take a great a day yes. Who can pay so great a debt? So we had this sheet of paper with all these, all these uh debts totaled up and then he, he, he looked, he picked up his pen and he wrote who can rip? Hey, so great again.
And then he picked up something else.
He picked up a gun. I've got what they call a price down here. It'll do the job. He picked up a gun. What do you think he was going to do with that gun?
What do you think he was gonna do with that gun? Yes, kill himself. Yes, he was. He was in despair, but he didn't want to die.
And so he was, he picked up the gun and he was looking at that list and he just got so sad. So he got sleepy and he went to sleep.
With the gun beside him and while he was asleep.
Czar Nicholas decided to walk through the camp.
And he saw a light on in that officer's tent, and he went to investigate because it was late at night. The officer should have been asleep. And he walked in and here's the officer all leaned over this table with his head in his hands maybe, and the gun beside him and this terrible piece of paper.
And SAR looked at it and it didn't take the SAR long to figure out what was going on. This man was in trouble. He didn't owe millions of dollars, but he owed lots of rubles. That's what they Russian money is, rubles. This man owed lots of money and.
Czar understood what the why this man had the had the pistol, had the gun right there beside him. What do you think now? The Czar picked up some What do you think the Czar picked up?
What is it? I'm sorry it picked up a pan. Have you heard this story before? Oh.
I thought someone was going to say, well, he tried to pick up the gun and arrested the soldier right there. You're right. He picked up the pan. He picked up a pen. And, you know, he took the pen and he took the piece of paper and he wrote underneath that one word.
Nicholas, and that's not by the I didn't spell it the Russian way, Sorry about that. You wrote Nicholas just a name, and then he quietly walked out of the tent.
And that a little while later that that that soldier woke up and it was getting toward morning. He says, well, I'm about to get this over with. And he he starts to reach for the gun and he, his eyes sees that piece of paper.
With that name on it.
Where did that name come from?
Well, it's it was obvious to him that while he was asleep, the Czar had walked in and seen his death and seen his guilt.
And taken responsibility for him. He checked his Pennsylvania other papers that he had that were signed by the Czar, and yes, it was the right signature.
And he was saying he was delivered. He knew that the Tsar knew all about him and the Tsar was taking care of that great dent. And it was all because of a name. It was all that piece of paper. Boys and girls, men and women this morning does that name.
The name of Jesus mean anything to you hasn't done anything for you.
You know, it's wonderful, the other side of this verse that we, there's we, we ran a verse this morning. Neither is our salvation any other, for it says there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved. The other side is another verse, for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
We talked about this Chinese woman who called in the name of the Lord.
There was this Russian officer who trusted in the name of Nicholas. There's a verse in scripture in in Jeremiah says unless let's read it Jeremiah chapter.
May 17.
Yes, Jeremiah chapter 15 and verse 16. Thy words were found, I did eat them. Thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of my heart, for I am called by thy name, O Lord God of hosts.
Does that name mean anything to you? The name of the Lord Jesus now?
One thing we didn't talk about in our verse before is this little phrase. Here I want to talk about it very briefly.
There is none other name. What does none mean NONE? Who knows what NONE means none?
Yes, zero. Very good. It actually is contraction of two English words.
Not one. You know God wants us to understand there is no body else that can save us. None means not one. That's what it literally means. If you don't believe me, look it up in a dictionary. I did not one. There is not one other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be safe. Some people say, oh, any religion will do.
Let me illustrate something to you.
Anybody here would like to have a brand new fluorescent flashlight? Anybody like to have a brand new fluorescent flashlight?
Hold up your hand if you like to have a brand new fluorescent flashlight.
I I'm gonna see hands high. I want some seasonal enthusiasm here.
If you like you're you're pretty sure you I always see some hands there. OK, I'll tell you how to get it. There's somebody in this room whose name you know.
You should know anyway who has a brand new fluorescent flashlight in his pocket and all you have to do is ask is to mention his name and point to him because there might be duplicate names in this room. Point to that person and say and say that person's name.
Who? Who wants to volunteer to do that? All right.
Point to the person and say his name.
I'm joining out.
Yeah. Oh, are you what you mean for?
But you illustrate a very good point. You illustrate a very good point if you look in the chapter.
It says and somehow they got.
Let's turn to Romans chapter 10 very quickly and look at the chapter where this verse is found. Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Notice the context of that verse, Romans chapter 10 and it says in verse.
Romans chapter 10 and verse eight it says well verse 7.
Over six Romans chapter 10, verse 6, The righteousness which is of faith speaks on this wise say, not in thy heart, who shall ascend into heaven, that is to bring Christ down from above. Who shall or who shall ascend into the deep, that is to bring Christ up again from the dead? But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and even thy heart. That is the Word of Faith which we preach. My point is, God has made it so simple. We have a state like this. Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Now I didn't tell this boy, what's your name?
Yeah. What's your name?
I didn't tell Jared who to call on.
But it was still pretty simple for him, and God has made it still more simple. He's told us who to call on now if Jared had said John or Johnny or Mr. Kaiser.
And pointed at me, I would respond to any of those names.
God has made it so simple for us to receive salvation, neither is there salvation in any other. Now if you pointed to me and said Betsy, was that a word?
No, it's important to know the name. You know. It's a privilege. Do you appreciate the privilege of knowing about the Lord Jesus, just knowing about him, knowing the name? But what happened to that poor Chinese woman if she hadn't known the name of Jesus? I'm going to. This is a brand new flashlight. I bought it last week for myself. Did not flash it. Give it away for years.
And by the way, is fluorescent in that that flashlight glows in the dark. That's what they mean by fluorescent now.
Neither is there salvation and any other. It's important to know the name that forms the link between you and the giver.
Neither zero salvation or any other, for there is no other, not one other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Know the name and use it.
Use it call on the name of the Lord.
Our time is about up. We have time to sing one more song.
Anyone have a choice?
Any choice, I just leave your hand. OK, Phone number.
Oh, 41, OK.
All around the throne of God in heaven will many children sing children and things are all forgiven. Will heavenly anthem frigging singing glory.
Glory, glory to God.
In time rolls off on the quiet will be already.
Twilight, ever lighting light and joy, has never been taking glory.
Let's pray now, our God and Father.
We thank you for the privilege this morning once more.