The New Creation

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I do not think 'we are hid in God' is right. I have not the lectures1 by me to look at them, but at any rate (and they were only notes) it can only mean to follow the passage. 'We are hid in God' has very little sense to my mind. The point of the passage is Christ is our life, and being hid is merely in contrast with appearing here in glory. 'What we are' would not do. The point is life: "Ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God." I have not seen 'New Creation':2 I have not time to read the journals. But I believe there is a new being: "That which is born of the Spirit is spirit."
I have run over the article.... I believe the purpose of it to be right. But the vessel is a part of the old creation. And it is said, "if Christ be in you the body is dead;" because if it be not dead it is what scripture calls flesh. There is a confusion between death and new creation, which is an error. But life is not a mere condition of existence. "In him was life." "The Father hath life in himself." We bear about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus. And as He has suffered in the flesh, "arm ourselves likewise with the same mind." I do not think you adequately recognize that there is a new life in Christ for us
1. [On the Addresses to the Seven Churches, Col. Writ., vol. 5, p. 483.]
2. ”Voice,” etc., Aug., 1879