The Papal System; Candlestick; Revelation 2 and 3

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 8
I do not believe the Greek church1 enters into the account. She forms no part of the history of the four beasts or "times of the Gentiles," and here these two points are from Daniel associated together. Next Thyatira takes the church aspect of this, and the whole history is complete.
I know of no corporate taking away of the candlestick till then. A local church may have suffered this judgment, but as the general history of Christendom—then only: that is, the whole position of church testimony is set aside. Besides this, from its state certain positive judgments are inflicted on it. The following suffer at the end dissolution and decay. They are not properly an ecclesiastical system. You must remember that there is an apostasy referred to in Thessalonians, and here negatively, which must not be left out of account. I believe this answers all your questions.
Your affectionate brother in Christ.
1. Is it that the whole papal system is the only ecclesiastical right on to the end, only disowned by God in Thyatira, though existing to the end, and as the only ecclesiastical system? And that " the testimony gone in Thyatira " is the candlestick, and removed then only and never before? Does any historical event show this removal of the candlestick? Where does the Greek church come in, if at all, in {vi 130719;130748}Rev. 2; 3—is it popery or dissent?'