The Perfect One.

PERFECT man — as perfect God —
Thus His wondrous path He trod
Pure and perfect in His birth;
Perfect all His days on earth!
Perfect as a little Child —
Holy, harmless, undefiled;
Perfect in His opening youth —
Full of wisdom, grace, and truth.
Subject in His earthly home,
Waiting service yet to come;
Every day delighting still
In His heavenly Father’s will.
Nothing sought He of His own,
Glorifying God alone;
And the Father always smiled
On this perfect, holy Child.
Perfect in His manhood’s prime,
When, at God’s appointed time,
Lo! the Spirit, like a dove,
Rested on Him from above.
Wondrous sight to mortals given —
Wondrous words declared from heaven!
God the Father’s joy made known
In His well-beloved Son!
Thus revealed the Saviour stood,
Telling forth the heart of God —
Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
Pledged to seek and save the lost!
How He loved, and toiled, and wept;
How He prayed, whilst others slept!
Healed the sick, and raised the dead,
Satisfied the poor with bread!
How He met the scorn of men —
Meek, reviling not again;
Then His life-blood freely gave,
E’en His cruel foes to save!
Praise we for Thy precious blood,
Jesus, Saviour, Lamb of God!
Perfect in Thy dying hour,
Perfect in Thy risen power.
Perfect on the throne above,
Perfect in Thy changeless love;
Son of God, we Thee adore,
Son of Man for evermore!