"Mighty to Save"

O WORDS of grace and power and life,
That sweetly end our woe and strife,
O words with Name of Jesus rife—
“Mighty to save!”
So strong to save! salvation free,
Poor sinner, now is offered thee,
Since Jesus died upon the tree―
“Mighty to save.”
For thee He bore sin’s heavy load,
For thee beneath the judgment rod
He was forsaken of His God―
“Mighty to save.”
The work of righteousness is done:
At God’s right hand behold His Son,
The risen and ascended One―
“Mighty to save!”
Should unbelief thy heart enshroud,
And with its mists thy faith becloud,
To Him the strong One cry aloud
“Mighty to save.”
Look not around, look not within,
Thy doubts and fears are naught but sin,
For these He died, thy heart to win, —
“Mighty to save.”
Then turn from sin and self and fear,
Behold the Lamb exalted there,
He lives thine every weight to bear,
“Mighty to save.”
He lives to bear each feeble sheep
O’er rock and vale and mountain steep,
And safe upon His shoulders keep, —
“Mighty to save.”
The arms of Jesus! oh, how strong
To guard us all the way along!
Until we sing, ‘mid heaven’s throng,
“Mighty to save!”
A. E. P.