The Old Lady's Mistake.

SOME special meetings were being held in a village near the town of S―, in Bedfordshire, God in His great mercy having sent one of His servants to tell the blessed news of His great salvation for sinners, great and small. Much interest was shown by the villagers, and night after night the tent was well filled with people; many became earnest about the solemn question of their souls’ salvation. The wonderful story of the Saviour’s love and grace was told simply and yet with the power of the Holy Spirit.
One evening the preacher’s subject turned on “the forgiveness of sins,” — a present blessing to be known and enjoyed now by the believing sinner; and as the servant of Christ was speaking of the joy and blessedness of having his sins forgiven and being in the conscious enjoyment of it, an old lady was noticed to rise from her seat and hasten out of the tent, evidently upset by what she had heard.
Making some visits next day in the village, the evangelist knocked at a cottage door. “Come in,” said a voice from within. Lifting the latch and walking into the room, he found himself face to face with the old lady who had so hurriedly left the service on the previous evening.
“Well,” said she, “you are the strangest man I ever came near in my life; you said last night that you knew your sins were forgiven, and I know that no one can know that till the day of judgment,” adding at the same time that she knew more about these things than he did.
Somewhat taken aback by the old lady’s attack upon him, the evangelist waited a few moments before replying, and then said, “Well, mother, I suppose you believe that the Bible is the Word of God.”
She replied, “Of course I do.”
“Then,” said he, “let us read what it says.” Turning to Acts 13:38, 39,38Be it known unto you therefore, men and brethren, that through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins: 39And by him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses. (Acts 13:38‑39) he read, “Be it known unto you... that through this man (Christ Jesus) is preached UNTO YOU the forgiveness of sins, and by Him all that believe are justified from all things.” Again, “In whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace” (Eph. 1:77In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace; (Ephesians 1:7)). Again, “I write unto you... because your sins are forgiven you for His name’s sake” (1 John 2:1212I write unto you, little children, because your sins are forgiven you for his name's sake. (1 John 2:12)). And lastly, he read the story of the woman in the city, which was a sinner, whose sins were many, but to whom the Lord Jesus said, “Thy sins ARE forgiven” (Luke 7:4848And he said unto her, Thy sins are forgiven. (Luke 7:48)).
The truth at once dawned upon the mind of the old lady, and she ejaculated, “Dear me! I never saw it like that before! how mistaken I have been.”
Yes, blessed fact, “Thy sins are forgiven”: and you, too, dear reader, may know that your many sins are all forgiven. It maybe you have been groaning under the heavy load of your sins, and fearing they would land you in eternal perdition. With another, perhaps, often you have felt and said, “O God... my sins are not hid from Thee” (Psa. 69:55O God, thou knowest my foolishness; and my sins are not hid from thee. (Psalm 69:5)). Yes, God knows all about them; but listen to what the gospel tells you, and it is this: That the blessed Lord Jesus Christ has come down from heaven, down to this earth of sin and wretchedness, to tell out what God is for the sinner; that this precious Saviour has died for sinners, and that such is the value before God of the work that Jesus did, that the sinner who trusts Him, who looks by faith to Him, can say —
“He bore on the tree
The sentence for me.”
God receives the believing sinner by virtue of the work and blood-shedding of His beloved Son, and not only forgives the sinner but clears him from every charge.
Dear reader, have you made the fatal mistake of thinking it presumptuous to know your sins forgiven? Then turn to God and His word, I pray you, and there read, for yourself, the scriptures quoted, and may God the Holy Spirit open your heart to receive the blessed soul-emancipating truth of sins forgiven as a present and everlasting reality.
S. E. B.