The Power of God

YP Address—A. Larson
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It is a little different.
What I'm accustomed to have audiences.
My audience in Mexico, sometimes there are beers sitting on the floor.
But they have the same savior you have and I have.
So I'm going to start.
Speaking about the power of God.
Their rings or rob salvation.
In vile man as we were singing undone man.
All through his grace.
Through the love of God.
God so loved the world that He gave his Son, only begotten Son, For whosoever believe in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.
Some time ago I went to a Barber shop in Ensenada, Florida, California, Mexico.
And I saw a magazine.
And on the magazine was a picture on the front page.
Of the atomic bomb test.
In an island somewhere in the Pacific Ocean.
And some people were watching it.
What strikes me was not the effect of the bomb, it was in the picture.
But the way the people were looking at it.
They had their mouth open.
They are still there, in awe, downfolded.
As the effect of a man made bomb.
There were white people and natives in the picture.
Well, man is proud of his power.
Well, there is another power.
Which does not destroy, but brings life to poor sinners like you and me.
Power of God that works in the heart of a man, regardless of how hard his heart has become.
And it has been my privilege to have seen that power.
Working in some of these men in Oaxaca.
For the pressing of the cross.
Is to them that perish foolishness, but to us which believe is power of God.
Perhaps I tell you a little story, Or rather, it's a reality.
Of a brother in Oaxaca.
I was we were in a place called Amuraya, which in English means the city wall.
And I was preaching the gospel one night.
And there was a man in the audience.
Big mustache.
And a priest looking man.
And he heard the gospel.
And the power of God changed that man, he told me afterwards.
That as he was going towards his home, he had stopped at this certain place.
To have the night. And he had it in his mind.
Some awful things.
He had been in a quarrel with his neighbors about some land.
And he had made-up his mind to God and burned their homes.
And perhaps kill some of those people.
But when he heard the gospel.
The Gospel of Grace.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ.
The whole thing was changed.
The Lord changed his mind.
And instead of going to burn their people's home, he went back and told them what God had done for him.
This man waited until next day he came to me and asked me to baptize him that he had believed.
Now there is the power of God working in that man's heart.
With no other power could work. Atomic bombs can save one man.
Once all but they can destroy much by the power of God, which is in Christ uses.
Can save men like him and like me and like you.
These very same men went to his village.
And start telling his.
Friends and his relatives.
What God has done for him.
At that time, there was another man.
By the name of Synovial.
His brother's name has been Speaking of his name is Silvano.
His fellow Sino Synovial.
Is a grateful killer.
He had killed 20 persons and had gone into the mountains with some others who were evil daughters like him.
That the government had to send a platoon of soldiers to guide him.
But they couldn't get him. He was well acquainted with this surroundings, with the mountains, and the soldiers could get near him.
But one day.
This man Synovial came down to the village and heard the gospel from Brother Silvano.
And that changed his stories, changed the life of brothers and oboe the.
Power of God.
Work in that man that wasn't done.
And now his, the Lamb of God.
Is one of God's ships.
He was redeemed through the precious blood of Christ. His sins were washed.
And that man, that brother, is very meek and humble now.
He came. He loved his companions.
Up evil life and came to live with his wife and children.
As the Lord did say to some in the gospel, go ye home. Well, Synovial did went home.
About that time.
The Lieutenant Army Lieutenant, the West with the platoon of soldiers.
Him, haunt him. For him.
And he happened to meet Silvano, so he asked him for Synovial, Silvano told his army officer. Well, synovial is converted.
The officer said convert it to what? To Christ?
The officer stood there for a minute, meditate and said, well, if he is converted to Christ, he will commit no crime anymore. You tell him not to worry about us, we won't be looking for him anymore.
Well, it tells and it shows how God can make a new creature out of an undone man. And then if there is any of you here in this room tonight.
That doesn't know the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior. Come to Him. Receive Him as you are, just as Synovia did, just as He was.
And the Lord received him, for he will in no wise cast anyone out that comes to him.
Well, it was another instance that I would like to tell you about how the grace of God through the power of the Spirit working other hearts.
While we were at Elsie. Well, in English it means to prune one of the assemblies.
There were two men there, heard a boss me preaching the gospel there, and there were greatly offended in a place about 40 miles or more from where we were.
So they thought about.
Killing me.
One of them said is. One of them said.
I will be glad to put 5 bullets into that man.
Well, this was told to me.
That doesn't make you feel very good.
While I'm on those places down there, I always have a bad feeling on my back. I'll have a funny feeling with this thing in front of Maine.
Sir, I just convinced myself to the Lord.
And this man, this bought of this man said that there were going to kill me.
While it happened, that brother passed by that place and they asked me, asked him where I was. And then the brother said what do you want him for? Why we want to kill him, get rid of him, It's no good.
Well, the brother told this man, why don't you go and listen what he has to say first?
One of them said, well I guess I'll go find out.
So this man made a trip. He walked two days to hear the gospel.
I didn't know anything about it. He was sitting there on the floor listening to the gospel, very attentive.
And here I finished. When we got through, I finished giving out the gospel. He came to me.
And he said, you know who I am? I said, no, I live in a certain, certain place.
I looked at him twice.
And I said, well, what do you think about the gospel?
About the grace of God, all, he said It is wonderful. It is wonderful.
He said I'm going back home and bring my wife so she could hear the gospel to her and my children and he did.
That man is in fellowship with us now.
Well, it's wonderful.
While the power of God can do it to an undoubted man, a worthy man, and worthy sinners.
Now we will see. Look in the speeches.
Isaiah 55.
You please bear up with me, I get a little jumpy.
When I start speaking English, but I might get over it by the time I'm true.
I say I'm 55.
And we have a word in verse 6.
Seek ye the Lord, while he may be found. Call ye upon him while he is near.
Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteousness man his thoughts, and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him.
And to our God, for He will abundantly, abundantly.
As what Synovia did in this other man to turn to the Lord, and the Lord have pardoned them.
Well, here we have seek ye the Lord.
We know from God's Word that there is none that's sick of the Lord.
Everybody seekered his own way. Man seek it for plot, seek power, seek self glory, but never they seek the Lord.
Until the Spirit of God works in them and makes them seek the Lord. Like this last man I spoke to you about. He walked two days to seek the Lord.
Well, we can see in the Gospel of look.
Somebody else that seek the Lord and the gospel of look in Chapter 7.
Chapter 7 of Saint Luke, verse 36.
And one of the Pharisees that saw to him that he will eat with him, and he went into the Pharisees house and sat down to me, and behold a woman in the city, which was a Sinner, when she knew that Jesus said, admit in the Pharisees house.
Brought an alabaster box of ointment and stood at his feet behind him weeping and began to wash his feet with tears and did wipe them with hairs off her hair and kiss his feet and anointed them with an ointment.
Now what makes this woman look for the Lord?
Us a Sinner.
But it was the grace of God.
The work through this period and the power of the Spirit work in this woman.
And she began to inquire where the Lord was.
And when she found out where the Lord was.
She turned her back to the city, turn her back to her sinful life, and came to the to the feet of Christ.
Just as she were.
And there she cried. She shed tears and repentance.
Believing in the Lord Jesus Christ and the Lord.
Gave her this words verse 50 and he said to the woman.
Thy faith had saved thee. Go in peace.
All the wonderful grace of God.
The wonderful power of the Spirit.
That guides a Sinner to repentance, to believe. Seek ye the Lord.
There is none the secret of her of his own accord, unless it be by the Spirit, by the power of the Spirit of God, their works in the Sinner.
Then we have in Isaiah the other word.
Call upon him.
We have a word in Romans 10.
Verse 13.
For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
How can they call upon the name of the Lord whom they had not believed?
How could any Sinner come upon the Lord, the name of the Lord He hasn't believed if the gospel hasn't been preached unto him.
How can anybody seek the Lord? He doesn't believe what he's seeking for.
You have to believe to seek. You have to believe to call, call upon the Lord.
Call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. There is a certain call in Jeremiah 17 that I would like to.
Verse 14.
Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed.
Save me, and I shall be saved, for Thou art my praise.
Well, perhaps this healing might meant physical feeling, but I think it means the soul.
This all is the sinner's all is sick with leprosy.
Is sick with that dreadful disease I've seen.
And surely God doesn't want any sick soul in his presence, so he's saying his beloved Son who shared the precious blood.
Whose blood our sins are cleanse as white as snow.
All beloved friend.
That only medicine.
For your cure, Eternal cure is a precious blood of Christ.
And then you can say with the rest of us and by his bruises we are healed.
The precious blood of Christ was shed for ransom.
We had been saved from the power of darkness.
Saved from a sin, the power of sin. Our sins have been cleansed, our soul has been healed.
When our Lord was illner, he came to heal Israel. He came to save Israel. But Israel didn't want him.
Israel didn't want to be healed, so there they are.
With a national blindness and their back bowl.
Because they didn't want to be healed. The power of God was there.
But they didn't believe in. They didn't want to. Should we look?
And Look Gospel of Look, chapter 5.
And we read verse 17.
And it came to pass on a certain day, as he was teaching, that there were Pharisees and doctors of the law sheet Him by which were come out of every time a Galilee and Judah and Jerusalem, and the power of the Lord was present to heal them.
But they didn't want to be healed. How about you, my friend?
Would you like your salt to be a hill? To be safe? It says call upon the Lord, the name of the Lord, and you shall be saved.
Now is accepted time. Now is the day of salvation.
As I was driving from Ensenada to Burbank to mid brother Clausen.
And notice some advertising signs on the road.
There were some pictures, some horses.
And then there was.
A sign letter said post time.
2:00 PM.
I imagine that the horse that will be on the post. I am ready to run my friend. This is post time.
It is ready for you. It is time for you to flee from the wrath to come. Run. Run the Christian run.
Fleeing unto the shelter rock that was ran at Calvary's cross. For your shelter and for mine. It is post time my friend.
Thought turning back to.
Where we were, call upon the Lord, the name of the Lord, and you shall be saved.
Should we look in another one? Look 23?
And we read verse 32.
2332 and there were also two other malefactors LED with him to be put to death, and when they were come to the place which is called Calvary.
There they may they crucified him and the malefactors, one on the right hand and the other on the left. Then Jesus then said Jesus, Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.
And they pardoned his Raven and cast lots.
Now, verse 39.
And one of the malefactors which were hang rail on him, saying, If thou be Christ, save thyself and us. But they are at other answering rebuke him, saying thus not thou fear God.
Seen thou art in the same condemnation, and we indeed justly.
For we received the dear reward, our deeds, but this man had done nothing amiss.
And he certainly, Jesus Lord, Remember Me when thou comest into thy Kingdom.
And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, to they shall thou be with me in paradise?
Now this man.
Call upon the name of the Lord. Lord, he said. Remember Me.
But it will look a little way back.
We wonder what happened to this man all of a sudden.
Now we look in Mark 15.
Verse 32 we see that he we hit this this man with his friend were reviling the Lord. Verse 32.
That Christ, the King of every Israel, descend now from the cross, that we may see and believe.
And they, they were crucified with him, revile him, both of them. But all of a sudden something happened.
This man took sighs with Jesus against himself.
What is supposed to happen to him?
He was reviling the Lord too.
All the grace of God, the power of God working that man.
And come back to him of his sins.
And he saw himself there.
Saying what was due to him.
And he took sides with the Lord, and called him, cried out to him, Lord, Remember Me when thou come into the King to thy Kingdom.
All the grace of God, the power of God that can work in a hard man, regardless of how hardened that man is.
And he rebuked this man, rebuked his friend.
Now, dear friend.
If you cannot. If you don't have.
In your heart to seek the Lord, will you call upon Him?
Will you call upon upon his name and be saved like this man?
Don't harden your heart. The Spirit is working in your heart, that's why you are here, otherwise you won't be here.
Then we have another word. Now we have the sick and the cold.
Now we turn to Isaiah 45.
And we read verse 22.
Look unto me.
And being safe all the ends of the earth, for I am God, and there is none else.
If a man gone sick, if a man doesn't call, well, he can look, my friend, when you look at him, look at him crucify their own, that Calvary's cross.
Look at him sharing his precious blood.
Look at look at him dying on the cross.
For the sinner's ten, look at him receiving the chastisement of our peace. Look at him, but look at him with a look of faith. Believe in Him.
There were two male factors.
On each side of the Lord, and according to the Scriptures, they were crucified about 9:00 in the morning.
Both of them were very near. Both of them were looking at the Lord.
But to an effect.
Or their children of the Saints.
You've been hearing the gospel.
You have godly fathers, mothers.
And you are very near.
And yet, so far, some may be. I hope not.
Christ had been presented to you as a crucified Christ. You look at him, but to no effect.
Like those two malefactors?
Now they were looking at him in the morning, but this scripture says.
That to the near of the sixth hour. That's 12:00.
One of them looked at him in a different way.
Shall we turn again to look?
And I beseech you, children.
Of the change that you would take a good look at him with the look of your soul, with the look of faith.
Will he read in Luke 23?
And verse 42 And he said unto Jesus, Lord, Remember Me when thou hast coming into thy Kingdom.
The last time he talked with his friend, he rebuked him.
Then he turned his back to his friend, turned to the Lord Jesus Christ, and look at him with a look he had never looked at him before.
He was casually looking at him and reviling him in the morning.
All but this kind of look he turned to the Lord, and call upon him with a look of faith, with a call of faith. Lord, Remember Me.
Oh dear, young brothers.
The world is full of snares.
We are very thankful that you pray for us here in the United States and in Canada, and I often tell my brother in Mexico about your prayers.
And they're very happy.
All they said they're praying for us. Yes, they're praying for you. All they say we pray for them too. There was some time ago. So they get down underneath.
No wooden floor or cement floor, just ground.
And they cried to the Lord.
To give the American Saints, Canadian Saints, from this narrow of prosperity.
Because they have read in the scriptures that the Wiles of the enemy are many.
And there are sometimes children of Saints.
That have not really in their hearts have taken that look of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
But once you take a good look at him and look of faith, you turn your back to the world, to your friends, the friends of the world.
I know, I know, Synovia did and Silvano did.
And lots of them down there did an idea by the grace of God.
I had many friends in the world at that time when I was saved.
And I regret that I lost my youth.
In Los Angeles.
But I I guess and I believe that the Lord has its purpose to save me in my old age.
So I can consider others.
So I beseech you, dear fellow Christian, young fellow Christians, do turn your backs to the world and keep on looking on Christ. And if you have believed in him, on Christ crucified, keep your eyes on the rising Christ. He's coming.
He's coming, and he won't be very long before the others shout.
The world is full of noise, worldly noises.
But our ears, our soul, shall be keen to hear that shout at any moment.
Now this man.
That I was. We were considering a look.
Look at Christ and call upon him.
What had happened to him all of a sudden? Well, again I repeat the grace of God.
Have brought in who him repentance and believed by the power of the Spirit.
Now we go back to Isaiah.
We read again verse six. Seek ye the Lord, while he may be found all my friend, this means that someday he won't be found.
Call ye upon him while he is near, Let the wicked forsake his way.
Let the wicked forsake his way.
Brother Senobio had a very wicked way.
Before he was saved.
But he locked his way.
There is some other people that give testimony to him about him. He had laughed his way.
Let the wicked forsake his way.
We read in Daniel about King Belshazzar, son of about the King Belshazzar.
A young king who didn't want it to seek the Lord, who had no time to seek the Lord.
Who didn't want to live his wicked ways?
If you bear with me.
We could read a little of them.
In Daniel 5.
And I want to bring this up.
Because in Mexico.
There are many so-called Christians.
They are laid in the same life as this king here.
In Daniel 5.
Belshazzar first verse the king made a great visit thousand of his Lords and drank wine before the 1000.
Belshazzar, while he tasted the wine, committed to bring the golden and silver vessels which his father Nabokan Asar had taken out of the Temple which was in Jerusalem, that the king and his Princess, his wives and his concur beans might drink thereof. Isn't that the character of the world?
Wine, woman and play.
Israel committed that sin when was taken out of Egypt.
They sat down to eat and drink and got off to play.
There are some, I say in Mexico, I don't know here in the United States or another country, but in Mexico there are many young, not only young, but all people.
Who claim to be Christians.
By the light fists festivals they like to eat with their friends and wives and.
Sometimes another wives.
And drink wine. While they don't drink wine, they drink tequila. All that kind of stuff down there makes them crazy.
And they claim to be Christians. And not only that.
We read here in the verse four they drank wine and praise the gods of gold.
Enough silver or breast of iron, Of wood and stones. Stones.
That's what they do there.
They have images, idols of all kinds.
Made-up all kinds of material. If they are rich, they have them a gold silver.
The poor having a stone or paper.
And they get drunk in their festivals.
And they pray their guts they may with their own hands. Oh, what a.
Condition there is.
Well, I believe that this is coming in some way in the United States too.
In some respect.
The men of the world will like parties.
While the parties.
They like to drink wine, whiskey, beer. All this has nothing wrong with it.
Oh, I shiver every time I hear. Sometimes I do hear saying say I don't see anything wrong with this or that.
Well, it declares that the vision is getting short.
Every time a St. says says I don't see anything wrong.
Is declaring himself that his vision, spiritual vision is getting short sighted.
The men of the world don't see anything wrong with what they do.
They're going wild parties and then to kind of hush their consciences, they go and praise the gods they made with their own hands. That's a life.
Of most of the Mexicans down in Mexico, and I'm afraid in some of the Latin countries in South America too.
If I go and preach the gospel, they think I'm intruder, or rather they believe or they think that Christ is an intruder to their lives. They've been happy all the time.
Their spiritual spiritual counselors tell them that everything is OK with them. Even if they got to purgatory, they can always buy themselves out of it.
Poor souls. I feel pity for them. I feel sorry for them because they don't.
They don't live alone. There are wicked ways. They want to keep up with their wicked ways.
That was a man. An Indian came once to me.
And he said, I like your religion. I don't know what you mean, but that means I like your religion.
He said, and I want to join it. I want to ask you one question, he said. If I joined your religion, can I keep on dancing and drinking?
I looked at him and said.
Well, what do you think? You would like to keep on dancing and drinking, you say? Yes, I like it.
Well, you won't like it if you turn to the Lord if I tell you not to drink.
Or not to dance. Perhaps I will be preaching you the law, putting you under the law.
But I'm not preaching the law, I'm preaching the gospel of salvation by grace.
You believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and He will do the rest.
Well, poor men, I'll never see them again.
I hope someday the Lord, the Spirit of God, will work with the power in his heart and he may turn to the Lord, seek the Lord, call upon the Lord, and look at the Lord at his own as his own personal Savior.
While this young man, Belshazzar of Babylonia.
He liked wild parties. He liked what people.
To have money, likes and sometimes people that don't have money, they like him too.
He was an idolater.
I can help but compare this picture with some of the people in Mexico.
They are wrapped up with idolatry. Superstitious.
And they think that there are the real Christians.
There, as I have told you before, in those places in South of Mexico.
There is a mixture of Catholicism and paganism or Hibism.
And it's weird. It's awful, terrifying. See those souls sunken?
In that system corrupted system.
But thanks the Lord.
That sends the gospel have been proclaimed in those parts of the country, that part of the country's mountainous on one part and jungle on the other part.
There have been some of those deer souls being saved through the grace of God.
The power of the Spirit had wrought in them salvation, and hath saved them.
From the power of darkness and from the wrath to come. And now they are happily gathered to the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. There are 8 assemblies in Oaxaca.
Where only about six years ago they never heard about the grace of God.
And I can help but be thankful how the Lord.
Ever send me over there to take the good tidings to those dear souls?
Every time I have an opportunity, I speak about a certain brother down there on my first visit.
His name is Marcelino.
He is a man about my Asian all Indian brother.
After three days I've been preaching there the gospel.
He came to me one afternoon and said brother.
You say I'm so happy. And he began to cry.
You say I'm so happy, so happy that the Lord had loved me all this time.
I never knew it until now. I'm happy that God loved me. And to think that all these years I never knew it until He in His grace sent you from such far away to come and give us these good tidings.
Well, his brother is safe, he is in fellowship, he is gathered to the Lord's name and he is very happy. But those tears that brother shed were genuine tears of joy, tears of gratitude to him that love him to the uttermost.
All beloved brothers, beloved Saints of Christ.
I know that some of you have been born in the gospel.
You have never tasted the bitterness of sin, of darkness, of superstitious, of the Dollar Tree.
And with.
You should be very thankful and I know you are.
But those poor Saints down in Mexico?
It's very hard for some of them to get rid of some of those things that still linger.
In their minds, their hearts are clean, their souls are clean by the precious God of Christ. Thank God for that precious blood of Christ that cleanses us from all sin.
And then it'll shepherd him and that's why I sometimes my wife and Pablo goes on their ambition and enjoy ourselves and just watching the grace of God working on those souls. They are learning.
Slow, but there are learning and they like to learn. They send me many questions of the scriptures they would like to know. And before I forget.
They told me on our last visit that if I ever come to the United States or Canada to give you sensitive love.
And to thank you.
For the clothing you can send them.
I want to finish with saying this.
That there is power in the blood of Christ.
Shall we?